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April 2006 RISA meeting in Marshall Islands

Source: Marshall Islands Visitors Authority

"The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) comprises 29 coral atolls (19 inhabited) and five coral pinnacles (four inhabited). These islands form two roughly parallel chains called Ratak (Sunrise) and Ralik (Sunset), located within 4-20N, 160-173E. ... The combined land mass is just under 180 sq km (70 sq mi.)" (Encyclopedia of the Nations)

Precipitation statistics from the NCEP precipitation reconstruction. This is not the precipitation field of the NCEP - NCAR reanalysis.

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912500 ENIWETOK   11.4n  162.4e 150cm 1947-1972           
913660 KWAJALEIN   8.7n  167.7e 260cm 1946-2004           
913760 MAJURO      7.1n  171.4e 340cm 1954-2004           
913690 JALUIT      5.9n  169.6e 400cm 1896-1968, w/ breaks

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Hurricanes can occur throughout the calendar year in the Marshall Islands

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Same analysis for global domain: big GIF | GIF | PDF | PNG | PS | TIFF

Same analysis with annual precipitation total contours.

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3-column table: year, calendar month, slh (mm) These are the "metric" values from the Permament Center for Mean Sea Level Center. See the documentation on the difference between the "metric" and "revised local reference" versions of the data.

February 2007
Todd Mitchell (mitchell@atmos.washington.edu)