JISAO data

Concatenated EOF and OI Sea Surface Temperatures
1950 - May 99

Dick Reynolds, Tom Smith, and collaborators at the NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) produce several SST analyses that can be used for climate research. The EOF-filtered and optimal interpolation (OI) SST analyses span 1950-92, and 1982-present, respectively. The OI data is 1-degree latitude-longitude resolution, and it has been averaged and decimated to provide a 2-degree latitude-longitude version to be compatible with the EOF-filtered data. The concatenated data consists of EOF data for 1950-81, and OI data for 1982-May99. The remaining months of 1999 are filled with missing value flags.

Global-average SST anomalies (C), 1950-95 Image.
The series is smoothed with a 3-point running mean. I don't remember what the climatology was for this calculation, but it looks like it was just the period of record. The series exhibits ENSO variability, and a tendency for below (above) normal SST anomalies for 1950-77 (1978-95). A large magnitude fluctuation in global mean SST anomaly would be 0.1-0.2 C. Digital values and further documentation of this time series are linked here.

written in netCDF (~19 Mb)
All errors in the netCDF files are due to Todd Mitchell.

Reynolds, R. J., and T. M. Smith, 1994: Improved global sea surface temperature analyses using optimal interpolation, J. Climate, 7, 929-948.
Smith, T. M., R. W. Reynolds, R. E. Livezey, and D. C. Stokes, 1996: Reconstruction of historical sea surface temperatures using empirical orthogonal functions. J. Climate, 9, 1403-1420.

Richard Reynolds (wd01rr@sun1.wwb.noaa.gov)

June 1999
Todd Mitchell (mitchell@atmos.washington.edu)
JISAO data