Analysis T3 below appeared in:
T1: Define the upwelling index.
T1: Average April-May-June PFEL upwelling between 49.5-40.5N for 1946-2005. This is the mean of the 3 unnormalized indices (estimates for 48, 45, and 42N), and the climatology is 1967-2005 to be consistent with the climatology for the daily upwelling time series in the paper. The standard deviation of the index is 19 m^3/s/100m, and the correlation coefficients of the index with the constituent indices are 0.79, 0.93, and 0.94 at 48, 45, and 42N, respectively.
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Digital values of the index (m^3/s/100m) as a two-column table: year, value.
Values * 10 (1946 is -29.1 m^3/s/100m) +0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1940 -291 -205 -276 -161 1950 -78 114 -227 -256 -228 155 100 -150 -110 6 1960 -222 -237 -120 -68 190 374 359 463 259 -136 1970 130 -11 44 142 165 326 64 29 -62 158 1980 -23 -163 178 -105 -202 -85 -220 -111 -297 -92 1990 -218 172 57 -425 -101 -22 -113 -245 109 254 2000 -44 183 123 145 -55 -273 44
T2: This analysis is background for the paper and is not being used in the paper.
T3: (a) April-May-June SST (shade) and SLP (contour) anomalies regressed onto the upwelling index, scaled by the 2005 upwelling index value (-27 m^3/s/100m), and (b) same, but 2005 anomalies (1967-2005 climatology). Contour interval 1 hPa, with thick zero and dashed negative. SST is the Met Office Hadley Centre's sea ice and sea surface temperature (SST) data set at 1-degree latitude-longitude resolution (Rayner et al. 2003), and SLP is the NCEP - NCAR reanalysis (Kistler et al. 2001) at 2.5-degree latitude-longitude resolution.
Kistler, R., W. Collins, S. Saha, G. White,J. Woollen, E. Kalnay,
M. Chelliah, W. Ebisuzaki, M. Kanamitsu, V. Kousky, H. van den Dool,
R. Jenne, M. Fiorino, 2001: The NCEP-NCAR 50-year reanalysis: Monthly
means cd-rom and documentation. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 82, 247-268.
Rayner N. A., D. E. Parker, E. B. Horton, C. K. Folland,
L. V. Alexander, D. P. Rowell, E. C. Kent, A. Kaplan, Global analyses
of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature
since the late nineteenth century, J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D14), 4407,
doi:10.1029/2002JD002670, 2003.
This analysis is an alternative analysis and is not being used in the paper.
T4: The SLP upwelling index is taken as the average SLP anomaly (mb) over the 5-degree latitude-longitude grid boxes with correlations with the upwelling index >=0.5. The standard deviation of this index is 1.5 mb, and the climatology is 1967-2005.
1-column width version: PDF | PS
Digital values of the SLP upwelling index as a two-column table: year,
value (mb). 1967-2005 climatology.
Same time series but just plotted for 1945-2006.
The SLP-baed upwelling index and the PDO are correlated at -0.60
SLP reference: Trenberth, K. E., and D. A. Paolino Jr., 1980: The Northern Hemisphere sea-level pressure data set: Trends, errors and discontinuities. Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, 855-872.
T5: Time series of mean April-May-June alongshore SST (49-39N,124-125W) from Hadisst SST.
T6: An update of Nick's Table 1:
Year SLP_UI UI Nino NOI PDO EP-NP PNA SST 2005 -164 -138 80 -31 122 -76 178 147 1983 -16 -33 182 -122 185 -105 162 167 1986 -27 -94 -18 15 107 -82 21 22 1988 -149 -151 -177 -57 84 -111 167 -1 1993 -270 -228 162 -213 173 -1 251 150 1997 -176 -114 155 -182 172 184 62 161 1967 197 230 -48 4 -114 11 -157 -50 1968 81 127 -50 117 -70 57 -42 15 1970 153 74 0 150 -8 -18 -47 -3 1982 75 111 140 -136 -58 91 -32 -87 1999 101 149 -148 145 -85 68 31 -170
* Links to monthly SST anomaly maps (PDF) files Hadisst | NCEP optimal interpolation. Both
data sets are 1-degree latitude-longitude resolution, have some
SST estimates included, and the climatology is 1984-2005.
* Mean April-May-June SST anomalies in different SST datasets.
HadISST (1-degree, in situ and satellite)
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