Documentation of make_clim_maps

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Listing of script make_clim_maps

cd ~/matlab/Wallace; link_toolboxes;
figure_tall(1); clf;
global_axes(6.5, 3.5, 0, .5, 1.5);

filin1 = '';
filin2 = '';
filin1a = '';
filin2a = '';

%  Set up data
cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/ccm/ccm3.6/run/sun/HT/data
nc1 = netcdf(filin1, 'nowrite');
nc2 = netcdf(filin2, 'nowrite');
nc1a = netcdf(filin1a, 'nowrite');
nc2a = netcdf(filin2a, 'nowrite');

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Z250 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Data2
load z_atlev_T42.mat; var1a = var1; var2a = var2;
load z_atlev_T42_2.mat;
var1 = 0.5*(var1+var1a); var2 = 0.5*(var2+var2a);
[nmo, nlev, nlat, nlon] = size(var1);

lind = find(newlev == 250); cint = 120; tit = '250 mb Height';
cint2 = 10860; elim = 60; slim = [-200 200];

win = [12 1 2; 3 4 5; 6 7 8; 9 10 11]; 
mon = ['DJF'; 'MAM'; 'JJA'; 'SON'];

global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 -90 90]);
xgrd = 45; ygrd = 20;

for fnum = 1:4;
  figure_tall(fnum); clf;
  tem = squeeze(mean(squeeze(var1(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:))));
  tem2 = (tem' - ones(nlon,1)*mean(tem'))';
  tem2(abs(tem2)<elim) = NaN; 
  subplot2(1,1); cla;
    [c, h] = map_contour(tem, cint);
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem2, -1*ones(size(tem2)));
      [c2, h2] = map_contour(tem, [0 cint2 12000], '--k');
    hold off;
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); set(cb, 'YTick', -200:40:200); 
    fill_landmap('under', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['EARTH:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
%    xl = xlabel(['Contour:  ' num2str(cint) ...
%		 'm, dashed = ' num2str(cint2) 'm'], ...
%		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 12);
  tem = fliplr(squeeze(mean(squeeze(var2(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:)))));
  tem2 = (tem' - ones(nlon,1)*mean(tem'))';
  tem2(abs(tem2)<elim) = NaN; 
    [c, h] = map_contour(tem, cint);
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem2, -1*ones(size(tem2)));
      [c2, h2] = map_contour(tem, [0 cint2 12000], '--k');
    hold off;
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); set(cb, 'YTick', -200:40:200); 
    fill_landmap('under', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['HTRAE:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
    xl = xlabel(['Contour:  ' num2str(cint) ...
		 'm, dashed = ' num2str(cint2) 'm'], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 12);
    cd ~/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Figs_Talk
    eval(['print -dpsc2 z250_' mon(fnum,:) '.ps']);

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Surface winds and precip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Data2
load u_atlev_T42.mat; var1u = var1; var2u = var2;
load u_atlev_T42_2.mat;
var1u = 0.5*(var1u+var1); var2u = 0.5*(var2u+var2);
load v_atlev_T42.mat; var1a = var1; var2a = var2;
load v_atlev_T42_2.mat;
var1v = 0.5*(var1+var1a); var2v = 0.5*(var2+var2a);

lind = find(newlev == 950); cint = 2.5; tit = '500 mb Height';

var1 = nc1{'PRECL',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var1 = var1 + nc1{'PRECC',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var1 = var1 + nc1a{'PRECL',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var1 = var1 + nc1a{'PRECC',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var1 = 0.5*var1;

var2 = nc2{'PRECL',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var2 = var2 + nc2{'PRECC',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var2 = var2 + nc2a{'PRECL',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var2 = var2 + nc2a{'PRECC',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var2 = 0.5*var2;

lind = find(newlev == 900); cint = 120; tit = '900mb Wind and Precip';

win = [12 1 2; 3 4 5; 6 7 8; 9 10 11]; 
mon = ['DJF'; 'MAM'; 'JJA'; 'SON'];

