JISAO data

International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) / Polar Exchange at the Sea Surface (POLES) Arctic surface air temperature data, 1979-98

Introduction | Data

The present WWW page provides a version of the IABP / NASA Earth Observing System POLES surface air temperature data set that has been gridded to an 1-degree latitude-longitude resolution.
A complete documentation of this data set and updates of this data in its native grid are available through this link.

Arctic domain
PostScript | JPEG
Distribution of contributing observations (Fig. 1 of Rigor et al. 2000). Observations from many land stations, several manned Arctic stations, and numerous Argo floats are blended in this data set. The predominance of Greenland observations are along the coasts.

Arctic domain
PostScript | JPEG
April, October, and April minus October climatological surface air temperatures (1979-98). April is colder, with the differences in excess of 5C mostly near the coastlines.

Annual means of Chukchi and Bering Sea air temperatures (C)

big GIF | EPS | PNG | PS
4-column file of monthly Chukshi and Bering Sea air temperatures (year, month, Chukchi, Bering (C)).

Rigor, I.G., R.L. Colony, and S. Martin, 2000: Variations in surface air temperature in the Arctic from 1979-1997. J. Climate, 13, 896-914.


  • ASCII. The complete data set is available in the native grid.
  • netCDF format. I interpolated the data onto a 1-degree latitude-longitude using Cressman interpolation of the 5 closest grid points. The e-folding distance of the weights is 1-degree (out of 360). This interpolation is fast and dirty, and is not intended to be the definitive equal-angle representation of this data set.
    At JISAO: /home/disk/muggy/data/gridded_land_and_ocean_temp/iabp/
    Monthly data for 1979-98. (6.9 Mb)
    Monthly climatology for 1979-98. Maps 1-12: January, February, ..., December climatology; map 13: annual mean; maps 14-17: December-January-February, March-April-May, June-July-August, and September-October-November means, respectively.


    December 2002
    Todd Mitchell (mitchell@atmos.washington.edu)
    JISAO data