NOAA/PACS funded projects, 1995-1998

organized alphabetically within study type

Year project started is noted; most grants are 3 year grants, some 2

The listing is divided into the following study types:
monitoring and data management
process research
empirical studies
PACS-related projects funded by other NOAA Climate and Global Change Program elements


Dick Dirks, UCAR Data Management and Planning and Support for PACS

Mike Douglas, NOAA/NSSL (1996) Strengthening the Meteorological Sounding Network over the Eastern Pacific Ocean and the Intertropical Americas to Support PACS

Mike McPhaden, NOAA/PMEL (1997) Pilot Moored Research Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA)


Nick Bond, NOAA PMEL (1995) Analysis of Planetary Boundary Layer Structure in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific

Ken Gage, NOAA/Aeronomy Lab Shipboard Profiler Study of the Structure of Precipitating Cloud Systems within the Intertropical Convergence Zone of the Eastern Pacific Ocean

Bob Houze, University of Washington (1996) Precipitation in the Eastern Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone

Jeff Nystuen, University of Washington (1997) Surface Measurements of Rainfall Drop Size Distribution

Bob Weisberg, University of South Florida (1995) Empirical and Monitoring Studies on Air-Sea Interactions and SST Evolution over the PACS Program Region

Bob Weller, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1995) Air-Sea Interaction in the Eastern Tropical Pacific


Bruce Albrecht, University of Miami (1997) Atmospheric Boundary Layer Variability Over the Eastern Equatorial Pacific

Phil Arkin, NOAA/CPC and Mike Douglas NOAA/National Severe Storms Lab (1996) Annual and Interannual Variability of Precipitation over the Tropical and Subtropical Americas and Eastern Pacific Inferred from GOES Observations

John Bates, Wesley Berg, and Qian Ye, NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center (1996) A Study of Hydrological Processes in the PACS Region Using Multispectral Satellite Observations

Hugo Berbery, University of Maryland (1997) Dynamical Diagnoses of the Precipitation and Circulation Variability over the Americas

Lance Bosart, State University of New York, Albany Studies of the Structure of the Precipitation Climatology Across the Americas on Intraseasonal and Interannual Time Scales

Art Douglas, Creighton University (1997) Evaluation of Summer Rainfall Regimes in Mexico and the United States: Diagnostic Elements of Short-Term Climate Variations

Mike Douglas, NOAA/NSSL (1996)? Annual and Interannual Variability of Precipitation over the Tropical and Subtropical Americas and Eastern Pacific Inferred from GOES Observations

Kerry Emanuel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology The East Pacific ITCZ and Tropical Storm Formation

David Enfield, NOAA/AOML (1997) Inter-American Climate and Atlantic Ocean Variability

Steve Esbensen, Oregon State University (1997) Vertical Atmospheric Structure of the ITCZ/Cold Tongue Complex

Rong Fu, University of Arizona (1995) Use of Satellite and In situ Meteorological Data to Improve the Climate Predictions in the Equatorial and South America Through a Better Understanding of Amazon Convection

Rong Fu and Bob Dickenson (U. Of AZ/Dept of Atm Sci) (1998) What controls the seasonal and interannual variations of precipitation in South America: a combined observation and climate model study of ocean-atmosphere-land coupling for improved climate predictions

Ken Gage, NOAA/Aeronomy Laboratory, and Leslie Hartten, CIRES (1997) Lower-Tropospheric Dynamics over The Eastern Pacific

David Halpern, California Institute of Technology Empirical Studies of Tropical Surface Wind Divergence, Sea Surface Temperature, and Rainfall

Stefan Hastenrath, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1996) Circulation and Climate Over the Tropical Americas

Wayne Higgins (NOAA/NCEP) (1998) Diagnostic Studies of the North American Warm Season Precipitation Regime

Marty Hoerling and Jeff Whitaker (CIRES), and Mingfang Ting (U Illinois-Urbana) (1998) Interannual Variability of Western North American Summer Rainfall

Haig Iskenderian, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. Dynamic and Thermodynamic Factors Affecting Summertime Precipitation Anomalies over the Midwestern United States

Billy Kessler, NOAA/PMEL (1997) Ocean and Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Dynamics of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Monsoon Regime

George Kiladis (NOAA/Aeronomy Lab) (1998) The Seasonal Cycle and Variability of ITCZ convection and Associated large-Scale Circulation

Vern Kousky, NOAA/CPC (1997) Analyis of Warm-Season Precipitation in the PACS Domain

Brant Liebmann, CIRES, and Henry Diaz, NOAA/CDC (1997) Rainfall Studies in the Amazon Basin and Central S. America

Brian Mapes (CIRES), and Tom Warner (CSU) (1998) Distortion of the Eastern Pacific ITCZ by the American Landmass

Steve Mullen, University of Arizona Variability of Warm Season Rainfall Associated with the North American Monsoon

Gene Rasmusson, University of Maryland Diagnostic Studies of Interannual-Subseasonal Precipitation Variability

