Rotated principal component analysis was applied to SeaWiFS chlorophyll anomaly data for 1997-2010, and six regions were identified as having coherent cholorphyll variability. Lag composites of chlorophyll, SST, winds and wind stress, and sea-level pressure are provided below. The times in the PDF files are days with respect to the peak maximum chlorophyll for each region.
Lagged analyses are linked here:
Sea surface temperature (NOAA AVHRR-buoy), OSU QScat wind stress, and
Vancouver Island
Southern Washington - Northern Oregon
Heceta Bank
Southern Oregon - Northern California
Gulf of the Farallones
California Bight - Bahia de Sebastian
Daily chlorophyll (mg m-3) timeseries for the six regions are provided here.
Daily data including leap days
Daily data without leap days!
The data is written as a 9-column ASCII file. The columns are:
1) year
2) month
3) day of month
4) chlorophyll for the Vancouver Island
pattern (GIF| PS)
5) Southern Washington - Northern Oregon pattern (GIF| PS)
6) Heceta Bank pattern (GIF| PS)
7) Southern Oregon - Northern California pattern (GIF| PS)
8) Gulf of the Farallones pattern (GIF| PS)
9) California Bight - Gulf of Magdalena pattern (GIF| PS)
The time series are the amplitude of each pattern for the 0.5-degree regions that are correlated with the pattern time series at at least 0.3.
Maps of the annual mean, monthly climatologies, and selected differences (PDF)
March and October climatological chlorophyll
July 1998 chlorophyll (dramatic end of 1997-98 warm ENSO)
The following analyses are based on September 1997 to February 2002 data. The climatology is for 1998-2001.
Interannual variability
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