Table of Contents

For a postscript version of this plan with a set of black and white figures, click here.


Over its ten-year lifetime, the Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere (TOGA) program (1985-1995) made major strides toward understanding of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, which impacts surface air temperature and rainfall over many regions of the globe. In particular, TOGA demonstrated the feasibility of operational seasonal-to-interannual climate prediction of equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies based on numerical models that simulate, in a rudimentary manner, the physics of the coupled tropical ocean-atmosphere system, and it clarified the nature of the remote, planetary-scale atmospheric response to these anomalies. The U.S. Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System (GOALS) program is predicated on the belief that the skill of operational climate prediction can be further increased by continued research on ENSO and by efforts to understand other elements of the climate system that contribute to the observed seasonal-to-interannual variability. The Pan American Climate Studies (PACS) program is a component of the U.S. GOALS program in the 1995-2005 time frame which provides a phenomenological context for some of the GOALS research.

The overall goal of PACS is to extend the scope and improve the skill of operational seasonal-to-interannual climate prediction over the Americas. Particular emphasis is placed on warm season rainfall, for which a predictive capability does not yet exist. In the context of PACS, climate prediction is also concerned, not only with seasonal mean rainfall and temperature, but also with the frequency of occurrence of significant weather events such as hurricanes or floods over the course of a season or seasons.

The scientific objectives of PACS are to promote a better understanding and more realistic simulation of (1) the boundary forcing of seasonal to interannual climate variations over the Americas, (2) the evolution of tropical SST anomalies, (3) the seasonally varying mean climate over the Americas and adjacent ocean regions, (4) the time-dependent structure of the ITCZ/cold tongue complex, and (5) the relevant land surface processes.

To state these objectives more explicitly:

  1. Boundary forcing: The atmospheric circulation, in isolation, is not predictable beyond a week or two. Hence, prospects for improved climate prediction on the seasonal-to-interannual time scale hinge on the ability to exploit the relationships between the planetary-scale atmospheric circulation and the slowly evolving and potentially predictable boundary forcing; i.e., the fields of sea surface temperature (SST), vegetation, and soil moisture, in which the season-to-season "memory" of the coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system resides. Hence, improved understanding of boundary-forced atmospheric anomalies is of central importance, not only to PACS, but to the entire GOALS program.

  2. Evolution of tropical SST anomalies: For climate prediction of a season or more in advance, it is necessary to take into account the evolution of the boundary forcing of the atmosphere. In keeping with the general strategy of GOALS, PACS will seek to advance the state-of-the-art of the prediction of SST anomalies in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific, both of which are known to influence climate variability over parts of the Americas.

  3. Seasonally varying mean climate: Regional rainfall anomalies over the Americas are largely a reflection of the intensification or weakening, or subtle displacements in positions of the climatological-mean features that organize the rainfall: i.e., the monsoons, the oceanic Intertropical Convergence Zones (ITCZs), and the tropical and extratropical cyclone tracks. An understanding of these robust climatological-mean features and their seasonal evolution is a prerequisite for the interpretation and prediction of the anomalies.

  4. Structure of the ITCZ/cold tongue complex: A major stumbling block in the validation of the models used to simulate tropical atmosphere-ocean interaction in ENSO is the lack of observational data for defining the structure of the ocean mixed layer and the overlying atmosphere in the ITCZ/cold tongue complex. PACS will address this deficiency through its field projects and the related modeling studies that will make use of these data.

  5. Land surface processes: The distribution of rainfall over the Americas is shaped, not only by SST patterns but also by land surface processes, particularly during the warm season, when vegetation and soil moisture are highly influential. Orography and coastal geometry mediate these effects and leave a distinctive mesoscale imprint upon the rainfall patterns. These issues will be addressed in collaboration with the Global Energy and Water Experiment (GEWEX) and its regional programs, with PACS supplying the atmospheric modeling expertise and GEWEX the hydrological expertise. Much of this research will require the use of mesoscale models, applied in a climatological setting.

PACS scientific objectives (i) and (ii) directly address the scientific objectives of the GOALS program: (i) relates to atmospheric prediction and (ii) to prediction of tropical SST; in this sense they may be viewed as primary. Objectives (iii), (iv), and (v) play a supportive role by advancing understanding of the mechanisms that give rise to and limit the predictability of the coupled global ocean-atmosphere-land system: (iii) and (iv) relate to the prediction of ENSO and other phenomena that give rise to tropical SST anomalies, and (v) relates to the prediction of continental rainfall.

PACS encompasses a broad range of activities, including empirical studies, data set development, modeling, climate monitoring, and more intensive, limited term field experiments. In order to avoid being spread too thin, the field studies will focus on different regions of the Pan-American climate system in sequence. During the first five years they will focus on atmosphere-ocean interaction in the tropical eastern Pacific, in association with the ENSO cycle and the climatological-mean annual march. During the second half of PACS the emphasis will shift to the tropical Atlantic Ocean where the SST anomalies are more subtle and more diverse in terms of horizontal structure than in the Pacific, but no less important in terms of their influence upon precipitation in the adjacent continental regions.

The phenomenological basis for PACS is outlined in the Scientific Prospectus. This Implementation Plan spells out in more detail, the research that will be carried out in pursuit of the scientific objectives of the program. Section 2 discusses the practical and scientific motivation for the program and sections 3-5 describe the empirical studies, dataset development, and modeling that will be conducted under its auspices. Section 6 describes the field studies envisioned for PACS, starting with projects already funded and going on to describe activities likely to be proposed for the 1997-2000 time frame. Section 7 discusses linkages with other programs: specifically the Global Energy and Water Experiment (GEWEX) and its regional programs, NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM), and the Atlantic Circulation and Climate Experiment (ACCE). Program management is discussed in section 8. Within the U.S., interagency support is being sought for PACS, with coordination by the GOALS Project Office. The Inter American Institutes (IAIs) serve as a vehicle for coordinating international cooperation.


Figure 1 shows a selection of time series illustrating the large year-to-year variability of seasonal-mean rainfall. Features visible in these plots include the anomalous summer of 1993, marked by disastrous floods in the central U.S. and drought in the southeast, and the summers of 1988 and 1991 in which the farmers in the central U.S. suffered major drought-related crop losses. Longer time scale features such as the legendary "dust bowl" epoch in the central U.S. in the 1930's are also evident. In semiarid regions, such as parts of Arizona and northeast Brazil, the interannual variability tends to be even larger in relation to the seasonal mean rainfall, rendering agriculture a high-risk venture.

Figure 1. Time series of warm season rainfall over selected regions: U.S. Great Plains, southeast U.S., Arizona, Ceara, Brazil, and Guayaquil, Ecuador. Averaging months as indicated.

Following upon the success of TOGA, government agencies in Peru (Lagos and Buizer 1992) and Brazil have been incorporating El Niño predictions into their agricultural planning for several years now. A beneficial impact of the forecasts is suggested by Table 1, which shows grain production for a number of recent years in the state of Ceara in northeast Brazil and corresponding rainfall totals over the state, both expressed as percentages of normal. The moderately severe drought conditions that prevailed in 1987 have been blamed for the drastically reduced grain production that year. Similar drought conditions in 1992, after the advent of climate prediction, reduced agricultural production only slightly, and even the much more severe drought that prevailed the following year had a less adverse impact on grain production than the 1987 drought.

Table 1. Grain production and growing season rainfall in the state of Ceara in northeast Brazil, for selected years, both expressed as percentages of the long-term mean.

On the basis of empirical studies, a number of significant relationships between anomalies in tropical SST anomalies and concurrent or subsequent rainfall anomalies over the Americas have been identified. A few of the concurrent relationships are illustrated in Fig. 2. Rainfall on the coastal plain of Ecuador and northern Peru is positively correlated with SST in the equatorial Pacific. The same distinctive "El Niño signature" is apparent, with varying degrees of strength, in several of the other correlation maps. Tropical Atlantic SST signatures are also apparent in several of the patterns: particularly the one for February-May rainfall in northeast Brazil.

Figure 2. Simultaneous linear correlation between seasonal-mean rainfall in the indicated region and Pacific and Atlantic SST anomalies. Contour interval is 0.1; negative contours are dashed.

The existence of significant correlations does not, in itself, constitute proof that SST anomalies in some particular ocean region influence rainfall within a prescribed continental region. In the coupled atmosphere-ocean system, inference of causality on the basis of empirical evidence alone is fraught with ambiguity. The role of such empirical evidence suggests the kinds of modeling experiments that need to be conducted in order to establish causality. The influence of ENSO upon rainfall in Ecuador, as well as in more remote regions such as the southeastern United States has, in fact, been verified on the basis of numerous experiments with atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs), and the dynamical mechanisms that give rise to the remote response are reasonably well understood. In a similar manner, it is well established that SST anomalies in the tropical Atlantic are capable of influencing northeast Brazil rainfall.