global_latlon(lat, lon, [20 135 -30 30]);
xgrd = 15; ygrd = 10;
cmap = jet(102);
cmap = [cmap(:,1:2), [.5:-.5/101:0]'+.3];
cmap = [ones(10,3); cmap(63:102,:)];

global XAX3 YAX3

for fnum = 1:4;
  figure_tall(fnum); clf;
  tem = squeeze(mean(var1(win(fnum,:),:,:)));
  temu = squeeze(mean(squeeze(var1u(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:))));
  temv = squeeze(mean(squeeze(var1v(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:))));
  temu = [temu temu(:,1)];
  temv = [temv temv(:,1)];
  kp = find(isnan(temu));
  xax3 = XAX3; xax3(kp) = NaN;
  yax3 = YAX3; yax3(kp) = NaN;
  tem(tem < 3) = NaN;
  nthin = [1 1];
  subplot2(1,1); cla;
    temu = thin(temu, nthin);
    temv = thin(temv, nthin);
    xax3 = thin(xax3, nthin);
    yax3 = thin(yax3, nthin);
    h = quiverm(yax3, xax3, temv, temu, 1.5);
    set(h, 'color', 'k');
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem, -1*ones(size(tem)));
    hold off;
    caxis([0 15]);
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); 
    set(cb, 'YLim', [0 15], 'YTick', 1:15); 
    fill_landmap('under', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['EARTH:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
  tem = fliplr(squeeze(mean(var2(win(fnum,:),:,:))));
  temu = -fliplr(squeeze(mean(squeeze(var2u(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:)))));
  temv = fliplr(squeeze(mean(squeeze(var2v(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:)))));
  temu = [temu temu(:,1)];
  temv = [temv temv(:,1)];
  kp = find(isnan(temu));
  xax3 = XAX3; xax3(kp) = NaN;
  yax3 = YAX3; yax3(kp) = NaN;
  tem(tem < 3) = NaN;
  subplot2(1,2); cla;
    temu = thin(temu, nthin);
    temv = thin(temv, nthin);
    xax3 = thin(xax3, nthin);
    yax3 = thin(yax3, nthin);
    h = quiverm(yax3, xax3, temv, temu, 1.5);
    set(h, 'color', 'k');
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem, -1*ones(size(tem)));
    hold off;
    caxis([0 15]);
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); 
    set(cb, 'YLim', [0 15], 'YTick', 1:15); 
    fill_landmap('under', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['HTRAE:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
    cd ~/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Figs_Talk
    eval(['print -dpsc2 MONS_900mbwind_prec_' mon(fnum,:) '.ps']);

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

oro1 = squeeze(nc1{'ORO'}(1,:,:));
oro1(oro1 ~= 1) = NaN;
oro2 = squeeze(nc2{'ORO'}(1,:,:));
oro2(oro2 ~= 1) = NaN;

var1 = nc1{'TS',1}(:,:,:);
var1 = var1 + nc1a{'TS',1}(:,:,:);
var1 = 0.5*var1;

var2 = nc2{'TS',1}(:,:,:);
var2 = var2 + nc2a{'TS',1}(:,:,:);
var2 = 0.5*var2;

var1 = var1 - 273.15;
var2 = var2 - 273.15;

[nmo, nlat, nlon] = size(var1);
cint = 5; slim = [-15 15]; elim = 2;
cint2 = 27.5;

win = [12 1 2; 3 4 5; 6 7 8; 9 10 11]; 
mon = ['DJF'; 'MAM'; 'JJA'; 'SON'];
tit = ['Surface Mean and Eddy Temp'];

global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 -90 90]);
xgrd = 45; ygrd = 20;

for fnum = 1:4;

  figure_tall(fnum); clf;
  colormap default;
  tem = squeeze(mean(var1(win(fnum,:),:,:)));
  tem2 = oro1.*tem;
  tem2 = (tem2' - ones(nlon,1)*mean2(tem2'))';
  tem2(abs(tem2)<elim) = NaN; 
  subplot2(1,1); cla;
    [c, h] = map_contour_pn(tem, cint, 'zero');
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem2, -1*ones(size(tem2)));
      [c2, h2] = map_contour(tem, [-100 cint2 100], '--k');
    hold off;
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); set(cb, 'YTick', -15:3:15); 
    fill_landmap('under', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['EARTH:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);

