JISAO data
"50" km resolution daily precipitation for the Pacific
Northwest, 1949-94
Provided by Martin Widmann and Christopher Bretherton of
the University of Washington
This data have been modified by a model designed to capture
the impact of complex topography on precipitation (Widmann and Bretherton 1999). The data is also
adjusted to so that the 1961-90 climatology is the same as that of the
Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes
Model (PRISM) data set for the same period. Please contact Martin Widmann (widmann@gkss.de) with questions
on the analysis method.
Annual total precipitation (mm), 1961-90.

The annual precipitation varies primarily with longitude, with
precipitation in excess of 2.5m at the coast, > 1m in the inland
valleys, >2m in the Cascades, and typically <0.5m to the east of
the Cascades.
November through April total precipitation (cm), 1950-94.

The totals are ascribed to the year of the January. The mean
precipitation is 78 cm. The series exhibits fluctuations from year
to the next in excess of 20 cm. A table of digital
values of this index is linked here.
November through April 1974 total precip. anomalies (cm)

The contour indicates the 1500 m elevation and delineates the Cascade
Mountains, the Columbia Basin, and the eastern Oregon plateau.
A more detailed map of the topography is linked here.
1974 is the wettest winter in the record, with typical anomalies in
excess of 50 cm to the west of the Cascades, 10-20 cm in the Columbia
basin, and near normal rainfall in southeastern Oregon.
November through April 1977 total precip. anomalies (cm)

1977 is the driest year in the record with anomalies similar magnitude
to 1974.
The location of stations contributing to the data set.

I counted five grid boxes in southeastern Oregon that had no
stations. Most of the grid boxes seem to have two or more stations
within the grid box.
The data in netCDF
All errors in the netCDF file are due to Todd Mitchell.
Widmann, M. and C. S. Bretherton, 2000: Validation of Mesoscale Precipitation in the NCEP Reanalysis Using a
New Gridcell Dataset for the Northwestern United States.
J. Clim., 13, 1936-1950. submmitted manuscript.
Digital values of November through April total precipitation
+0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1950 862 842 686 876 840 652 980 693 821 828
1960 755 908 685 717 720 853 659 828 657 808
1970 748 909 938 582 1104 825 781 404 852 622
1980 746 770 941 938 942 611 728 687 718 818
1990 727 770 633 799 586
May 1999
Todd Mitchell (mitchell@atmos.washington.edu)
JISAO data