Theoretical considerations suggest that the extratropical response to tropical SST anomalies should be strongest during the cold season, in agreement with empirical evidence. Hence, most of the AGCM investigations that have been conducted thus far have been based on wintertime conditions. In the absence of confirmatory AGCM simulations, the correlation pattern for summer rainfall over the U.S. Great Plains in Fig. 2 is difficult to interpret. For example, it is possible that the North Pacific features in the SST correlation pattern are induced by the same atmospheric circulation anomalies that are responsible for the rainfall anomalies. Whether the hint of an ENSO signature in the pattern is indicative of a causal relationship remains to be seen.

Results of several published AGCM studies suggest that equatorial SST anomalies associated with ENSO might, in fact, be capable of influencing warm season rainfall over the Americas. Furthermore, there is evidence, based on statistics of hurricane frequency that the ENSO cycle exerts a far reaching influence on summertime climate in the PACS domain. Figure 3 shows the position of the Atlantic storms on the last day that they exhibited hurricane force winds for two sets of years, classified on the basis of an index of equatorial Pacific SST. More than twice as many storms enter the Gulf of Mexico and make landfall along its coastline during the cold years as during the warm years. Figure 4 shows analogous warm versus cold year composites, but for hurricane and tropical storm days. Warm years of the ENSO cycle are characterized by more Pacific storm days in general, and more of the storms reach northwestern Mexico and Hawaii before they dissipate. Hence the ENSO cycle apparently affects the partitioning of the storms between the Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico and the eastern Pacific.

Figure 3. Hurricane positions on the last day that they exhibit hurricane-force winds during the 25 warmest (left panel) and 25 coldest (right panel) years in terms of SST in the equatorial cold tongue region (6°N-6°S, 180-90°W) based on the period of record 1886-1992.

Figure 4. Daily hurricane and tropical cyclone positions during the 10 warmest (left panel) and 10 coldest (right panel) years in terms of SST in the equatorial cold tongue region) based on the period of record 1949-1992.

Warm season rainfall over the Americas is influenced, not only by tropical SST anomalies, but also by land surface processes. Evapotranspiration from vegetation is an important moisture source for precipitation systems, and it exerts a strong influence on daytime surface air temperature and static stability, which feed back upon the dynamical variables. Under certain circumstances, the two kinds of boundary forcing could be coupled: e.g., with springtime SST anomalies modulating the moisture available to support the growth of vegetation, and the vegetation, in turn, feeding back upon the summer rainfall and daytime temperatures. In a similar manner, precipitation anomalies during the previous month or season could precondition the warm season climate through their influence on vegetation and soil moisture, as evidenced by the observed tendency for anomalously hot months to follow anomalously dry months during the warm season. Lead-lag correlation statistics analogous to those presented in Fig. 2 have been used with a limited degree of success as a basis for prediction of temperature and rainfall over the United States, the numbers of Atlantic hurricanes, and indices of equatorial Pacific SST anomalies. However, in view of the high degree of nonlinearity of the climate system and the limited duration of the observational record, it will be difficult to achieve major advances in state-of-the-art of climate prediction without a better understanding of the physical processes that determine the mean state of the climate system and govern its time-dependent behavior. The gaps in current knowedge of the physics are reflected in the rather large and pervasive systematic biases in climate simulations, as described in Section 5.4. PACS field studies will be designed to supply the basic information needed to diagnose and correct these deficiencies in the model physics.

PACS will promote an improved understanding of the processes that control the distribution of rainfall over the Americas and apply that knowledge to improve the models used for seasonal-to-interannual climate prediction, for use in activities such as agriculture water resource management, which can benefit from more accurate and detailed information concerning the statistical probabilities of various rainfall scenarios. The focus of PACS is regional, rather than global, because the large-scale SST variations are more clearly defined and more strongly coupled to variations in continental rainfall in the tropical Atlantic and eastern Pacific Oceans than those in other ocean sectors. It is continental, as opposed to national, because seasonal rainfall anomalies over the United States can only be understood in the context of the broader, continental scale pattern in which they are embedded.


Observational studies of the interactions between the tropical ocean and the global atmosphere conducted during the late 1960's and 70's laid the groundwork for the advances in numerical prediction of ENSO and its impacts on global climate that took place during TOGA. They demonstrated the linkage between tropical SST anomalies and regional climate anomalies in the extratropics and they revealed and illuminated the essential atmosphere ocean-feedback mechanisms that give rise to the ENSO cycle. The knowledge gained from these investigations shaped of atmospheric and oceanic GCM experimentation during TOGA and it stimulated the development of a new generation of coupled models capable of simulating what are believed to be the essential aspects of the ENSO cycle.

Empirical studies will contribute to all five of the PACS scientific objectives:

  1. Boundary forcing: It is well recognized that the ENSO cycle modulates cold season rainfall over much of the southern United States. There are indications of possible linkages during the warm season, but it is not yet clear whether they are strong and dependable enough to be of use in prediction. Hence, in PACS there is scope for (a) statistical studies documenting relationships between anomalous boundary forcing and climate anomalies over the Americas and (b) diagnostic studies elucidating the physical and dynamical mechanisms through which these linkages occur. In this context, anomalous boundary forcing includes both SST and land surface processes, and climate anomalies refer not only to mean temperature and rainfall, but also to the frequency of droughts, floods, and severe thunderstorm outbreaks, and to the tropical and extratropical storm tracks. The relationships of interest are likely to be seasonally dependent, and some of them may be nonlinear.

    Inference of causal relationships based on empirical evidence is often difficult because the anomalous surface wind field associated with the rainfall anomalies may induce SST anomalies of its own, and anomalous boundary conditions in a number of different regions are often interrelated by way of planetary-scale atmospheric teleconnections. For this reason, empirical studies of the atmospheric response to anomalous boundary forcing need to be complemented by a program of experimentation with AGCMs described in section 5.1.

  2. Evolution of tropical SST anomalies: It is becoming increasingly apparent that the ENSO phenomenon is subject to variability on decadal-to-century time scales. The warm polarity has become more prevalent since the mid-1970's and particularly since 1990 and the biennial periodicity that characterized much of the previous 20 years has not been in evidence. Whether these long-term changes should be viewed as deterministic fluctuations in the coupled climate system, or whether they are merely a reflection of sampling variability associated with the ENSO cycle has yet to be determined. Empirical studies are needed to clarify the nature of this long-term variability and to determine whether it is potentially predictable or at least subject to real-time assessment. Less is known about the processes that determine the evolution of the more subtle SST anomalies in the tropical Atlantic, but there is evidence of organization on a space scale comparable to the width of the basin and on time scales longer than the characteristic thermal damping time of the mixed layer. Empirical studies during the first half of PACS will provide guidance for the design of field studies focusing on the mechanisms of large-scale atmosphere-ocean coupling over the tropical Atlantic that may be proposed for the 2001-05 time frame, as discussed in section 6.4.

  3. Seasonally varying mean climate: The synoptic climatology of rainfall and significant weather events over the Americas is still in need of further elaboration, particularly for the warm season. There are indications of inverse relationships between monsoonal rainfall and rainfall in adjacent regions that warrant further exploration. There remain outstanding questions concerning the mechanisms of the annual march in the cold tongue/ITCZ complexes and the stratus decks that could be addressed in diagnostic studies based on existing data sets.

  4. Structure of the ITCZ/cold tongue complex: Descriptive and diagnostic studies of the ocean mixed layer, the atmospheric planetary boundary-layer structure, and the interfacial fluxes in the cold tongue/ITCZ complexes, based on existing marine surface observations and satellite data, will provide a large-scale context for the field studies described in section 6.

  5. Regional distribution of continental precipitation: Terrain features over the Americas give rise to a number of distinctive local features in the synoptic climatology such as low-level jets with moist, poleward flow to the east of the Rockies and Andes, episodic "gap winds" across central America, and strong diurnal variations in rainfall patterns. Empirical studies that define and elucidate the fundamental characteristics of these features will complement the mesoscale modeling effort in PACS described in section 5.2.

For a list of empirical studies funded by PACS, click here.


