JISAO data
Madden and Julian Oscillation (MJO) time series, 1979 to
Provided by Eric Maloney of Oregon State University.
Daily MJO index for 1979 to mid-2002 as an
ascii 5-column table: year, month, day of month, julian day, data
value. Leap Days are included.
The index is constructed from the first 2 principal components (PCs) of the band pass filtered 30-90 day 850 hPa 5N-5S zonal wind from the
National Centers for Environmental Prediction / National Center for
Atmospheric Research reanalysis. PC1 is correlated with PC2 at 0.6 at
a lag 12 days, and the index is the sum of PC2 and the value of PC1 12
days later (Maloney and Kiehl 2002). The index captures the MJO
variabilty less well during ENSO warm episodes.

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Maloney, E. D., and D. L. Hartmann, 1998: Frictional Moisture Convergence
in a Composite Lifecycle of the Madden-Julian Oscillation.
J. Climate, 11, 2387-2403.
Maloney, E. D., and J. T. Kiehl, 2002: MJO-related SST Variations over the
Tropical Eastern Pacific During Northern Hemisphere Summer.
J. Climate, 15, 675-689.
Eric's internet address is maloney@coas.oregonstate.edu.
November 2002
Todd Mitchell ( mitchell@atmos.washington.edu
JISAO data