Ratios of extreme high PRCP on extreme positive and negative PNA days

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Figures show results for sets of stations determined by certain criteria.
Choose a viewing option from the set in a row.  All figures in a row are the same, and a small version is shown on the right.

Stations whose PRCP/PNA ratios are statistically significant

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Stations with >=40 extreme high PRCP days

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PNG: (2400x1800) | (1200x900) | (640x480)
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(1200x900) | (640x480)

Stations with >=171 extreme high PRCP days

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PNG: (2400x1800) | (1200x900) | (640x480)
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(1200x900) | (640x480)

Stations with <=171 extreme high PRCP days

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PNG: (2400x1800) | (1200x900) | (640x480)
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(1200x900) | (640x480)