PACS investigators have at their disposal a much larger array of observational and model generated datasets than was available during TOGA. Relevant satellite-based datasets include radiative fluxes, precipitation estimates, cloud parameters, layer-averaged temperature and humidity, wind stress over the oceans, sea level, ocean color, and vegetation indices. The satellite measurements, in combination with the ongoing components of the in situ global observing system put into place during the Global Atmospheric Research Program and TOGA and data sets derived from PACS and GEWEX field programs, provide unprecedented opportunities for innovative investigations in pursuit of the PACS scientific objectives. PACS does not fund a major data management activity of its own: it relies heavily upon a number of ongoing data management efforts funded by the mission agencies.

Many of the datasets needed by PACS investigators are already available through existing data distribution centers; for example:

PACS offers additional information on datasets on its World Wide Web home page. PACS is supporting the assembly of additional daily and monthly precipitation records for Mexican stations, the preparation of 1° x 1° resolution monthly SST data for the tropical and extratropical Pacific and Atlantic basins based on the Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set (COADS), and the extension of ISCCP-type convective cloud data backward to the early 1970's.

Data derived from PACS-sponsored field studies described in section 6 will be available to the scientific community as soon as is practically feasible. The data that do not require extensive postprocessing should be available in real or near-real time and the more intensively processed datasets should generally be available within a year of the time that the observations are taken.

For a list of dataset development and management projects funded by PACS, click here.


Numerical modeling is the vehicle through which the overall goal of PACS (to extend the scope and improve the skill of operational seasonal-to-interannual climate prediction over the Americas) will be achieved. A broad-based program of experimentation with a hierarchy of models will contribute to the pursuit of all five PACS scientific objectives. The simulation of the boundary forcing of rainfall anomalies and the frequency of occurrence of significant weather events over the Americas addresses the potential predictability of the atmosphere, given perfect knowledge of the boundary conditions,whereas the simulation of the evolution of SST anomalies addresses the predictability of the boundary conditions. Simulation of the seasonally varying mean climate over the Americas and the adjacent oceans as an initial value problem with coupled GCMs, provides an incisive test of current understanding of the coupled tropical ocean/global atmosphere system, as reflected in the design of the models. Of particular importance in this regard, is the simulation of the structure of the ITCZ/cold tongue complex, which plays a central role in the dynamics of the ENSO cycle and the coupling between the tropical atmosphere and ocean. PACS is also concerned with the simulation of the various land surface processes that mediate the influence of the planetary-scale circulation upon local rainfall.

The challenge of simulating phenomena such as the narrow, highly persistent ITCZ, the equatorial cold tongues with their shallow oceanic mixed layers, the stratus decks, and the recurrent "gap winds" across portions of central America as revealed by PACS empirical and field studies, will provide a major stimulus for the development of improved, higher resolution models that exploit the increasingly powerful supercomputers that are becoming available. Understanding these features in the context of the atmospheric and oceanic general circulation and simulating them realistically will require major advances in the understanding of large-scale atmosphere-ocean interaction and state-of-the-art climate modeling.

5.1 Atmospheric General Circulation Models (AGCMs)

AGCM simulations can provide insights into the physical mechanisms responsible for the remote linkages between SST anomalies and the regional climate variations. The traditional methodology in these investigations is based on detailed comparative analyses of simulations with different prescribed SST boundary conditions, which are often motivated by empirical studies. For example, the correlation pattern in Fig. 2c indicates that monsoon rainfall anomalies over northeast Brazil are positively correlated with SST anomalies over the tropical South Atlantic and negatively correlated with SST anomalies over the tropical North Atlantic. AGCM simulations with SST anomalies prescribed in accordance with this pattern yield rainfall anomalies of the observed sign, relative to the "control run" with climatological mean SST. The consistency between the model simulations and the observations supports the inference that the SST anomalies cause the anomalous rainfall. In a similar manner, AGCM experiments can examine the hypothesis that SST anomalies associated with El Niño are capable of inducing rainfall anomalies over northeast Brazil and other regions of the Americas, independently of the anomalies in the Atlantic.

The AGCM experiments, together with detailed observations of regional weather phenomena, can also help scientists to understand, and ultimately to predict the way in which the slowly evolving planetary-scale atmospheric response to boundary forcing modulates the more intermittent, higher frequency synoptic and subsynoptic phenomena that are responsible for the individual episodes of heavy rainfall and significant weather. Phenomena of interest include flareups in the ITCZ and the South Atlantic Convergence Zone, migrating frontal systems, and higher latitude blocking events associated with wintertime cold air outbreaks. Although deterministic prediction of phenomena such as these is not feasible on the seasonal-to-interannual time scale, AGCM simulations with realistic models can potentially provide more accurate and detailed information concerning their frequency or likelihood of occurrence in the next year or two than empirical evidence alone.

AGCM simulations forced with climatological mean boundary conditions exhibit systematic biases in regions of interest to PACS. One of the common flaws is the underestimation of wind stress in the equatorial belt. Increasing the horizontal resolution may alleviate this problem by increasing the poleward eddy momentum flux and it may, at the same time, provide a better representation of topographic effects on the low level flow. The Andes mountains, for example, may play a crucial role in maintaining the prevailing along-shore surface winds off Peru and the associated oceanic upwelling in that region. The models also underestimate the coverage of oceanic stratus clouds, which play an important role in the energy balance of the atmospheric planetary boundary layer (PBL) and the ocean mixed layer and are believed to be responsible for much of the equatorial asymmetry of SST in the tropical Atlantic and eastern Pacific. These well-defined biases within the PACS region serve to highlight basic deficiencies in the atmospheric models that need to be corrected in order to pave the way for the development of realistic coupled models.

5.2 Mesoscale atmospheric models

A distinguishing characteristic of the modeling program to be implemented in PACS is the emphasis on mesoscale processes that affect the distribution of continental-scale precipitation and its variability on seasonal-to-interannual time scales. Along the coasts and over the mountainous terrain of the Americas, the simulated rainfall in the AGCMs and coupled GCMs cannot be compared directly with the station data because the weather systems responsible for most of the rainfall have length scales almost an order of magnitude smaller than those resolved by the GCM grids currently in use. The AGCM and coupled GCM simulations are particularly poor in summer, when mesoscale convective systems play a dominant role in organizing the precipitation over the Americas and in the Intertropical Convergence Zones (ITCZs) over the eastern Pacific and western Atlantic Oceans. Resolution of mesoscale processes in global models will probably not be feasible within the PACS time frame.

Understanding and simulating the detailed distribution of rainfall over the Americas and in the oceanic ITCZs will not require resolving mesoscale processes over the entire globe, provided that modelers can learn how to effectively nest regional models that resolve mesoscale phenomena within AGCMs and coupled GCMs. The fact that preliminary experiments with mesoscale models have yielded more realistic depictions of the near-surface circulation and rainfall than conventional AGCM simulations attests to the feasibility of this strategy.

The technology of incorporating nested mesoscale models into global models is at a stage comparable to that of coupling AGCMs and ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) at the beginning of the TOGA program: much work remains to determine the most appropriate modeling strategies. Among the issues remaining to be resolved are: What horizontal and vertical resolutions are required in the nested model to adequately simulate seasonal and interannual variations in summertime rainfall? How sensitive are the simulations to the techniques employed to nest the mesoscale models in global models? A promising new technique that might potentially be explored is the use of a "window model", in which the large-scale flow is simulated directly with a lower resolution, while the selected region is examined at higher resolution through the use of a perturbation model that has essentially the same physics and model dynamical structure.

The current modeling strategies will evolve over the period of the PACS programs as the scientific objectives of the program are accomplished. Initially, the emphasis will be on the third of the PACS scientific objectives: modeling the seasonally varying mean climate over the tropical Americas and adjacent oceans, including phenomena such as seabreezes and mountain-valley winds. It will be of particular interest to determine how the mesoscale features feed back upon the planetary and synopic scale climatology of the PACS domain and how they influence the thermodynamic and dynamical structure of the ocean mixed layer in the cold tongue/ITCZ region. These studies should pave the way for addressing the first scientific objective, which relates to the impacts of the slowly varying planetary-scale interannual fluctuations, such as the ENSO phenomenon, upon the mesoscale circulations. Initially, the emphasis is likely to be on the tropical portion of the PACS domain, where the impacts are most direct, but in the long run it will be of interest to consider variations of summer rainfall in the extratropics as well.

5.3 Ocean General Circulation Models (OGCMs)

The processes that determine the annual march of SST in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean are only partly known, yet this is a crucial facet of the climatology in the PACS domain, particularly with respect to the annual march of the ITCZ and the northwestward shift of the American monsoon from equatorial South America to Central America and Mexico in boreal summer. Although the annual march is largely a reflection of coupled air-sea interactions, there remain a number of important questions concerning the processes that contribute to SST variability in this region that could be addressed in the context of OGCM experiments in which the ocean is forced by specified atmospheric fluxes. As the important components of the ocean response become better understood, improvement of coupled models will be expedited.