  tem = squeeze(mean(var2(win(fnum,:),:,:)));
  tem2 = oro2.*tem;
  tem2 = (tem2' - ones(nlon,1)*mean2(tem2'))';
  tem2(abs(tem2)<elim) = NaN; 
  tem = fliplr(tem); tem2 = fliplr(tem2);
  subplot2(1,2); cla;
    [c, h] = map_contour_pn(tem, cint, 'zero');
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem2, -1*ones(size(tem2)));
      [c2, h2] = map_contour(tem, [-100 cint2 100], '--k');
    hold off;
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); set(cb, 'YTick', -15:3:15); 
    fill_landmap('under', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['HTRAE:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
    xl = xlabel(['Contour:  ' num2str(cint) ...
		 '\circC; dashed = ' num2str(cint2) '\circC'], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 12);
    cd ~/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Figs_Talk
    eval(['print -dpsc2 TS_' mon(fnum,:) '.ps']);

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Data2
load vt_atlev_T42.mat; var1a = var1; var2a = var2;
load vt_atlev_T42_2.mat;
var1 = 0.5*(var1+var1a); var2 = 0.5*(var2+var2a);
[nmo, nlev, nlat, nlon] = size(var1);

lind = find(newlev == 250); cint = 500; tit = '850mb VT, d/dy (VT)';
cint2 = 0; elim = .2e-3; slim = [-2 2]*1e-3;

win = [12 1 2; 3 4 5; 6 7 8; 9 10 11]; 
mon = ['DJF'; 'MAM'; 'JJA'; 'SON'];

global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 -90 90]);
xgrd = 45; ygrd = 20;

for fnum = 1:4;
  figure_tall(fnum); clf;
  tem = squeeze(mean(squeeze(var1(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:))));
  [tem2, ry2] = sph_grady1(tem, pi/180*lat, pi/180*lon, 0);
  ry2 = 180/pi*ry2;
  subplot2(1,1); cla;
    global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 -90 90]);
    [c, h] = map_contour_pn(tem, cint, 'nozero');
    set(h, 'linewidth', 2);
    hold on;
      global_latlon(ry2, lon);
      h2 = map_surface(-tem2, -1*ones(size(tem2)));
    hold off;
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); set(cb, 'YTick', -2e-3:4e-4:2e-3); 
    draw_landmap(0.4*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['EARTH:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
%    xl = xlabel(['Contour:  ' num2str(cint) ...
%		 'm, dashed = ' num2str(cint2) 'm'], ...
%		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 12);
  tem = fliplr(squeeze(mean(squeeze(var2(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:)))));
  [tem2, ry2] = sph_grady1(tem, pi/180*lat, pi/180*lon, 0);
  ry2 = 180/pi*ry2;
  subplot2(1,2); cla;
    global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 -90 90]);
    [c, h] = map_contour_pn(tem, cint, 'nozero');
    set(h, 'linewidth', 2);
    hold on;
      global_latlon(ry2, lon);
      h2 = map_surface(-tem2, -1*ones(size(tem2)));
    hold off;
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); set(cb, 'YTick', -2e-3:4e-4:2e-3); 
    draw_landmap(0.4*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['HTRAE:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
    xl = xlabel(['Contour:  ' num2str(cint) ...
		 'K m s^-^1'], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 12);
    cd ~/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Figs_Talk
    eval(['print -dpsc2 VT850_' mon(fnum,:) '.ps']);

