JISAO data

Jakarta Indonesia (6S, 107E) sea-level pressure (SLP), 1841-1999

analysis | digital values

Typical SLP anomaly fluctuations of 1 mb
JPEG | PostScript
The anomalies are with respect to 1950-79, and the series has been smoothed with a 3-point running mean. Values are plotted for 1841-49, 1850-99, 1900-49, and 1950-99. The time series exhibits both year-to-year ENSO variability and significant changes on decadal time scales.

The digital values provided on this WWW page are taken from:

G. P. Können, P. D. Jones, M. H. Kaltofen, and R. J. Allan, 1998: Pre-1866 extensions of the Southern Oscillation index using early Indonesian and Tahitian meteorological readings. J. Climate., 11, 2325-2339.

with a further update by Gunther Können.

The email addresses and affiliations of the authors are as follows:

Gunther Können     (konnen@knmi.nl)      Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
Phil Jones         (p.jones@uea.ac.uk)   University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Marleen Kaltofen:  (kaltofen@knmi.nl)    Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
Rob Allan     (robert.allan@dar.csiro.au)Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia

The Jakarta SLP series that is available from the NCAR World Monthly Surface Station Climatology (WMSSC) spans 1866-1998, but has few values for 1970-98. A file of the WMSSC Jakarta SLP record is linked here. The Können et al. series both extends the record earlier in time to 1841 and provides a complete record for 1970-99. An extensive documentation of the data sources is provided in Können et al. (1998).

Standardized ENSO SST and east Indian SLP anomalies, 1854-99
Image described in caption.
The usefulness of the early SLP record can be seen in the above time series of central and eastern equatorial Pacific SST anomalies (top) and the average of Trivandrum, Port Blair, and Jakarta SLP anomalies (bottom). The SLP series for this figure are from the WMSSC and have been smoothed with a 3-point running mean. Both series capture strong ENSO warm episodes (1876-78, 1887-89) and the prolonged cool episode of 1870-76.

Digital values:
  • Excel file.
  • 3 columns: year, month, and Jakarta pressure (mb, NaN for missing value)
  • single column (mb, NaN for missing).
    The data is the same in all three formats.