The mechanisms that control the annual march of SST in the monsoon regime of the eastern tropical Pacific appear to be fundamentally different from those in the trade wind regime of the central Pacific, upon which much of the prior OGCM development effort has been focused. In the central Pacific, zonal wind variations are a dominant mode of forcing, and SST often appears tied to thermocline depth variations, which are dominated by the interannual variability. In the east, by contrast, the fact that the annual cycle of cold tongue SST variability is much more regular than that of thermocline depth suggests that remotely forced equatorial ocean wave activity might not be the pacemaker for the annual march. The lack of correspondence between fluctuations in SST and thermocline depth in the east attests to the importance of other processes such as insolation and other surface fluxes, upwelling, horizontal advection, and vertical mixing in the heat balance. Vertical mixing influences SST not only by entraining cold water into the upper layer, but also by changing the mixed layer depth over which the surface heat and momentum fluxes are distributed. The thermocline can be quite shallow in this region, trapping this complex set of processes in a thin layer. Therefore very fine vertical resolution may be necessary to model these processes accurately, and proper accounting for changes in mixed layer depth is crucial.

Ocean models have been able to simulate some aspects of annual variability in the eastern equatorial Pacific, particularly features with large zonal scale such as the basin-wide pressure gradients and zonal currents, yet they have had trouble simulating the annual cycle of SST in the eastern Pacific without resorting to parameterizations that to some extent predetermine the result through either relaxation terms or particular specifications of the heat fluxes. It is unclear to what extent these unsatisfactory results are due to incomplete model physics or insufficiently well-observed surface forcing functions. Efforts to improve these models have often focused on parameterization of mixed layer physics, upwelling and entrainment. One of the major motivations for the field studies described in the next section is the need for improved estimates of the surface fluxes for testing the various OGCM parameterizations.

As in the atmosphere, an issue that remains unresolved is the rectification of high-frequency forcing and internal instabilities into the low-frequency variability. Such forcing includes the equatorial intraseasonal waves, and instabilities that are prominent particularly north of the equator at periods near 20-30 days; both these signals are modulated by the annual cycle and by ENSO. Model results suggest that the vertical velocity field can fluctuate rapidly in connection with these and other phenomena. Since mixing is an irreversible process, the net effect of high-frequency signals on the annual cycle might be quite different than would be deduced from low frequency averages alone.

There also appears to be important smaller-scale regional variability that escapes the resolution of basin scale OGCMs but that may be significant for understanding the heat, mass, and momentum budgets over the eastern tropical Pacific. The region up to a few hundred km of the Central American coast is generally very warm but can cool rapidly in response to winter northerlies blowing through gaps in the American cordillera. South of the equator, the annual coastal upwelling signal has been cited as important for the development of much larger-scale phenomena, but the processes by which the narrow coastal features might influence the larger scale have not yet been clearly elucidated. Present basin-scale OGCMs handle these near-coastal signals poorly.

The question of closure of the equatorial and tropical current systems in the east Pacific remains obscure. The fate of water flowing eastward in the North Equatorial Countercurrent and Equatorial Undercurrent is not known. To date, these current systems have been largely understood as a feature of the dynamics of the broad central Pacific, far from boundaries, where the zonal scales are very long. Similarly, the source of water upwelled in the equatorial cold tongue, the depth from which it originates, and the meridional extent of the upwelling cell have not yet been established, and it is not known whether the upwelling water can be traced back to the surface in extratropical regions, as has been suggested from theory. These and other questions about the closure of the current systems in the east speak to the most fundamental aspects of the ocean circulation in the PACS region; they will become tractable as the community develops confidence in the performance of OGCMs in the tropical eastern Pacific.

5.4 Coupled atmosphere-ocean GCMs

Improved prediction of SST anomalies and their effects on climate will require the development of coupled GCMs capable of simulating the seasonally varying climate accurately, since it is the mean climate that determines the linear stability and nonlinear dynamical properties of the coupled system. Coupled models tend to be more sensitive to small perturbations and to display more complex behavior than their AGCM and OGCM components. The PACS domain, with its strong atmosphere-ocean interactions, provides an attractive test bed for these models.

State-of-the-art coupled GCMs have achieved some important successes in simulating the climate in the tropical eastern Pacific, but they also share some troublesome systematic errors. The simulated equatorial cold tongue generally tends to be too strong, too narrow, and to extend too far west. The largest biases in SST occur along the eastern and western ends of the basin: simulated SST is not cold enough in the east and not warm enough in the west. The models also tend to underestimate the strong equatorial asymmetries in the mean climate of the eastern Pacific: SST and rainfall are too high south of the equator. The climatological mean annual march, which strongly influences the characteristics of the ENSO cycle, also tends to be unrealistic: the ITCZ migrates across the equator rather than remaining in the Northern Hemisphere throughout nearly the entire year as observed. A pervasive problem in many of the coupled GCMs is that the western Pacific warm pool extends too far east along 10°S. This feature, combined with the tendency for the cold tongue to extend too far west along the equator, renders simulated meridional gradients too strong and zonal gradients too weak south of the equator. The excessively high SSTs in the eastern Pacific south of the equator appear to be a consequence of the lack of stratiform cloudiness which allows an excessive amount of insolation to reach the ocean surface. Many of these deficiencies relate to the southerly regime described at the beginning of section 6.

Coupled models will provide the ultimate test of any theory of why the ITCZ/cold tongue complexes exist, why they tend to be asymmetric about the equator, and why they exhibit a strong annual cycle. These models will be the focal point for investigating the stratus decks and their role in global climate. Since they simulate feedbacks not represented in the AGCMs, they provide the most reliable indication of the global response to local boundary forcing. AGCMs are unlikely to underestimate the response because SST in regions remote from the forcing is not allowed to vary. Improved prediction of SST anomalies in the PACS region is a prerequisite for successful seasonal-to-interannual prediction of rainfall over the Americas. SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific are currently predicted operationally out to several seasons in advance using simple coupled atmosphere-ocean models, in which the mean state and climatological-mean seasonal cycle are prescribed. The evolution of the complete tropical Pacific system is also predicted operationally using coupled GCMs. The model predictions have shown considerable skill. Nevertheless, the prolonged warm episode over the tropical Pacific during the early 1990's was not successfully predicted. At present there is no definitive explanation of this phenomenon. Apparently SST in the tropical Pacific varies, not only in response to the ENSO cycle, but also in response to processes operative on longer time scales. Hence, in order to achieve its fourth scientific objective, to promote a better understanding and improved modeling of the evolution of the anomalies in the SST field, it will be necessary to consider the coupling between the atmosphere and ocean over a wide spectrum of time scales, ranging from a season out to decades or longer. Coupled GCMs are the principal tool to be used in support of those studies. The improved understanding of the physical processes responsible for the variability of the tropical oceans and the improved ability to predict them with coupled GCMs will be directly relevant to the methodologies used in operational prediction centers.

A number of important technical issues in the design of coupled models have yet to be resolved. Experiments have been conducted to explore how a change in the resolution of one component of the coupled system affects the results. If the OGCM has high (finer than 1° x 1°) horizontal resolution that can capture the equatorially trapped waves that transmit the signal of the wind forcing across the Pacific basin, then a realistic ENSO cycle can be reproduced in the coupled model. If the resolution of the OGCM is degraded to the point where it fails to capture those modes, other processes dominate the evolution of SST in the equatorial waveguide and the simulation of the ENSO cycle is unrealistic. The effect of AGCM resolution on the performance of the coupled system is relatively unexplored. Coupled GCMs in which the AGCM has high horizontal resolution tend to produce a realistic annual cycle in SST in the eastern equatorial Pacific but a very weak ENSO cycle. If the AGCM has a substantially coarser horizontal resolution than the OGCM (as is the case in most models), the simulation of the feedbacks between the atmosphere and the ocean is compromised to some extent because the AGCM is incapable of responding to the fine structure in the SST field such as the equatorial cold tongues and narrow coastal upwelling zones. Resolving this problem requires a better understanding of the connection between the seasonal and interannual variability.

For a list of modeling projects funded by PACS, click here.


