JISAO data

Recent climate trends

Are we headed to a "permanent El Nino"? Let's look at the climate since the late 1970s "regime shift."

  • I) Trends 1978-2004 for several variables.
  • II) SST Trends 1950-2004, 1950-75, 1975-81, and 1981-2004

    I) The following are analyses of the trend in ICOADS SST and SLP, and GPCP precipitation for the years after 1978. A PDF file of the analyses is linked here. Data and calculation details are disscussed here.

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    The following just shows how much of the variance is explained by the trend.

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    The trend looks a lot like the annual mean:

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    : The data is the "reduced resolution" (4 by 6 latitude-longitude resolution ) ICOADS anomalies from /home/disk/muggy/data/coads/reduced_resolution . I calculated annual averages of the available data for each calendar year. The result is similar if the analysis begins in 1984 and if 1997-98 is also omitted from the data set (set to missing).
    II) The trend in 1981-2004 shows little resemblance to a "permanent El Nino." A second natural question is what is the trend like before the 1976-77 "regime shift". In the following I provide the trend for 1950-2004 and for pieces of that period: 1950-75, 1975-81, and 1981-2004. A PDF file with all of the ERSST analyses is
    linked here.

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    The following 3 analyses are the trend calculated for 3 contiguous pieces of 1950-2004.

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    So what happens if you remove 1982-83 and 1997-98?

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  • McPhaden, M. J., and D. Zhang, 2002: Slowdown of the meridional overturning circulation in the upper Pacific Ocean, Nature,415, 603-608.
  • _____, and _____, 2004: Pacific Ocean circulation rebounds. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L18301, doi:10.1029/2004GL020727 .
  • Montecinos, A., S. Purca, and O. Pizarro, 2003: Interannual-to-interdecadal sea surface temperature variability along the western coast of South America Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, doi:10.1029/2003GL017345.
  • Pizarro, O., and A. Montecinos, 2004: Interdecadal variability of the thermocline along the west coast of South America. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L20307, doi:10.1029/2004GL020998

    April 2005
    Todd Mitchell ( mitchell@atmos.washington.edu )
    JISAO data publications