JISAO data

Sadler Surface Vector Wind Climatology

Annual mean surface wind, precipitation (red to yellow), and albedo (brown to blue).

The zonal wind component in netCDF format. (0.4 Mb)

The meridional wind component in netCDF format. (0.4 Mb)

Sadler, J. C., M. A. Lander, A. M. Hori, and L. K. Oda, 1987: Tropical marine climatic atlas. Vol. 1, Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. UHMET 87-01, Dept. Meteor., Univ. Hawaii, 51 pp.

-----, -----, -----, and -----, 1987: Tropical marine climatic atlas. Vol. 2, Pacific Ocean. UHMET 87-02, Dept. Meteor., Univ. Hawaii, 51 pp.

December 1995
Todd Mitchell (mitchell@atmos.washington.edu)
JISAO data