Produced by Kenji Matsuura and Cort Willmott.
Climatological analyses for western North America |
Mexico and Central America | South America | Africa
Introduction | Data
ENSO-related November through April surface air temperature
All errors in the netCDF files are due to me. The data is provided in both its native 0.5-degree latitude-longitude resolution, and in a 1-degree latitude-longitude resolution.
The data:
Global precipitation climatology (version 3.01):
Global precipitation monthly grids for 1900-2008: (version
2.01; downloaded 3 July 2009)
Arctic precipitation monthly grids for 1960-90:
Global surface air temperature climatology (version 3.01):
Global surface air temperature monthly grids for 1900-2008: (version 2.01; downloaded 3 July 2009)
Arctic surface air temperature monthly grids for 1960-90:
This data set contains observations from Canada and the former Soviet
Union that are not included in the global data sets. There
is also an Arctic climatology at the UD.
This data set contains observations from Canada and the former Soviet
Union that are not included in the global data sets. There
is also an Arctic climatology at the UD.
July 2009
Todd Mitchell (
JISAO data