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 500mb winds and precip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Data2
load u_atlev_T42.mat; var1u = var1; var2u = var2;
load u_atlev_T42_2.mat;
var1u = 0.5*(var1u+var1); var2u = 0.5*(var2u+var2);
load v_atlev_T42.mat; var1a = var1; var2a = var2;
load v_atlev_T42_2.mat;
var1v = 0.5*(var1+var1a); var2v = 0.5*(var2+var2a);

lind = find(newlev == 500); cint = 2.5; tit = '500mb Winds';

win = [12 1 2; 3 4 5; 6 7 8; 9 10 11]; 
mon = ['DJF'; 'MAM'; 'JJA'; 'SON'];

global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 -75 75]);
xgrd = 45; ygrd = 20;
cmap = jet(25); cmap(1:13,:) = ones(13,3);

global XAX3 YAX3

for fnum = 1:4;
  figure_tall(fnum); clf;
  temu = squeeze(mean(squeeze(var1u(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:))));
  temv = squeeze(mean(squeeze(var1v(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:))));
%  [tem, lat2, lon2] = sph_div1(temu, temv, lat, lon, 1);
  tem = sqrt(temu.^2+temv.^2);
  temu = [temu temu(:,1)];
  temv = [temv temv(:,1)];
  kp = find(isnan(temu));
  xax3 = XAX3; xax3(kp) = NaN;
  yax3 = YAX3; yax3(kp) = NaN;
  tem(abs(tem) < 7) = NaN;
%  tem = [tem tem(:,1)];
  global_latlon(lat, lon);
  subplot2(1,1); cla;
    temu = thin(temu, [2, 3]);
    temv = thin(temv, [2, 3]);
    xax3 = thin(xax3, [2, 3]);
    yax3 = thin(yax3, [2, 3]);
    h = quiverm(yax3, xax3, temv, temu, 1.5);
    set(h, 'color', 'k');
%    global_latlon(lat2, lon2);
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem, -1*ones(size(tem)));
    hold off;
    caxis([-1 1]*35);
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); 
    set(cb, 'YLim', [0 35], 'YTick', 0:5:35); 
    fill_landmap('under', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['EARTH:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
  temu = -fliplr(squeeze(mean(squeeze(var2u(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:)))));
  temv = fliplr(squeeze(mean(squeeze(var2v(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:)))));
%  [tem, lat2, lon2] = sph_div1(temu, temv, lat, lon, 1);
  tem = sqrt(temu.^2+temv.^2);
  temu = [temu temu(:,1)];
  temv = [temv temv(:,1)];
  kp = find(isnan(temu));
  xax3 = XAX3; xax3(kp) = NaN;
  yax3 = YAX3; yax3(kp) = NaN;
  tem(abs(tem) < 7) = NaN;
%  tem = [tem tem(:,1)];
  global_latlon(lat, lon);
  subplot2(1,2); cla;
    temu = thin(temu, [2, 3]);
    temv = thin(temv, [2, 3]);
    xax3 = thin(xax3, [2, 3]);
    yax3 = thin(yax3, [2, 3]);
    h = quiverm(yax3, xax3, temv, temu, 1.5);
    set(h, 'color', 'k');
%    global_latlon(lat2, lon2);
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem, -1*ones(size(tem)));
    hold off;
    caxis([-1 1]*35);
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); 
    set(cb, 'YLim', [0 35], 'YTick', 0:5:35); 
    fill_landmap('under', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['HTRAE:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
    xl = xlabel(['Shading:  Wind speed (m s^-^1)'], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 12);
    cd ~/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Figs_Talk
    eval(['print -dpsc2 500mb_wind_' mon(fnum,:) '.ps']);

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SST & PS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

oro1 = squeeze(nc1{'ORO'}(1,:,:));
oro1(oro1 ~= 1) = NaN;
oro2 = squeeze(nc2{'ORO'}(1,:,:));
oro2(oro2 ~= 1) = NaN;
oro1b = squeeze(nc1{'ORO'}(1,:,:));
oro1b = 1-oro1b; oro1b(oro1b ~= 1) = NaN;
oro2b = squeeze(nc2{'ORO'}(1,:,:));
oro2b = 1-oro2b; oro2b(oro2b ~= 1) = NaN;

