JISAO data

Gulf of Guinea standardized rainfall index (8-4N, 20W-10E)
1899 - June 2001

Analyses | Digital values

Historical record

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Monthly anomalies are standardized by calendar month with respect to 1899-1993, and the time series is filtered with successive 9-, and 5-month running means for this plot.

Modern record

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Monthly anomalies are standardized by calendar month with respect to 1899-1993, and the time series is filtered with successive 9-, and 5-month running means for this plot.

The averaging region is based on the rotated principal component analysis of average June through September African rainfall in Janowiak (1988). Stations within 8-4N, 20W-10E are obtained from the National Center for Atmospheric Research World Monthly Surface Station Climatology, and 5 retained which had complete or almost complete records for 1950-93. [I created this index in 1996. As of 2001 there are more than 30 stations in the WMSSC with long records that could be used in this index. For this update, I used only the original 5 stations.] The stations are:

             WMO*   name                  location    annual total (cm)
653380 BOHICON              (7.2N, 2.1E)  113
653440 COTONOU,       Benin (6.4N, 2.4E)  130
653760 ATAKPAME       Togo  (7.6N, 1.1E)  135
653870 LOME           Togo  (6.2N, 1.3E)   89
656600 ROBERTS FIELD        (6.2N,10.3W)  339
* World Meteorological Organization number

The monthly rainfall totals for these stations are provided here as a 7-column table. The columns are year, month, Bohicon, Cotonou, ... The rainfall is in 0.1 mm, I have set the trace and missing observations to 0.1 mm and NaN, respectively.

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Maps of climatological Africa rainfall are also available.

The individual time series are standardized with respect to the calendar month mean and standard deviation for 1950-93. The index value for each year and month is taken as the mean of the available stations. The final index is standardized by calendar month with respect to the entire record, 1899-1993.

The following two analyses compare the precipitation in the Sahel and Gulf of Guinea. The plots were constructed with the NOAA Climate Prediction Center Precipitation Reconstruction data, which over land is rain gauge measurements.

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Big GIF | PS | JPG | PDF

The monthly time series of the data that went into these figures is linked here as a 4-column ascii file (year, calendar month, Sahel average, and Gulf of Guinea average in cm/month).

Additional information on African rainfall variability can be obtained from the papers by Sharon Nicholson.

Janowiak, J. E., 1988: An investigation of interannual rainfall variability in Africa. J. Climate, 1, 240-255.

Digital values:

The rainfall index is provided in 3 formats:

  • A 4-column table: year, month, index value, and number of stations contributing.
  • A 1-column table, with just the index values.
  • A table organized by years and months.
    Information on the number of stations contributing is provided as
  • A 4-column table: year, month, index value, and number of stations contributing.
  • A table organized by years and months..
  • a graph (PostScript, JPEG)

