Climate Movies

Legates -- Microwave Sounding Unit Precipitation Climatology

Several movies are constructed which combine rain gauge measurements over land by Legates and Willmott, and a 14-year climatology of MSU precipitation estimates over ocean. The land data consits of monthly-means while the MSU data has been averaged into pentads. The first 4 harmonics of each data set was calculated, and these 4 harmonics are retained in the resulting pentad data set.

global (1.3Mb)

PACS region (1.6Mb)

tropical PACS region (1Mb)

tropical non-PACS region (1.1Mb)

Pacific Basin (1Mb)

China Sea (1.4Mb)

The remaining movies were constructed from the monthly-mean analyses of Legates and Willmott at 0.5-degree latitude-longitude resolution. The monthly means were characterized by four harmonics and the grand mean, and a pentad-mean data set was then constructed.

Legates Surface Air Temperature Climatology

North America (0.9Mb)

Northern Hemisphere (0.9Mb)

Legates Precipitation Climatology

North America (0.9Mb)

Last modified on 6 March 1995
Todd P. Mitchell (