PACS field studies support the first two PACS scientific objectives by providing improved datasets for initializing and verifying model simulations of the boundary forcing of rainfall anomalies over the Americas and the evolution of the tropical SST field. Many of the field studies envisioned for the first half of PACS also relate quite directly to the fourth scientific objective (i.e., to promote a better understanding and more realistic simulation of the structure of the ITCZ/cold tongue complex). Field studies are needed to define this structure in sufficient detail to support the modeling effort described in the previous section. The activities envisioned include exploratory measurements, enhanced monitoring, and process studies.

The pilot field studies already underway and the possible initiatives that have been considered thus far by PACS working groups relate to the ITCZ/cold tongue complex in the eastern Pacific, which dominates the interannual variability of the coupled climate system, and the stratus cloud deck off the coast of Peru. Within the eastern Pacific cold tongue region there exist two rather different regimes that prevail within different ranges of longitude that will be labeled as "the easterly regime" and "the southerly regime" on the basis of the direction of the prevailing winds along the equator as illustrated in Fig. 5. The dividing line, near 110°W, corresponds to the ridge in the equatorial sea-level pressure profile.

Figure 5. Equatorial wind regimes as defined in the text, superimposed upon the average September-October climatology. Arrows represent surface winds; orange shading represents rainfall in excess of 20 cm/mo based on microwave satellite imagery over the oceans and rain gauge data over land; gray shading represents the stratus decks, defined as the region in which the albedo exceeds 0.3, and the contours represent sea-level pressure (SLP: contour interval 1 mb). The heavy line represents the "ridge line" in the SLP field; i.e., the highest SLP at each latitude. Climatological winds from the Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set
(Woodruff et al. 1987); SLP from Sadler et al. (1987); ocean rainfall from Spencer (1993); and land rainfall from Legates and Willmott (1990).

Westward of 110°W, the zonal pressure gradient along the equator drives easterly surface winds that comprise the lower branch of the Walker Circulation. The easterlies induce a distinctive, equatorially symmetric upwelling signature in the SST pattern: a reflection of surface Ekman divergence, partially balanced by an opposing geostrophic convergence due to the eastward directed pressure gradient force that sets up in response to these winds. The divergence represents the upper branch of a pair of wind-driven circulation cells in the meridional plane, symmetric about the equator, whose convergent, lower branch is at the depth of the thermocline and the core of the Equatorial Undercurrent. The strongest and most coherent SST fluctuations that occur in association with the ENSO cycle lie within this easterly regime. Seasonal variations are also observed, but they are weaker than those in the southerly regime farther to the east. Eastward of 110°W the strong equatorial asymmetry in the American coastline induces northward cross-equatorial flow in the atmospheric planetary boundary layer, whose curvature is in cyclostrophic balance with the zonal sea-level pressure gradient along the equator. The cold tongue, centered near 1°S, cannot be interpreted as an equatorial upwelling signature induced by westerly wind stress, since the zonal wind at these longitudes is quite weak. It may simply be the surface signature of the ridge in the thermocline above the equatorial undercurrent, rendered visible in the SST pattern by wind driven entrainment. Alternatively, it could be a manifestation of upwelling to the south of the equator induced by the southerly surface winds, or it might be the signature of the plume of the cold water upwelled along the coast of Peru.

The observed distribution of rainfall and cloud types, together with the prevailing cross-equatorial southerly surface winds, depicted schematically in Fig. 6, suggests that this southerly regime is characterized by a thermally direct time-mean meridional circulation. Subsidence and extensive stratiform cloudiness prevail to the south of the equator where SST is remarkably cold considering the latitude, and ascent and deep convection occur over the warm pool to the north. Much of the meridional contrast in SST is concentrated in a rather strong "equatorial front" which usually lies near 2°N, and most of the rainfall is concentrated in the ITCZ, which migrates seasonally between 6° and 12°N.

Figure 6. Idealized cross section through the cold-tongue-ITCZ complex along 90°W showing the atmospheric meridional circulation and planetary boundary layer depth and the oceanic thermal structure. SEC refers to the South Equatorial Current, NECC to the North Equatorial countercurrent and EUC to the Equatorial Undercurrent. The heavy cloud denotes the position of the ITCZ. Encircled x's (dots) denote westward (eastward) flowing winds or currents. (Courtesy of S.K. Esbensen.)

The equatorial asymmetries are strongest during the boreal summer and early autumn, when the ITCZ at these longitudes is particularly broad and active and merges with the monsoonal precipitation over Central America. The southern limit of the rain area, characterized by strong low-level southerly inflow appears to be an integral part of the ITCZ, whereas the northern limit appears to be related to the land-sea geometry that determines the outline of the monsoonal rainfall. The extent of the stratus cloud deck west of the Peru coast is also greatest during the boreal late summer and early autumn and the northward flow across the equator is strongest.

The northward cross-equatorial flow, which is believed to be quite shallow, exhibits strong diffluence as it crosses the equatorial cold tongue, and it is subject to strong air mass modification as it passes over the warmer waters to the north of the equatorial front. Stratocumulus cloud streets aligned with the flow, analogous to those that develop in polar air masses advected over the Gulf Stream, are often observed downstream of the front. The front and the atmospheric features associated with it migrate northward and southward with the passage of westward propagating 20-day period 1000 km wavelength tropical instability waves whose signatures are clearly evident in SST patterns based on satellite imagery.

The degree to which this seasonally varying meridional circulation and the associated clouds and rainfall influences the SST distribution and the structure of temperature and salinity in the ocean mixed layer in the vicinity of the equatorial cold tongue is not known. It has been suggested that the strengthening of this northward flow around May of each year that occurs in association with the northward migration of the monsoonal rain area over the Americas might be responsible for the pronounced strengthening of the cold tongue at this time, but ocean models, at least as presently formulated, exhibit only a weak response to this seasonally dependent forcing.

SST and mixed-layer structure within the southerly regime are determined by a subtle interplay between a number of competing processes which may be affected, to varying degrees, by the meridional circulation: northwestward advection of cold water that has upwelled along the South American coast, the input of solar energy which may be highly sensitive to the fractional coverage of stratus clouds, local wind-driven upwelling and entrainment, and southward transport of heat by the tropical instability waves. Coupled ocean-atmosphere models fail to capture the strength of this southerly regime.

SST in the Atlantic cold tongue region exhibits seasonal-to-interannual variability analogous to that in the eastern Pacific. The annual march is as strong as in the eastern Pacific and is distinguished by a cold season with a relatively rapid onset in May-July, followed by a more gradual cooling from August through March. In individual years a narrow, well-defined cold tongue signature appears quite abruptly, centered on the equator, and spreads out gradually over a period of weeks to encompass much of the central and eastern basin within 10° of the equator. In contrast to the eastern Pacific cold tongue, which prevails year round, the Atlantic cold tongue is clearly evident only during the colder months. The interannual variability is weaker and more sporadic than in the Pacific, but analogues of warm episodes in the ENSO cycle are discernible during some years. They are characterized by a retarded seasonal development of the cold tongue, apparently in response to anomalously weak easterlies in the western part of the basin. In contrast to the Pacific, off equatorial SST anomalies in the tropical Atlantic tend to be as large as those in the equatorial cold tongue region, and they are prominent in correlation maps for continental rainfall over parts of the Americas (Fig. 2a) and Atlantic/Caribbean hurricane frequency. These regions of high correlation tend to be organized in zonal bands. The primary features in the correlation pattern based on Northeast Brazil rainfall anomalies (Fig. 2b) correspond quite closely to the Northeast and Southeast Tradewind regimes and lag-correlation statistics suggest that these SST anomalies develop in response to variations in the strength of the Trades. However, if they were nothing more than a passive response to stochastic forcing by the atmosphere, it is difficult to understand why they exhibit such pronounced year-to-year autocorrelation, particularly in the Northeast Tradewind region. There is scope for field studies directed at better understanding the evolution of these patterns so that their impact on continental rainfall can be better predicted.

With one exception, the PACS field studies already underway are being conducted at 125°W, in the easterly regime of the tropical eastern Pacific. Much of the work that has been proposed for the 1998-2000 time frame would focus on the southerly regime farther to the east. Enhanced monitoring in this region could begin as early as 1997 with the implementation of activities described in Section 6.2. The more intensive process studies described in section 6.3 will be proposed to start a year or two later than enhanced monitoring, in order to allow sufficient lead time for scientific planning and for mobilization of resources. The emphasis in PACS field studies from 2001 onward will shift to the tropical Atlantic, where there may be opportunities for cooperative programs in the context of CLIVAR or more limited international agreements. In anticipation of this effort, pilot monitoring studies in this region may be proposed for the 1997-2000 time frame, as described in section 6.4.