    SLP - 1000 in 0.01 mb ("1079" for September 1841 is 1010.79 mb)
           jan  feb  mar  apr  may  jun  jul  aug  sep  oct  nov  dec
     1841                                         1079 1051  937  854
     1842 1081  971  839  899  836  884  942  974  930  972  815 1005
     1843  981 1059  879  924  762       955 1016 1001 1026  815 1037
     1844 1014  945  834  775  871  812                              
     1845                                995 1018 1102 1051 1058  957
     1846 1140 1104  990  962  995 1078 1071 1081 1034 1030  991  939
     1847  980  935 1010  952  992 1007  975  989 1025 1036  961  796
     1848  888 1028  889  887  857  809  808  840  931  896  816  863
     1849  928  977  996  860  853  951  926  919  872  910  875  810
     1850  762  965 1206 1131 1064 1029  981  937 1015  971  953     
     1851  990  957  902  891  946  948  880 1007 1011 1081  830 1050
     1852 1103 1155  903 1103  980  984 1004 1086 1122 1165 1034 1012
     1853 1123  981 1049  986 1010 1032 1094 1003 1084 1097  972  970
     1854 1063 1026 1119  926  865  973  914 1022  967  981 1051  985
     1855  956 1230 1035 1040 1111 1027                              
     1858                                    1018 1130 1043 1057 1040
     1859  960 1086 1067  998 1005 1048 1066 1036 1045 1056 1071 1031
     1860 1013  968  920 1010  945  905 1002      1025  966  982 1041
     1861 1035  922                                                  
     1866 1096  919 1026  955  881 1035 1018 1050 1029 1004  936 1019
     1867 1132  934 1080  953  877  969  996  993  976  925 1112 1041
     1868  933 1014 1035 1014 1063 1090 1043 1082 1094 1059 1115 1010
     1869 1162 1097  996  999  917  977 1045 1041 1088 1040  953  904
     1870  750  867  889  814  857  929  987  921 1022  972  926  916
     1871  860  892  953  930  934  972 1013 1027 1012  963  888  952
     1872  947  923  938  848  945  885  969  961  972  941  785  816
     1873  862  903  904  849  820  966 1001 1001 1063  987 1037  965
     1874 1089 1017  857  929  910  932  943 1003  981  952  966  959
     1875  863  872  934  860  913  952 1035 1032 1059  932 1009  844
     1876  876  929  902  792  946  992 1049 1022 1054 1046  986 1052
     1877 1165 1129 1070 1016  973 1160 1210 1253 1229 1192 1085  969
     1878 1073 1142 1106  954  912 1009  948 1040  996  896  870  784
     1879  861  884  909  885  800  953  928  980 1004  990  916  793
     1880  877  957  936  952  866 1010 1044 1025 1064 1074 1046 1041
     1881 1025 1134 1062  961  926  937 1092 1092 1076 1001  848  864
     1882 1056  944 1068  824  912  920  996 1012 1052  930  920  896
     1883  993  958  996  900  924 1021 1073 1040 1124 1045  872 1110
     1884 1048 1088  954  973  928 1041 1025 1049 1129 1042  925 1030
     1885 1182  946 1082  917  985  986 1097 1072 1137 1116 1088  948
     1886  977 1000  968  876  882  965  930  941 1005  954  901  949
     1887  838  921  912  873  946  942 1049  996 1080 1002  969  910
     1888 1088 1110 1052  950  916  998 1082 1108 1065 1037 1037 1016
     1889 1114 1096 1157  942  932  966  945 1060  989 1009  846  833
     1890  836  997  837  910  896  941 1050 1048 1016 1037 1062 1017
     1891  934 1124  998 1020  942 1025 1050 1168 1157  994 1002 1064
     1892  978  869  761  896  986  904 1012  974 1024  906  892  992
     1893  842  989  980  876  937  898  949 1014 1033  994  960  974
     1894  866 1066  936  924  956  976 1038  998 1024  960 1045  972
     1895  930 1026  913  965  994  965 1022  970 1046  968 1086  889
     1896 1009 1042  922  865 1058  966 1065 1152 1114 1150  965 1042
     1897 1036  909 1010  973  952  982 1050 1048 1057 1061  965  861
     1898 1000  793  865  904  874  954  933 1062 1021  954  837  904
     1899  917  978  932  965  953 1045 1045 1008 1138 1080 1105  972
     1900 1045 1021 1064  981 1040  989  961  981 1082 1041  930 1033
     1901 1029 1058 1032  874  949  980  948 1058 1138 1054  970 1005
     1902  857 1262  946  944 1037 1004 1072 1021 1137 1133 1048  950
     1903 1049 1193  909  904  950  973  926 1038 1052  974  945  841
     1904  926  948  892  877  913 1044  986 1062 1106  949 1104 1002
     1905 1116 1060 1098 1069  968 1006 1069 1086 1070 1016 1126  974
     1906  965  977 1054  944  942 1004  928 1002  960  998  982  898
     1907  968  962 1002  921 1006  932  969 1092 1060 1054  933  892
     1908 1108  832  970  841  962  992 1054 1001 1024  976  945  868
     1909  864  944  896  890  878  933  982 1004 1000  958  944  954
     1910  808  790  896  853  944  885  933  933  934 1022  892  901
     1911  904 1085 1005  946  934 1041 1061 1044 1046 1142  977  932
     1912 1112 1017 1001 1028  994  997  978 1030 1012 1064  916  980
     1913 1049  964  852  896  929 1002 1048 1080 1096 1108 1094 1073
     1914 1173 1114 1026 1053  974 1024 1052 1152 1125 1152  953 1004
     1915 1097 1021 1189 1025  925  878  998 1048 1008  952  921  929
     1916 1000  909  894  930  889  876  912 1030  910  897  846  713
     1917  960  937  833  829  978  933  924  990  965  940  916  845
     1918  933 1080 1074  956  941 1052 1072 1134 1192 1086  986  982
     1919 1124 1098 1052  945  913 1013 1009 1108 1052 1068  968  952
     1920 1010 1048  960  894  982  932  994 1050  954 1025  861  876
     1921  952  818  881 1004  866  918  982 1018 1064 1004 1054  952
     1922  913  901  930  928  932  922 1009  980 1000  988  945  857