    Rainfall index values * 100. Months without values are blank.
           jan  feb  mar  apr  may  jun  jul  aug  sep  oct  nov  dec
     1899   54   21  -62  192   22 -115  133   17  130    1 -133  -90
     1900   82   32 -158   27  -37   -8   73  -42  -49    4   56  -84
     1901 -105   40   19  -40   11 -132  -85   36  149   78    7  -75
     1902  -36  243 -130   84  163   25  -85  -82  -56  -36 -110  -38
     1903   43   61 -178  -41 -120  -88  -35  -88  -57   28  -56  -97
     1904  -96  -95  -34  -50   20   19  -88  -85  -66 -122  -70  181
     1905 -105   43  -94  -52    3   47   62    4 -182  -67  -27  -11
     1906  -31  -38 -163  -18  199 -114  -76  -71 -134  -73  -30  144
     1907  -63   48  -82  132  -93  194  -60  -38   -1  -74  -35   34
     1908  192 -121  -21  163  -14 -128 -111 -101  261   91  114  -13
     1909  380   99   91  -21  -84   11  -54   13  -32  -58  -49  449
     1910 -101  -73  -86   21  -19   80  160  206  -24  183  291   -3
     1911  331  -95  436  144  243  262  -24  -90  -64  -48  136  104
     1912   86 -131  -96  -62 -101  104  -31  -71  -95 -109   -4  -95
     1913   42  281  -89  -43  -62    5  436   21   58  -86   10   32
     1914  104   -9   46   -2  -27  156  -19   46 -145 -170  125  -55
     1921                      105 -102   -3  142   25  124  -35  -97
     1922  -34  240  -93 -153 -126   40  -93  -65  -52   76   73 -116
     1923   61  -94   20  158 -117  -28   84  -70  -67  -33 -164 -134
     1924   73  -26   -8  132 -181 -130  -73  -49  105  374 -164  144
     1925 -101 -109   83  -82  127  106  -45  147  -37  -91  101  -71
     1926  -98   52   10  100   29  -21  -61  -61   29  -78   88 -107
     1927   58   97  -83   14 -176  -46 -112 -109  -61   40   15   19
     1928   60  -41  -18   24  -73 -203  -64  -52  -29   61 -139   35
     1929   25  -29  -32  -32    4  189  -16   -8  -28  -45  134   85
     1930  -57 -138   67  -24   97   27  -44  -77  -98   54  -67  -95
     1931   51  -13  -44  -20    8  -12  -85   11  -24  -97   98  168
     1932   24   79  121  -73  143  -13 -153  -71  -73 -118   34  -64
     1933  269  157  126  -40  206   18  123   36  -37  132  289  124
     1934 -101 -118   47  -14   47  -70   60   95   72  185   29  295
     1935   -7   40   39  -14  127   99  -27   51  -77 -128    7   99
     1936    3  -53   34  -75    2    9  -25  -90   27  -35   19  -24
     1937  -93   32  -36  -80 -129 -126  -80  -40  -12   86   -5  107
     1938  -46  -44   18  115  -36  -59 -102  -51    3  -32  102   84
     1939   87   39  191   37  -57   14   27   33  -84 -172  104  133
     1940  -47  -68  -19   42   91   59   -5  -56  -83   47   -7  -53
     1941   42  -85    7 -125   62 -109  -30   -8   66   68   15  -68
     1942  191  -40  -37  -33  210   12 -123  -94  -13    7  -26   34
     1943  151  -73  -49  -20  -37   54  -72  -52  -89   32  118  -14
     1944   40  108  142  -61  -10  -69    0   24  -68   35 -118   -3
     1945  -77  -58   52 -145 -188 -145   55  -38   96   93   52  -91
     1946  234  109  232  223   37  -10   13  -98  -36   40   55  -57
     1947  -53   82   47   15   56 -165  213  207  245  115  -70   15
     1948 -101  -44  -46   88  105  -38 -123   39  -64  -66  103  -96
     1949   15   36  -28 -117   74   18  149  150   72   50  173  -95
     1950   78  -15 -133  -16  -27   62  -50  -89  -75  -63   89  -38
     1951   50  -50   48 -128  -15  -67   32  -41   21  211  -58  -96
     1952   79  119   95 -158   -3   82  -13  -60  179   61  152  -13
     1953  -88  243    7  -35   73   78   75  -61  -19   77   54   -4
     1954    9   42  104  -56  -34   23 -110 -101  -62  189   80  -63
     1955  127  -35  150   39  -44   82   49   21   77  211 -126   -1
     1956  -93  -15  288  -21  -83  -63 -112 -141    1    5   67   77
     1957   53 -116   32   13   84   47  110  134  101   35  103  106
     1958   68   65  -62   32   42  -63 -176 -135  -64   -8   89  -13
     1959    9  139   98  145  129   -6  104 -103   -3   58  156   46
     1960    2   -9  -29  167  -35  146  -19   36  143  157  -15   -2
     1961   56  -92   22   43  -48  134   38 -103  -11  -15    9 -103
     1962  -26  -41   16   -7  111  388  129   66 -134  -18  175  -55
     1963  -55  117   33  -17  113   67  184  191  214  123  -38  -95
     1964  -25  -63  -51   23  -15   29  -29  -53 -124 -124  -82   90
     1965  135   -4  -39  143  -39   42  145   14  -39  -43  -67  -97
     1966  -11 -118  -41   -7  -66   56  -26   16  -10  -46    7   94
     1967  -90  -43   14  140  -36   95  -11  -20   36  -74   48   54
     1968   -8   56   -3   27   -1   60  280  381  240  129   17   21
     1969  -51  -60   85   -2  -40  -43   24   44  -10   19 -105 -104
     1970  -32  -60   34  -33  143  -19  -82   73   24   18  -37 -104
     1971  -12  123    5 -106  -69   32   -7   12   71 -147  -64   81
     1972  -53  117   13  166  -53   65  -40  -36  -69  -64  -97    6
     1973  -87  -92   69 -152  -88  -33   16  112  130   11 -139   36
     1974   16  -83    4 -136  -36   49   45    4  117  -87 -114  -59
     1975  -96   41  -34   98  -60 -115  124  -49  -72  -45   15  109
     1976  -60  175   41  -15 -207  -79 -107  -83  -87   17  -16  116
     1977  -55 -131 -138 -125 -121  -51 -120  -45   25 -146 -107  -60
     1978  -22   34  117  155  116   20  -44  -94 -163  -73   65  -20
     1979  -74 -148 -119   69  185   71  101  221   36   55   66   48
     1980  -79   44 -124 -131 -144  -99    7  119 -120  -25   14  -73
     1981  -87  -88 -106 -141   -4   49  -76  -59  -19  -46 -115  -90
     1982  -47  188  -23   83   63   16  -84  -67  -92  -22  -29  -70
     1983 -100 -151 -155 -136  114   48  -90 -124  -43 -213  -83  165
     1984  -83 -113   39  -38  -11 -167  -17   32  -62  -59 -115  -81
     1985  -23  -73  -44  -32   18 -100   31  101   24  -77   -7 -119
     1986  -99   46    1  -80 -107 -107  -13  -79  -62  -19 -108 -113
     1987  -93  -66  -36 -220 -110  -64  -71  311  373   18 -177  -45
     1988  -78  -36   30  -27    7   49   65   10  125  -21  -22   50
     1989 -100 -132  -38  -84  -30  112   60  149  -65  100 -136  -86
     1990  -55  -42 -163   77 -183  -88   19  -29   17  -63  -30   36
     1991  -58   35  -71  300   77 -165  143   60   -5  -72 -184   -5
     1992  -96 -148 -103 -100   80  -45  -46 -101   72 -124 -147  -84
     1993  -88   93   22    4 -143 -148  -22   47  -16  -60  -27   24
     1994  -65   30  -35   -7  -58 -128  -64  -19   14  136   -5 -120
     1995   -3 -127  113   83  -44  -44  -45  173   72 -123  -48   -4
     1996  -87   81   17  -50    0   23  112    7  -88  -77 -146  -34
     1997  -28 -131   28  -22   31   93   -6   -2  -19  138  287  284
     1998  672  -48 -171  -60   12  -59  -49   13  -16  -20  -53 -100
     1999   44  135  -55   24  -44  -49  436  233   35   39  -33  -44
     2000      -139  -64 -114 -148  -88   33   68   42  -61 -153  -88
     2001  -74 -143 -104   64       -59                              

    October 2001
    Todd Mitchell (mitchell@atmos.washington.edu)
    JISAO data