The richly textured distribution of seasonally varying, climatological mean rainfall over the continents presents a challenge and an opportunity for verifying the simulated features in high resolution atmospheric models that will be playing an increasingly important role in water resource management and flood control. In collaboration with GEWEX and its subprograms GCIP and LBA, PACS will consider possible initiatives for regional field studies over the Americas.

6.1 Work in progress in the tropical eastern Pacific

A field program is underway to collect soundings in the atmospheric planetary boundary layer (PBL) above the cold tongue region in the southerly regime in the far eastern Pacific. PACS is committed to three additional field projects, scheduled to begin in 1997, in the ITCZ-cold tongue complex in the easterly regime along 125°W. One of these projects will document the structure of the ITCZ; one will document the fluxes at the air-sea interface at the equator and 10°N; and one will provide high vertical resolution current profiles at the equator. The positions of the observing platforms that will be deployed in these studies are indicated in Figure 7.

Figure 7. PACS-funded pilot studies for the period 1995-98 superimposed on annual mean sea surface temperature contours from Reynolds and Smith (1994). Also shown are pre-existing TAO Array ATLAS and current meter mooring sites, and a wind profiler site in the Galapagos Islands. The location of pilot study activities is offset from TAO mooring locations for clarity. Soundings will be made along 95°W and 110°W; IMET and Rain Radar measurements will be within 30 km of one another, and within 30 km of the ATLAS mooring at 10°N,125°W.

6.1.1 Atmospheric PBL structure above the cold tongue

Apart from a short period of rawinsonde observations from the Galapagos Islands and a few isolated field observations made during EPOCS, the vertical profile of the wind and thermodynamic variables in the southerly surface wind regime in the far eastern Pacific is virtually undocumented. This region is characterized by strong turning of the wind with height from southerly at the surface to easterly at the top of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Unless strongly constrained by observational data, the models tend to underestimate the directional shear and the equatorial asymmetry in the surface winds in this region. One of the field studies funded by PACS is building a more comprehensive background climatology for this region. The principal objective of this study is to describe the PBL structure over the cold tongue in the eastern equatorial Pacific, using atmospheric soundings collected by the NOAA ship Discoverer during mooring recovery and deployment cruises. Atmospheric soundings were collected in the eastern equatorial Pacific by the NOAA ship Discoverer in October 1989, April 1994, February 1995, and August 1995. The latter period included relatively high-resolution sampling (~0.5° latitude or every 6 hours) between 10°N and 10°S along the 95°W and 110°W lines. These observations are being used to document the mean PBL structure during each transect, in particular the meridional gradients in pressure, wind, and static stability. The overall intent is to ascertain the degree to which the PBL reflects the local distribution of SST. The results will provide measures of the interannual variability as well as the seasonal cycle in the PBL over the cold tongue. They should also prove useful in the design of regional process studies of air-sea interaction, and for numerical weather prediction model validation.

6.1.2 Structure and intensity of ITCZ rainfall

Does it rain more in the western or eastern tropical Pacific? Satellite infrared data indicate that the maximum in precipitation in the tropical Pacific occurs over the western part of the ocean. The infrared-indicated cloud tops are colder in the west, and it has generally been assumed that lower cloud-top temperatures are indicative of greater rainfall amounts. Passive microwave satellite measurements tell a different story: Satellite Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) data obtained over 13 years suggest that the maximum in precipitation in the tropical Pacific occurs over the eastern part of the ocean. The microwave emission is a function of the rainwater in the column of air and is unaffected by cloud-top temperature. Together, the infrared and MSU data sets suggest that the eastern Pacific clouds produce more rain than the western Pacific clouds but are not as deep. A shipboard field study scheduled for summer 1997 will test whether this hypothesis is correct.

This ship-based study will also determine the nature of the low-topped precipitating clouds over the eastern Pacific. Are they primarily isolated convective towers, or do they exhibit mesoscale organization with convective and stratiform components similar to the precipitating clouds seen in previous tropical field programs? The ship will be stationed for ~4 weeks during the boreal summer near 8°N, 125°W, the center of the region of maximum rainfall accumulation, according the MSU measurements. It will be instrumented with a 5-cm wavelength scanning Doppler precipitation radar, a 915 MHz profiler, and a shipboard balloon-sounding system. Two instrumented buoys will be located 30 km from the ship: one a part of the existing TAO array and the other to be deployed in April 1997 by Weller, Anderson, and Trask. Rain gauges and dropsize distrometers will be located on the ship and the mooring. This suite of instrumentation will thoroughly document the intensity and structure of the precipitation in the region of the eastern Pacific ITCZ. Similar ship radar measurements previously documented the precipitating clouds of the tropical western Pacific during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE). By comparing the planned shipborne measurements to the precipitating cloud measurements already obtained in the western tropical Pacific during COARE, this study will establish the differences between the precipitating clouds of the tropical eastern and western Pacific. The scanning precipitation radar will document the three-dimensional structure of the precipitation with scans every 10-20 min. The Doppler radial velocity data will be used to compute the vertical profile of divergence whenever precipitation surrounds the ship. The profiler will provide a time-height section of radar reflectivity and vertical particle velocity whenever precipitation passes over the ship. It will also measure the wind in the immediate environment of the precipitation areas. The buoy data will document the air-sea interaction processes associated with the precipitation structures documented by the scanning radar. The sounding data will provide the thermodynamic stratification in the vicinity of the precipitation areas and provide additional wind data.

Analysis techniques applied to the radar data will determine which parts of the precipitation exhibit a highly convective structure characteristic with intense updrafts and downdrafts and which exhibit a more stratiform structure. The convective and stratiform structures and their associated air motions will be examined physically in relation to the vertical distribution of heating processes implied by the observed precipitation structure. The horizontal precipitation patterns will be analyzed in relation to the large-scale environmental stratification and satellite cloud observations. Comparison of the results of these analyses with results of analyses of TOGA COARE data will establish the relative roles of convective and stratiform precipitation processes and heating mechanisms in the eastern and western Pacific.

For more information on this project, click here.

6.1.3 Air-sea fluxes in the cold tongue-ITCZ-complex

The Pacific ITCZ at 125°W overlies a narrow belt of warm water that connects the western Pacific warm pool with a smaller pool of equally warm water to the west of Central America that persists year round. This warm belt is separated from the equatorial cold tongue by a relatively strong baroclinic zone which tends to be strongest during the cold season and during the cold phase of the ENSO cycle. The latitude of the ITCZ ranges from near 10°N during the cold season (July-November) to near 6°N during the warm season (February-April). During the warm season its position and intensity are highly sensitive to the state of the ENSO cycle. It is plausible that there exists a relation between the perturbations in the meridional profile of SST and the displacement of the ITCZ about its climatological mean position.

An accurate description of the heat, momentum, and moisture fluxes at the air-sea interface is of crucial importance for diagnosing the behavior of coupled GCMs in this region. Under the ITCZ, the upper ocean should be subject to strong buoyancy forcing from the high rain rates, whereas on the equator, the heat budget should be strongly influenced by oceanic upwelling. In addition, an accurate description of the upper ocean mixed layer is needed in order to determine which components of the combined surface buoyancy and momentum forcing might regulate the SST in this region.

Two surface moorings, one at 10°N, 125°W and the other at the equator at 125°W will be set in April 1997, recovered and reset in January 1998, and recovered to end the deployment in August 1998. Both moorings will make surface meteorological measurements, including wind velocity, air temperature, sea surface temperature, incoming shortwave radiation, incoming longwave radiation, relative humidity, barometric pressure, and precipitation. Near-surface temperature structure in the ocean will be observed by an array of six temperature recorders in the upper 2.5 m. Temperature, salinity, and horizontal velocity in the upper 200 m will be observed at each mooring using additional temperature recorders, Seacat temperature/salinity recorders, and Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCMs). The scientific foci of the work are the accurate measurement of the heat, momentum, and freshwater fluxes in the eastern tropical Pacific, the relation of the vertical structure of the upper ocean and sea surface temperature to the local air-sea fluxes, and particularly, the role of the precipitation in governing sea surface temperature. Two contrasting sites were chosen along a meridional line of the existing TAO array, the northern one in the ITCZ, characterized by warm sea surface temperatures, cloud cover, and heavy precipitation, and the southern one at the equator, in the center of the oceanic cold tongue and under relatively clear skies. The northern mooring will be located under the coverage of the shipboard Doppler radar described in the previous subsection, and the southern mooring will be coordinated with the mooring described in the next subsection. It is anticipated that turbulent flux measurements made on the ship used to deploy the moorings will support calibration of the moored meteorological sensors and verification of the bulk formulae, thus permitting the bulk fluxes to approach the accuracies achieved in TOGA COARE. These accurate flux time series will provide a basis for verifying coupled models in the eastern tropical Pacific, where the present flux climatologies, numerical weather prediction model flux fields, and satellite products exhibit large inconsistencies. Accurate air-sea fluxes, together with observations of the temporal variability of the vertical structure of the upper ocean, will be used to investigate the influence of the fluxes upon the evolution of SST. One-dimensional modeling will be carried out in conjunction with the analysis of the data and collaborations with atmospheric, oceanographic, and coupled modeling efforts will make the data from the moored array widely available.