var1 = nc1{'TS',1}(:,:,:);
var1 = var1 + nc1a{'TS',1}(:,:,:);
var1 = 0.5*var1;

var2 = nc2{'TS',1}(:,:,:);
var2 = var2 + nc2a{'TS',1}(:,:,:);
var2 = 0.5*var2;

var1 = var1 - 273.15;
var2 = var2 - 273.15;

var1b = nc1{'PHIS',1}(:,:,:);
var1b = var1b + nc1a{'TS',1}(:,:,:);
var1b = 0.5*var1b;

var2b = nc2{'PHIS',1}(:,:,:);
var2b = var2b + nc2a{'TS',1}(:,:,:);
var2b = 0.5*var2b;

var1b = var1b / 9.8;
var2b = var2b / 9.8;

[nmo, nlat, nlon] = size(var1);
cint = 250; slim = [-3 30]; elim = 2;
cint2 = 27.5;

win = [12 1 2; 3 4 5; 6 7 8; 9 10 11]; 
mon = ['DJF'; 'MAM'; 'JJA'; 'SON'];
tit = ['Surface Mean and Eddy Temp'];

global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 -90 90]);
xgrd = 45; ygrd = 20;
cmap = jet(30); cmap = [0.8*[1 1 1]; cmap];

global XAX3 YAX3
for fnum = 1:2;

  figure_tall(fnum); clf;
  tem = squeeze(mean(var1(win(2*(fnum-1)+1,:),:,:)));
  tem = oro1b.*tem;
  tem2 = squeeze(mean(var1b(win(2*(fnum-1)+1,:),:,:)));
  tem3 = oro1; tem3 = [tem3 tem3(:,1)];
  subplot2(1,1); cla;
    [c, h] = map_contour_pn(tem2, cint, 'zero');
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem, -1*ones(size(tem2)));
      h3 = surfacem(YAX3, XAX3, -3*tem3, -3*tem3);
    hold off;
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); set(cb, 'YTick', 0:3:30); 
%    fill_landmap(-0.5, 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['SST and Geographic Height; ' mon(2*(fnum-1)+1,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);

  tem = squeeze(mean(var2(win(2*(fnum-1)+2,:),:,:)));
  tem = oro2b.*tem;
  tem2 = squeeze(mean(var2b(win(2*(fnum-1)+2,:),:,:)));
  tem3 = oro2; tem3 = [tem3 tem3(:,1)];
  subplot2(1,2); cla;
    [c, h] = map_contour_pn(tem2, cint, 'zero');
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem, -1*ones(size(tem2)));
      h3 = surfacem(YAX3, XAX3, -3*tem3, -3*tem3);
    hold off;
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); set(cb, 'YTick', 0:3:30); 
%    fill_landmap(-0.5, 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['SST and Geographic Height; ' mon(2*(fnum-1)+2,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
    xl = xlabel(['Contour:  ' num2str(cint) 'm'], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 12);
    cd ~/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Figs_Talk
    eval(['print -dpsc2 SST_PHIS_' mon(fnum,:) '.ps']);

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Surface wind stress and precip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

oro1 = squeeze(nc1{'ORO', 1}(1,:,:));
oro1(oro1==1) = NaN; oro1(oro1==0) = 1;

var1 = nc1{'PRECL',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var1 = var1 + nc1{'PRECC',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var1 = var1 + nc1a{'PRECL',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var1 = var1 + nc1a{'PRECC',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var1 = 0.5*var1;

var2 = nc2{'PRECL',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var2 = var2 + nc2{'PRECC',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var2 = var2 + nc2a{'PRECL',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var2 = var2 + nc2a{'PRECC',1}(:,:,:)*24*3600*1000;
var2 = 0.5*var2;

var1u = 0.5*(nc1{'TAUX', 1}(:,:,:)+nc1a{'TAUX', 1}(:,:,:));
var1v = 0.5*(nc1{'TAUY', 1}(:,:,:)+nc1a{'TAUY', 1}(:,:,:));
var2u = 0.5*(nc2{'TAUX', 1}(:,:,:)+nc2a{'TAUX', 1}(:,:,:));
var2v = 0.5*(nc2{'TAUY', 1}(:,:,:)+nc2a{'TAUY', 1}(:,:,:));

