JISAO data

Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS)
Sampling statistics of version 1c, released March 2001

This WWW page presents analyses of the SST sampling of the newest COADS product. Documentation of COADS as well as the data itself can be obtained from the COADS WWW home page.

COADS version 1C is 2-degree latitude-longitude resolution. The following plots are the SST sampling in 25-year pieces of the record. There are very few observations in the 1800-49 period, and statistics for these years are not shown.

Temporal changes in coverage |Number of obervations | Percentage of months sampled

The percentage of the oceans sampled as a function of time.

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The number of observations in 25-year subsets of the data.

Color key for the plots:
1: At least one observation in a 2-degree latitude-longitude region at any time in the 25-year period.
2: On average, at least one observation in half of the months (=150 observations).
3: On average, at least one observation in all of the months (=300 observations).
4: On average, at least one observation for each day (=109500 observations).
The blue colors do not mean anything.

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The percentage of months sampled in each 25-year period.
The blue shading is not used.

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April 2001
Todd Mitchell (mitchell@atmos.washington.edu)
JISAO data