6.1.4 Vertical current profiles in the equatorial cold tongue

Another PACS field investigation will deploy a surface mooring with a high vertical resolution (1 m) acoustic Doppler current profiler and several temperature and temperature/salinity recorders to sample both the velocity and density structure from a 2 m depth through the mixed layer and the upper portion of the thermocline. This mooring will be placed adjacent to the equatorial flux mooring described in the previous subsection, within the easterly regime along 125°W. The subsurface temperature and salinity measurements in the two investigations will be coordinated in order to optimize the sampling in the vertical.

It is recognized that measurements at a single location will not be sufficient to resolve the modeling issues described in section 5.3 concerning the structure and dynamics of equatorial upwelling. In order to effectively address those issues in a field study, it will be necessary to deploy an array of moorings suitable for estimating the vertical profile of divergence and the relevant advection terms in the various budgets. In that sense, the work in progress should be viewed as a pilot study that will determine the near surface shear with high vertical resolution to provide a basis for the design of the more comprehensive process study of equatorial upwelling described in section 6.3.1.

6.2 Expanded monitoring in the tropical eastern Pacific

In order to address the initialization problems and to provide a clearer picture of the climatological-mean structure of the atmosphere-ocean system in data sparse regions of the eastern Pacific, PACS would like to be able to fund a number of possible pilot monitoring initiatives.

6.2.1 Atmospheric monitoring

Although the TAO array has improved the definition of the surface wind field over the tropical Pacific, the overlying atmosphere east of the Line Islands (160°W) remains among the most serious data gaps in the global observing system. Operational analyses and forecasts of midtropospheric winds cannot be verified for lack of in situ observations and even certain aspects of the climatology are not very well established. Hence, it appears that some augmentation of the current atmospheric sounding network over the PACS domain would be desirable. Several different approaches are being considered: augmentation of the continental and island-based rawinsonde network, the use of ship-based soundings, and the deployment of dropsondes from manned and/or unmanned aircraft.

Currently the only RAOB soundings in the eastern Pacific are made at Baltra in the Galapagos Islands. This site, together with a 915 mHz wind profiler on Santa Cruz Island, has been operating for only a few years. Soundings from islands would be less expensive to maintain than ship-based soundings. Hence it will be an early priority of PACS to expand routine soundings to the few available islands in the eastern Pacific. The only three islands, Clipperton, Cocos and Malpelo, (Fig. 8) are currently uninhabited or sparsely inhabited. The ITCZ passes over all of the islands and during northern summer Cocos and Malpelo are in monsoonal southwesterly flow, well to the south of the mean surface confluence line. The sounding network on the periphery of the eastern Pacific is also in need of improvement. Several of the sounding sites are seriously affected by local topography (Guatemala City, Guatemala, San Jose, Costa Rica and Bogota, Colombia) and it may be feasible to improve the specification of the lower-tropospheric wind and even thermodynamic fields through the establishment of judiciously situated pilot balloon soundings. Cooperation with the respective countries in Latin America will be needed for effective implementation of this type of network.

Figure 8. Possible locations for PACS sounding stations. R indicates radiosonde site; P indicates pilot balloon station (wind-only balloon sounding tracked by optical theodolite); T indicates tethersonde sounding to ~2 km (balloon on cable with radiosonde data, except usually no wind.)

Although the expansion of routine soundings discussed above can provide frequent observations, it is limited in spatial coverage. Improved coverage is possible using commercial ships as a vehicle for portable sounding systems. ASAP (automated shipboard aerological program) containers have been operational for years, mostly over the northern Atlantic. An attempt will be made to determine whether there are suitable ships that traverse the PACS area of highest priority, east of 120-130°W. The feasibility of using other ships, including those in commercial or national fishing fleets, will also be explored. Another possibility for obtaining routine observations would be to make long-ranging dropwindsonde aircraft flights or unmanned aircraft flights over the eastern Pacific at periodic intervals to investigate the dynamics of the ITCZ and related tropical circulations. Aircraft such as the new NOAA G-IV, which is able to provide soundings over wide areas in one flight at a cost of roughly $30 K per mission, might be well suited for this role. Recent technological innovations in unmanned aircraft offer the hope of sampling the atmosphere over much of the depth of the troposphere, with ranges up to 7000 km, by the turn of the century. The data provided by the manned and unmanned aircraft soundings might be viewed as complementing the land and island based observations. They would provide comprehensive "snapshots" of the full three-dimensional circulation several times a year, while the surface-based observations would provide time continuity. There does not yet exist a consensus as to the relative priority of the surface and island-based radiosondes versus the dropsondes.

6.2.2 Ocean monitoring

Enhanced monitoring of the ocean in the eastern Pacific is needed in order to obtain a more accurate and detailed description of the annual march in upper ocean temperature and, in particular, the salinity structure in the tropical eastern Pacific; a "synoptic view" of surface meteorological and subsurface oceanic variations and time series of the major components of the surface fluxes are needed to close local heat and freshwater budgets.

Specifically, it is proposed that SST, surface air temperature and relative humidity, solar and downward longwave radiation, rainfall, and surface salinity be monitored along a meridian near 95°W extending from ~12°S under the stratus deck, across the cold tongue, the equatorial front, and the ITCZ, into the warm pool to around 12°N. It would be useful to complement the surface observations with vertical profiles of upper ocean temperature and salinity at selected latitudes along the section.

Many of these requirements are already met by the existing TAO array, which extends from 8°S to 8°N. In addition, salinity is measured approximately once every six months using CTDs on research vessels servicing the TAO array. There is also a VOS salinity measurement program which collects surface salinity data on the Panama to Tahiti route once per month. Among the monitoring strategies that might be considered would be to extend the TAO array northward and southward and to use the new and existing moorings as platforms for additional instrumentation for rainfall, radiation, and salinity measurements.

Because of its patchiness in space and time, salinity presents a challenge in terms of ocean monitoring. There exists a strong meridional gradient between the saline waters of the cold tongue and the fresher water beneath the ITCZ which sometimes assumes a frontal structure. In the presence of such dynamically related features, the salinity cannot be viewed simply as a response to the local imbalance between evaporation and precipitation. If the observed salinity variations prove to be large enough to perturb temperature-salinity relationships strongly about their local climatological-mean values, it is conceivable that they could have a significant feedback upon the ocean dynamics, upper ocean mixing, and ultimately upon SST. Rapid advances in the instrumentation and buoy technology during the past 10 years offer the hope of substantially improved monitoring of salinity in the years ahead, but careful planning will be needed to develop an effective observing strategy.

6.3 Process studies in the tropical eastern Pacific

In addition to the expanded monitoring discussed in the previous section, PACS investigators will propose several more intensive, short term field studies, as outlined below, for which more detailed proposals are under development. The first would be conducted in the easterly regime as a follow on to the pilot studies already in progress, and the other three would be conducted in the southerly regime along 95°W.

6.3.1 Equatorial upwelling in the easterly regime

In order to improve the simulation and prediction of ENSO it will be necessary to better describe the structure and dynamics of the cold tongue within the easterly regime to the west of 110°W, where equatorial upwelling plays a central role in linking SST anomalies to anomalies in mixed later depth, with emphasis on questions such as:

In order to address these issues PACS will need to consider a field investigation that would represent an expansion of the pilot project described in section 6.1.4. It would employ a horizontal array of moored buoys with instrumented buoys to define the budgets of heat, salt, and momentum in the ocean mixed layer. The array would be centered on the equator and would consist of four or more moorings, separated by 50-100 km, measuring horizontal velocity and temperature. Vertical velocities and the associated vertical advection terms would be inferred as residuals in the respective conservation equations. A surface mooring with complete meteorological sensors would be located in the center of the array to measure the surface fluxes and provide a point in the interior of each array where the heat, salt, and momentum balances could be verified. Optical sensors on the mooring would help determine how incoming shortwave radiation is absorbed in the ocean as a function of depth and the frequency of the light, for testing ocean model parameterizations. The simultaneous measurement of influences of the surface fluxes and the ocean dynamics upon SST would be used in conjunction with the OGCM diagnostics described in section 5.3, to determine how these various components relate to SST variations on time scales ranging from diurnal to interannual. The TAO array would provide the larger scale context for interpreting the results derived from the local array.