     1923  885  978 1009  816  877  942  989 1116 1073 1057  989  926
     1924 1060  901  949  889  897 1004 1038 1026 1041  964  921 1060
     1925  801  905  874  990  949  970 1122 1022 1094 1132 1009 1077
     1926 1080 1090 1090  984  938 1038  994 1094 1010  969  940  832
     1927  902 1060  804  889  972 1012 1021 1045 1018 1066 1001  982
     1928 1000  937  904  860  932  901  972 1085 1012  985 1008  844
     1929  972  884  916  982  980 1018 1092 1073 1020 1026  925  928
     1930  976 1126  957  904 1032  961 1049 1089 1105 1058 1118  992
     1931  974 1032 1025  957  970 1013 1040  969 1000 1043  974  916
     1932 1078 1025  968  981  921  952  946  995 1025  963  973  913
     1933  933  912  873  977  934  976 1012 1037 1037  973  876  862
     1934  857  937  846  904  992  968  965 1106 1072 1021  952  996
     1935 1021  929  900  848  930  986 1014 1088 1040  934 1005  956
     1936  919 1032  982  874  833 1014 1036 1054 1004 1038 1011  862
     1937  865 1009  833  852  987  955  987  999 1086 1081  885  868
     1938  976  969  879  882  835  972  956  962  990 1025  924  851
     1939  911  980  908  885  908  969  994  926 1099 1043  937 1130
     1940  977 1103  985 1013  936 1026 1133 1108 1151 1178  928 1090
     1941 1066 1142 1026  978  881 1060 1150 1064 1107 1147  864  957
     1942 1010 1050  868 1025  845  930 1039 1006 1045  976  949  942
     1943 1016  928  906 1068  908  996 1016 1013 1025 1014  898 1064
     1944 1085  997 1034 1030  964 1042 1089 1110 1071 1017  891  843
     1945  867  835  950 1019  967  970 1030 1033 1101 1048 1003  950
     1946  990  890 1020  990  960 1030 1070 1070 1100 1090  980  960
     1947  890  870  920  860  940 1020 1020  930 1020 1010  970  890
     1948 1030 1010  980  940  951  992  962  954 1038 1010 1003  910
     1949 1031  848  933  981  891  985 1029 1038 1022  938  949  739
     1950  819  890  877  812  856  841  978  992 1032  943  796  939
     1951  930  810  970  950  990  960 1020 1110 1050 1070  930  950
     1952  980  840  880  980  880  990 1020  990 1020  950  850 1080
     1953  930 1040  940  930 1000  940 1050 1080 1080 1010 1000  960
     1954  800  970  950  820  810  910  910  910  990 1000  980  830
     1955 1040  760  910  850  790  880  950  940  920  920  840  900
     1956  810  810  920  830  830  910  920  910  920  930  970  922
     1957  970 1000  980  974  950  983  944 1002 1087 1076 1064  903
     1958 1158 1021  995  958  930  941  994  951 1009  983  970 1055
     1959 1064 1040  972  925  815  957 1022 1007 1014 1012  876  914
     1960  983  983  932  892  857  974  941  944  900  981  924  916
     1961  975  738  998  805  841  923  984 1012 1019  973  890  763
     1962  755  950  843  869  803  893  902 1007  951  897  895  900
     1963  823  957  872  854  841 1077 1032 1054 1127 1116  996 1026
     1964 1012  908  964  851  883  944  957  989  912  941  910  983
     1965 1055  853  984  965  938 1085 1093 1056 1124 1053 1042  895
     1966 1071  953  904  889 1011 1103  994 1033 1067 1024  928  824
     1967  915  908  959  996  935  948 1018 1085 1111 1071  952 1024
     1968  921 1077  887  975  897  976 1001 1049 1077 1054 1083  895
     1969  916  978  999 1030  905 1012 1095 1086 1032 1034 1008 1019
     1970 1059 1075  912  955  876  996 1083  971  916  920  899  878
     1971  916  823  950  900  870  992  982  982  965 1009  989  906
     1972 1024  871  993 1028 1022  971 1078 1085 1088 1113  986 1022
     1973 1008 1072  944  879  907  902  934  961 1015  864  900  908
     1974  872  866  960  877  904  950  996  964  951  930  888  902
     1975  976  974  899  825  908  967 1015  956  957  940  972  872
     1976 1030  979  932 1041 1066 1039 1121 1120 1159  999  910  965
     1977  981 1028 1104  968  980  993  963 1081 1114 1127 1039 1060
     1978 1028 1169  949  984  816  905  916  981 1023 1004 1035 1024
     1979 1108 1002  976  950  952  983 1145 1059 1038 1109  925 1105
     1980  962 1041 1045  934  972 1006 1056 1117 1095 1044  963  925
     1981 1057 1011 1094  998  885  995  960 1065  998 1013  915 1067
     1982 1034  979  971  991  974 1097 1097 1151 1202 1089 1008 1006
     1983 1163 1163 1098  958  967 1011 1046 1100 1058  988 1104 1019
     1984  912  838  990  906  923  998  955 1009 1017 1091  979  859
     1985 1057  666  922  838  823 1014 1058 1045 1046 1035  969  991
     1986  953 1028  912  938  994  891 1088 1009 1109 1092 1058 1094
     1987 1119 1211 1098 1076 1056 1039 1150 1138 1153 1073  995 1092
     1988  973  995  843  942  942 1027 1006 1025  945  943  906 1020
     1989  856  987  896  891  883 1038  974  999 1022 1003 1014 1074
     1990  978 1107 1098  890  883 1003 1057 1095 1099 1032 1023 1010
     1991  983 1051 1008  906  964 1044 1076 1129 1186 1033 1082 1015
     1992 1225 1105 1086 1014  939  936 1076 1067 1034 1057 1028 1080
     1993 1048 1102 1073 1040  986 1023 1029 1171 1143 1135  945  970
     1994  969  930 1029  967 1045  998 1086 1138 1193 1106  990 1050
     1995 1055 1035  985  940  979  963  970 1011 1096  957  957 1025
     1996  945  951  913  912 1024  961  975 1037  917  985  895 1025
     1997 1063  909 1115 1123  992 1082 1103 1212 1245 1208 1130 1052
     1998 1058 1164 1060 1008  958  977  992 1028 1013  972  902  862
     1999  840 1012  723  878 1059 1023 1022 1124 1040  991  942  881

    March 2001
    Todd Mitchell (mitchell@atmos.washington.edu)
    JISAO data