JISAO data
National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate
Prediction Center "unified" daily precipitation for the contiguous
United States, 1948-98
NCEP has a nice WWW page that describes just what this data set is and
how it was created. The complete data set is too large to be useful,
so I have made to two versions which are smaller (<100 Mb). One is for just the
Pacific Northwest domain (40-50N,125-110W) at the original 0.25-degree
latitude-longitude resolution, and the second is a 1-degree
latitude-longitude resolution version for the contiguous U.S.

PostScript | JPEG
The heaviest rainfall, in excess of 100 inches, is found along the
Washington coast, and rainfall in excess of 60 inches throughout Mississippi,
Alabama, and Georgia. The shading over the ocean regions gives you a
sense of the spatial scale of the smoothing employed in the analysis.
All of the data sets are for 1948-98. Updated
data is available from NCEP.
has daily data for individual years in netCDF as well as monthly means
of this data.
At JISAO, the data are at
Errors in the netCDF files are due to Todd Mitchell.
Pacific Northwest (40-50N,125-110W) (93 Mb)
Pacific Northwest land mask
Contiguous U.S. at
1-degree resolution(66 Mb)
Contiguous U.S. land
October 2002
Todd Mitchell ( mitchell@atmos.washington.edu
JISAO data