David Raymond, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology The East Pacific ITCZ and Tropical Storm Formation

Dave Raymond (New Mexico Inst of Mining and Technology) (1998) The East Pacific ITCZ and boundary layer quasi-equilibrium

Chet Ropelewski, NOAA/CPC Empirical Climate Studies for PACS

Soroosh Sorooshian, University of Arizona (1995) Study of Rainfall Estimation from Combined Satellite Imagery Over Tropical/Extra-Tropical Regions of Pan Americas Using Artificial Neural Networks and Its Incorporation into the General Circulation Model

Dezheng Sun (CIRES) and Joseph Tribbia (NCAR/Climate and Global Dynamics Div.) (1998) The role of water vapor in the large-scale ocean-atmosphere interation in the tropical Pacific region

Mark Swenson, NOAA/AOML (1997) Mixed-Layer Heat Transport in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific

Juan Valdes (U. of AZ/Dept of Civil Engineering and Eng. Mechanics) and Dara Entekhabi (MIT/Dept of Civil and Env. Eng.) (1998) Fusion of multiple model forecasts and erro analysis of ENSO-induced precipitation anomalies

Duane Waliser, State University of New York, Stony Brook Large-Scale Convective Systems: Local and Remote Interactions in the Pan-American Climate Region

Jeff Whitaker, University of Colorado (1997) Modulation of Rainfall over North America by Summertime Subtropical Anticyclones

Joseph Zehnder, University of Arizona The East Pacific ITCZ and Tropical Storm Formation


Ping Chang, Texas A&M University A Modeling Study of the Tropical Atlantic Air-Sea Interactions

Dake Chen, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (1997) Ocean and Coupled-Ocean Atmosphere Dynamics of the Eastern Tropic Pacific Monsoon Regime

Shuyi Chen (CIMAS) (1998) Mesoscale modeling of warm season-precipitation in the PACS region

Harry Hendon, NOAA/CDC (1995) The Role of Stratus Clouds in the Seasonal Cycle of the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean Atmosphere System

John Horel, University of Utah Regional Climate Simulations Over the Tropical Americas

Ben Kirtman (COLA) and Anadu Vernekar (U. MD/Dept of Meteorology) (1998) A high resolution regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model to simulate and predict Pan-American climate

Zhengyu Liu, University of Wisconsin, Madison A Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model Study of the Annual Variability in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Region: the Extratropical Influence

Roberto Mechoso, University of California, Los Angeles (1997) The Mechanisms Responsible for the Observed Interannual Variability in Precipitation over the Americas

David Neelin and James McWilliams (UCLA/Inst of Geophys and Planetary Physics) and Ning Zeng (UCLA/Dept of Atm Sci) (1998) Pathways of ocean-atmosphere coupling impacting the PACS region

Matt Newman, University of Colorado (1997) Impact of the Annual Cycle upon the Pacific/Americas Response to Anomalous Forcing

Julia Paegle, University of Utah (1997) Remote and Local Effects on South America Summer Rains

George Philander, Princeton University Studies of Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions and Development of a New Climate Model

John Roads, Shyh-Chin Chen, and Bruce Anderson (Scripps) (1998) Modeling the Gulf of California Summertime Hydrological Cycle

Lew Rothstein, University of Rhode Island Ocean and Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Dynamics of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Monsoon Region

Mingfang Ting, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Spatial and Temporal Variability of Summertime Precipitation in the Midwest United States

Bin Wang, University of Hawaii (1995, 1997) Physical Processes Determining the Annual Cycle of the ITCZ/Cold Tongue Complex

Chidong Zhang, University of Miami Large-scale Characteristics and Effects of Atmospheric Moist Convection in the PACS Region


  • NOAA Climate Change Data and Detection Program PACS-Related Projects

      Dick Dirks, UCAR Data Management and Planning and Support for PACS

      Art Douglas, Creighton University Recovery and Validation of Long Term Daily Climate Data for Mexico

  • NOAA Human Dimensions Program PACS-Related Projects

      Michael Binford, Harvard University Human-Climate Interactions in the Lake Titicaca Basin of Bolivia

      Maria Lemos, University of Arizona Social and Policy Implications of Seasonal Forecasting: A Case Study of Ceara, Northeast Brazil

      Mark Meo, University of Oklahoma Climate Prediction, Information and Policy Response: A Retrospective Assessment of Drought Management in Oklahoma

      Ed Miles, University of Washington Integrated Assessment of Climate Variability, Impacts and Policy Response in the Pacific Northwest

      James Mjelde, Texas A&M University Effects of Seasonal Climate Forecasts on the Competitiveness in the Grain Market

      Roger Pulwarty, University of Colorado The Role of Climate Variability and Forecasts in Adaptive Management of the Colorado River: Balancing the Resources Objectives of the Lower and Upper Basin at Glen Canyon Dam

    September 1998
    Andrea Ray
    Todd Mitchell