The data:
At JISAO, this file is
/home/disk/margaret/data/gridded_land_precip/ghcn/ .
I was unable to obtain permission from NCDC to put this data set on
the WWW.
has values through last month.
National Climatic Data Center produces monthly global anomalies fields
from version 2 of the global historical climatology network preciptation data. This
data is available through last month. The anomalies are with respect to 1961-90. Jay Lawrimore
of NCDC is the contact person for this data set
( ).
Correlation of preciptation and an ENSO index

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ENSO warm episodes are characterized by enhanced precipitation in the
equatorial Pacific, and, in general, diminished
precipitation everywhere else. This calculation is for all calendar
months combined, and the ENSO index is the average SST anomaly in the
central and eastern equatorial Pacific.
Percent complete records for 1998-2002

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You seem to either have very complete (>80%) records or no records at
Mean 1998-2002 precipitation anomalies normalized by
1960-2003 standard deviation

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Drier conditions in the western U.S., India, Pakistan, and
Mediterranean; and wetter conditions in northern and eastern Europe and
Argentina. Eighty-percent complete records were required to calculate a mean, and
values were normalized by the standard deviation of monthly values for
1960-2002. The anomalies were multiplied by -1 so that blue would be
wet, and red dry.
There isn't a published reference for this data set at this writing. Check the NCDC
WWW site.