Professor Sharon Nicholson ( )
Department of Meteorology
Florida State University
WWW page
Digital values of the indices. Index values * 100.
Year Sahel Soudan Guinea Coast 1901 88 8 94 1902 -85 -71 -46 1903 -105 28 -130 1904 -16 8 -123 1905 102 55 -80 1906 220 239 -49 1907 -35 -74 15 1908 -45 2 -18 1909 30 150 58 1910 -85 -47 174 1911 -42 -47 108 1912 52 -134 -158 1913 -133 -227 -14 1914 -126 -47 58 1915 -54 14 25 1916 39 54 20 1917 49 2 297 1918 153 131 -76 1919 -35 -35 -173 1920 71 14 -181 1921 8 -64 51 1922 63 52 -39 1923 4 14 -6 1924 42 99 45 1925 15 -9 63 1926 -56 -80 -13 1927 203 178 -14 1928 -23 98 43 1929 61 46 89 1930 97 46 15 1931 -73 -1 91 1932 71 84 -64 1933 138 132 197 1934 -35 14 33 1935 35 117 101 1936 150 191 -28 1937 -8 -31 -49 1938 25 55 0 1939 35 79 -19 1940 -9 13 10 1941 -69 -83 4 1942 -104 -28 -43 1943 131 121 61 1944 8 -61 32 1945 44 79 -67 1946 42 99 -112 1947 27 -42 137 1948 -33 -8 -97 1949 -95 -88 63 1950 208 194 -90 1951 32 112 91 1952 176 151 98 1953 158 88 14 1954 193 132 73 1955 157 106 152 1956 98 51 -64 1957 98 123 154 1958 194 136 -128 1959 61 27 101 1960 4 35 94 1961 68 63 -38 1962 45 47 177 1963 13 17 253 1964 47 95 -49 1965 30 36 17 1966 30 10 2 1967 54 69 -59 1968 -42 -110 297 1969 51 30 -13 1970 -62 -66 -54 1971 -100 -77 -8 1972 -193 -167 -62 1973 -157 -179 -29 1974 -28 -36 -3 1975 9 -16 -44 1976 -76 -30 -66 1977 -124 -113 -160 1978 -13 8 -62 1979 -71 -66 106 1980 -37 -105 14 1981 -74 -104 -97 1982 -174 -153 -74 1983 -208 -219 -231 1984 -225 -212 5 1985 -131 -132 -23 1986 -136 -112 -170 1987 -179 -176 2 1988 -30 -14 -19 1989 -74 -60 27 1990 -128 -149 -94 1991 -45 -83 -67 1992 -131 -107 -138 1993 -71 -123 -84 1994 49 36 -36
General African rainfall variability:
_____, 1993: An overview of African rainfall fluctuations of the last decade. Journal of Climate, 6, 1463-1466.
_____, 1994: Recent rainfall fluctuations in Africa and their relationships to past conditions over the continent. The Holocene, 4, 121-131.
_____, M. B. Ba, and J. Y. Kim, 1996: Rainfall in the Sahel during
1994. Journal of Climate, 9, 1673-1676.
More recent
ENSO influences on African rainfall:
_____, and D. Entekhabi, 1986: The quasi-periodic behavior of rainfall variability in Africa and its Relationship to the Southern Oscillation. Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics and Bioclimatology, Series A, 34, 311-348.
_____, and J. Kim, 1997: The Relationship of the El-Niño
Southern Oscillation to African Rainfall. International Journal of
Climatology, 17, 117-135.
More recent
Nicholson publications