6.3.2 Atmospheric structure in the southerly regime

In order to improve the simulation and prediction of the North American summer monsoon, it will be necessary to better understand its interaction with the ITCZ and with the cross-equatorial flow in the southerly regime, with emphasis on such questions as:

These issues can be addressed in the context of an intensive field program, elements of which might include dropsondes from a high altitude jet aircraft to define the three-dimensional flow in the plane of a north-south transect. Of particular interest is the meridional wind component which should be closely linked to the time-mean vertical mass flux through the continuity equation (under the assumption that the flow pattern is zonally uniform). The NOAA G-IV would be the ideal platform for this mission, but the NCAR C-130 might be adequate, at least for defining the lower branch of the circulation. The feasibility of using unmanned aircraft for this purpose will also be explored. Large turboprop aircraft could be used to document the low- and midlevel meridional flow in the vicinity of the rain area with higher horizontal resolution and to measure the air-sea fluxes. These flights would extend as far south toward the equator as the limited range of the aircraft would allow. It would be desirable to have two of the aircraft equipped with Doppler radar, to define the structure of the vertical mass fluxes in the convective elements within the rain area. The aircraft measurements might be complemented by a research ship equipped with Doppler radar as well as surface and sounding measurements situated in the monsoon trough to provide time continuity. The configuration used in the earlier 125°W study might be suitable for this purpose.

6.3.3 Atmosphere-ocean interaction in the stratus deck region

The persistent stratus clouds off the Peru coast are believed to play an important role in accounting for the strong equatorial asymmetry in SST and surface wind in the eastern Pacific. Atmospheric and coupled GCMs have difficulty simulating the extent and properties of these clouds and their interactions with the underlying SST field.

The cloud deck is situated in cool air that is flowing northward around the east side of the subtropical anticyclone. As the air flows equatorward it encounters increasingly warmer water, which maintains the atmospheric planetary boundary layer (PBL) in an unstable state. Vigorous boundary-layer convection carries moist air aloft from the ocean surface to its lifting condensation level. The PBL in this region is capped by a strong subsidence inversion, which inhibits the mixing between the saturated air in the cloud layer and the much drier air immediately above it. Reflection of solar radiation by the cloud layer significantly reduces the insolation at the sea-air interface, resulting in lower SST, and correspondingly lower temperatures in the subcloud layer. The fact that a stronger inversion favors more extensive cloudiness, more extensive cloudiness favors lower SST and a cooler subcloud layer, and a cooler subcloud layer implies a stronger inversion suggests the possibility of positive feedbacks that could render the distribution of cloudiness quite sensitive to minor perturbations in external conditions. Of the stratus decks on the eastern side of the subtropical anticyclones in the PACS region, the one to the west of Peru is the most extensive and the most influential in terms of its cooling influence. It exhibits substantial diurnal variations, with a maximum around sunrise and a pronounced annual march, with a maximum early in the austral spring.

A field study focusing on the stratus deck might address the following questions:

Elements of such a pilot study would include aircraft observations to determine the structure and radiative properties of the clouds and the character of the subcloud layer, measurements of radiative, sensible, and latent heat fluxes at the air-sea interface, and vertical profiles of temperature in the oceanic mixed layer. It would be desirable to have such measurements in contrasting seasons March/April (August/September) when the stratus deck is least (most) extensive.

The surface-based measurements might be obtained from moored buoys or from volunteer observing ships (VOS) that transit the region. Participating vessels would be instrumented to measure the radiative and other fluxes, as well as to drop expendable bathythermograph temperature (XBT) probes, to monitor the spatial variability of the fluxes and the upper ocean temperature on a regular basis.

6.3.4 Equatorial SST variability in the southerly regime

The observing strategy proposed in section 6.3.1 could be employed within the southerly regime to address the same suite of questions in a region where less is known about the processes that control the SST variability. The ideal time for such an experiment would be in April-May, when the equatorial cold tongue strengthens each year for reasons that are not clearly understood. The purpose of the study would be to identify whether the cooling along the equator is due to a shallowing of the thermocline (which does not seem to be indicated by data from the TAO array), or to an increase in upwelling and/or entrainment in response to the strengthening of the southerly surface winds feeding into the rapidly developing North American monsoon. This robust, yet rather poorly understood phenomemon offers what well might prove to be a discriminating test of parameterizations of ocean mixed-layer physics.

The moorings could be embedded within the 95°W line of the TAO array, which would provide extended time continuity and a larger scale context for interpreting the more intensive observations.

For a list of field studies funded by PACS, click here.


PACS and GEWEX are complementary programs that both emphasize continental precipitation. PACS emphasizes the planetary-scale context and the seasonal-to-interannual variability of the weather systems that produce rain, while GEWEX emphasizes their impact on the ground hydrology. Mesoscale modeling of continental precipitation in a climate context is a common element of both programs. The GEWEX Continental-scale International Program (GCIP) focuses on North American rainfall and LBA on rainfall in the Amazon basin. A PACS/GCIP ad-hoc working group is developing a scientific prospectus focusing on the seasonal-to-interannual variability of warm season rainfall, surface air temperature and the hydrologic cycle over North America. The Brazilian program LBA is still in the early planning stages.

In anticipation of its own field studies in the tropical Atlantic in the 2000-2004 time frame, PACS has an interest in other programs that might sponsor pilot monitoring or process studies in this region. A pilot scale moored measurement program is being designed as the centerpiece of a project called PIRATA (PIlot moored Research Array in the Tropical Atlantic). The purpose of PIRATA is to provide time series data of surface fluxes, surface temperature and salinity, and upper ocean heat and salt content to examine processes by which the ocean and atmosphere interact in key regions of the tropical Atlantic. The field phase of the program is expected to begin in 1997 and last for 3 years. Deployment of up to 10 moorings is envisioned as part of a multinational effort involving Brazil, France, and the United States. PIRATA is also being coordinated with the WOCE/ACCE program scheduled for 1997-98, which will also be taking observations in the tropical Atlantic. (EXPAND ACCE??)

NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) will launch a satellite in 1997 to map tropical precipitation. This satellite will orbit between 35°N and 35°S at an altitude of 350 km. The low inclination and altitude maximize coverage and resolution in the tropics. A 2 cm wavelength radar and passive microwave radiometers with frequencies ranging from 10 to 85 GHz will measure the rainfall. These remote measurements must be validated by ground-based rain measurements. The eastern Pacific ITCZ presents a particular problem in this regard because of the sparsity of island-based stations in that region. The shipborne radar and other precipitation measurements obtained over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean in PACS will provide valuable validation data for TRMM.


The PACS Science Working Group (SWG) bears the responsibility for designing and ensuring the successful implementation of PACS. The SWG is responsible to the National Research Council's Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System (GOALS) Panel on scientific matters and to the sponsoring agencies on administrative matters. It establishes subgroups, as necessary, for detailed planning with regard to specific program elements such as monitoring, process studies, dataset development, and modeling.

PACS is jointly administered by the Program Managers in the participating agencies. Although it was initiated by NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) and Office of Global Programs (OGP), the opportunity exists for other Federal agencies to join in funding and managing the program. Proposals for PACS are solicited by a Program Announcement issued once each year. The Program Announcement is developed by the PACS Program Managers in consultation with the SWG. Proposals are reviewed for scientific merit and relevance to PACS. Proposals from NOAA investigators are considered in competition with proposals from external investigators. The review process consists of external mail reviews and a peer-review panel, both administered by OGP. The Program Managers jointly determine those proposals to be supported from the results of the mail reviews and panel advice.


Lagos, P., and J. Buizer, 1992: El Niño and Peru: A nation's response to interannual climate variability. Natural and Technological Disasters: Causes, Effects, and Preventative Measures, (S. K. Mujumdar, G. S. Forbes, E. W. Miller, and R. F. Schmalz, Eds.), Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences.

Legates, D. R., and C. J. Willmott, 1990: Int. J. Climatol., 10, 111-127.

Reynolds, R. J., and T. M. Smith, 1994: J. Climate,7, 929-948.

Sadler, J. C., et al., 1987: Univ. Hawaii, Dep't. Meteor., Reports 87-01 and 87-02.

Spencer, R. W., 1993, J. Climate, 7, 1301-1326.

Woodruff, S. D., et al., 1987: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. ,68, 1239-1250.

Candace Gudmundson