lat = nc1{'lat',1}(:);
lon = nc1{'lon',1}(:);

win = [12 1 2; 3 4 5; 6 7 8; 9 10 11]; 
mon = ['DJF'; 'MAM'; 'JJA'; 'SON'];

global_latlon(lat, lon, [20 380 -75 75]);
xgrd = 45; ygrd = 20;
cmap = jet(102);
cmap = [cmap(:,1:2), [.5:-.5/101:0]'+.3];
cmap = [ones(10,3); cmap(63:102,:)];

global XAX3 YAX3

for fnum = 1:4;
  figure_tall(fnum); clf;
%  tem = squeeze(mean(var1(win(fnum,:),:,:)));
  temu = -squeeze(mean(var1u(win(fnum,:),:,:)));
  temv = -squeeze(mean(var1v(win(fnum,:),:,:)));
  temu = oro1.*temu; temv = oro1.*temv;
  lims = [0 20 -90 90];
  [xk, yk] = keep_var(lims, lon, lat);
  temu = [temu(:, (xk(end)+1):nlon) temu(:, xk)];
  temv = [temv(:, (xk(end)+1):nlon) temv(:, xk)];
  [strf, lat_out, lon_out] = ...
      tau_to_strf(temu(yk, xk), temv(yk, xk), lat(yk), lon(xk), ...
		  zeros(size(temu(yk, xk))), 50);
  temu = [temu temu(:,1)];
  temv = [temv temv(:,1)];
  kp = find(isnan(temu));
  xax3 = XAX3; xax3(kp) = NaN;
  yax3 = YAX3; yax3(kp) = NaN;
  tem(tem < 3) = NaN;
  subplot2(1,1); cla;
    temu = thin(temu, [2, 3]);
    temv = thin(temv, [2, 3]);
    xax3 = thin(xax3, [2, 3]);
    yax3 = thin(yax3, [2, 3]);
    h = quiverm(yax3, xax3, temv, temu, 1.5);
    set(h, 'color', 'k');
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem, -1*ones(size(tem)));
    hold off;
    caxis([0 15]);
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); 
    set(cb, 'YLim', [0 15], 'YTick', 1:15); 
    fill_landmap('under', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['EARTH:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
  tem = fliplr(squeeze(mean(var2(win(fnum,:),:,:))));
  temu = -fliplr(squeeze(mean(squeeze(var2u(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:)))));
  temv = fliplr(squeeze(mean(squeeze(var2v(win(fnum,:),lind,:,:)))));
  temu = [temu temu(:,1)];
  temv = [temv temv(:,1)];
  kp = find(isnan(temu));
  xax3 = XAX3; xax3(kp) = NaN;
  yax3 = YAX3; yax3(kp) = NaN;
  tem(tem < 3) = NaN;
  subplot2(1,2); cla;
    temu = thin(temu, [2, 3]);
    temv = thin(temv, [2, 3]);
    xax3 = thin(xax3, [2, 3]);
    yax3 = thin(yax3, [2, 3]);
    h = quiverm(yax3, xax3, temv, temu, 1.5);
    set(h, 'color', 'k');
    hold on;
      h2 = map_surface(tem, -1*ones(size(tem)));
    hold off;
    caxis([-10 15]);
    cb = colorbar2('vert'); 
    set(cb, 'YLim', [0 15], 'YTick', 1:15); 
    fill_landmap('under', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
    gridm on; framem on; tightmap2;
    set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
    setm(gca, 'plinelocation', ygrd, 'mlinelocation', xgrd);
    t1 = title2(['HTRAE:  ' tit '; ' mon(fnum,:)], ...
		'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 16);
    cd ~/matlab/CCM/Htrea/Figs_Talk
    eval(['print -dpsc2 900mbwind_prec_' mon(fnum,:) '.ps']);