JISAO lectures

Pre-football game lecture at the University of Washington, 24 October 1998.

Where possible, I have identified the sources of analyses.
Some of the analyses presented were taken from World Wide Web sites sponsored by
The Exxon Corporation
The United Nations Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization (UN)
Other analyses provided by Gabi Hegerl, David Thompson, Kay Dewar, Ernie Recker, and Todd Mitchell of the University of Washington.

The text slides are presented first and then the analyses.

Figure 1. Source: UN

Figure 2. Source: UN.

Figure 3. Source: Exxon

Figure 4.

Figure 5. Source: UN

Figure 6. Source: Clara Deser of the National Center for Atmospheric Research

Figure 7. Click here for full-sized plot. Source: Oregon Climate Service

Figure 8. Click here for the full-size image.

Figure 9. Click here for the full-size image. Source: Earth Online Magazine, September 1995

Figure 10. Click here for the full-size image. Source: Climate Change State of Knowledge, October 1997. Office of Science and Technology Policy

Figure 11. Click here for the full-size image. Source: Climate Change State of Knowledge, October 1997. Office of Science and Technology Policy

Figure 12. Source: UN

Figure 13. Click here for the full-size image. Source: Climate Change State of Knowledge, October 1997. Office of Science and Technology Policy

Figure 14. Click here for the full-size image.

Figure 15. Click here for the full-size image.

Figure 16. Click here for the full-size image.

Figure 17. Click here for the full-size image.

Figure 18 provided by Gabi Hegerl.

Figure 19 provided by Gabi Hegerl.

Figure 20 provided by Gabi Hegerl.

Figure 21. Source: National Climatic Data Center climatic division data. Analysis by Kay Dewar and Todd Mitchell.

Figure 22. Source: National Climatic Data Center climatic division data. Analysis by Kay Dewar and Todd Mitchell.

Figure 23

Figure 24

Figure 25

Figure 26

Figure 27

Figure 28

Figure 29

Figure 30. Image of St. Louis MO region during typical and the 1993 summers.

November 1998

Todd Mitchell mitchell@atmos.washington.edu
JISAO lectures