Documentation of ini_atrest

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Listing of script ini_atrest

cd /home/disk/hayes/dvimont/ccm3.6/data/SR
filin = ''
nc = netcdf(filin, 'nowrite');
  ps = nc{'PS'}(:,:,:);
  airt = nc{'T'}(:);
  lev = nc{'lev'}(:);
  lat = nc{'lat'}(:);
  lon = nc{'lon'}(:);
  hyam = nc{'hyam'}(:);
  hybm = nc{'hybm'}(:);
  P0 = nc{'P0'}(:);
  ts1 = nc{'TS1'}(:);
  ts2 = nc{'TS2'}(:);
  ts3 = nc{'TS3'}(:);
  ts4 = nc{'TS4'}(:);
nc = close(nc);
[nlat, nlon] = size(ps);
nlev = length(lev);
ps = reshape(ps, 1, nlat*nlon);
plevs = P0 * hyam * ones(1, nlat*nlon) + hybm * ps;
airt = permute(airt, [2 1 3]);
airt = atlev(airt, lev, ps, hyam, hybm, P0);
airt = reshape(airt, nlev, nlat*nlon);
sound = mean2(airt');
H = 287 * (mean(sound(16:18))) / 9.8;
lam = mean((sound(17:18)-sound(16:17))' ./ (H * log(lev(17:18)./lev(16:17))));
sound = [sound (sound(18)+lam*H*log(1050/(lev(18))))]
lev = [lev; 1050]
H = 287 * (mean(sound(2:3))) / 9.8;
lam = (sound(2)-sound(3)) / (H * log(lev(2)/lev(3)));
sound(1) = sound(2) - lam * H * log(470/lev(2))
lev(1) = 4.70;
airtnew = zeros(size(airt));
for i = 1:nlat*nlon;
  airtnew(:,i) = interp1(lev*100, sound, plevs(:,i));
filin = ''
nc = netcdf(filin, 'nowrite');
  airt = squeeze(nc{'T'}(:,:,18,:));
nc = close(nc);
airt = reshape(airt, 1, nlat*nlon);
tem = reshape(ts1, 1, nlat*nlon);
dtem = tem - airt;
tem = airtnew(18,:) + dtem;
ts1n = tem;
tem = reshape(ts2, 1, nlat*nlon);
dtem = tem - airt;
tem = airtnew(18,:) + dtem;
ts2n = tem;
tem = reshape(ts3, 1, nlat*nlon);
dtem = tem - airt;
tem = airtnew(18,:) + dtem;
ts3n = tem;
tem = reshape(ts4, 1, nlat*nlon);
dtem = tem - airt;
tem = airtnew(18,:) + dtem;
ts4n = tem;
airtn = airtnew;
airtnew = reshape(airtnew, nlev, nlat, nlon);
airtnew = permute(airtnew, [2 1 3]);
ts1n = reshape(ts1n, nlat, nlon);
ts2n = reshape(ts2n, nlat, nlon);
ts3n = reshape(ts3n, nlat, nlon);
ts4n = reshape(ts4n, nlat, nlon);
filin = '';
nc = netcdf(filin, 'write');
  nc{'T'}(:) = airtnew;
  u = nc{'U'}(:);
  nc{'U'}(:) = 1e-5 * ones(size(u));
  v = nc{'V'}(:);
  nc{'V'}(:) = 1e-5 * ones(size(v));
  q = nc{'Q'}(:);
  nc{'Q'}(:) = 1e-12 * ones(size(q));
  nc{'TS1'}(:) = ts1n;
  nc{'TS2'}(:) = ts2n;
  nc{'TS3'}(:) = ts3n;
  nc{'TS4'}(:) = ts4n;
nc = close(nc);