Documentation of get_dhcdt

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Function Synopsis

[dhcdt, lon_out, lat_out, tim2] = get_dhcdt(pcs, lims, nfrm, tim, lev);

Help text

  [dhcdt, lon_out, lat_out, tim] = get_dhcdt(pcs, lims, nfrm, tim, lev);

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

Listing of function get_dhcdt

function [dhcdt, lon_out, lat_out, tim2] = get_dhcdt(pcs, lims, nfrm, tim, lev);

cdtem = ['cd ' eval('pwd')];

if size(tim, 2) == 1; tim = tim'; end;

if max(tim) ~= 1000;
  maxout = 0;
  tim2 = [min(tim)-1 tim max(tim)+1];
  maxout = 1;
  tim2 = [min(tim)-1 tim];

[hc, lat_out, lon_out] = getheat(lims, lev, tim2);

[ntim, nlat, nlon] = size(hc);

dhcdt = (hc(3:ntim,:,:) - hc(1:(ntim-2),:,:)) ./ (3600*24*365*2);

tim2 = tim2(2:(ntim-1));
timind = tim2 - min(tim2) + 1;

if isreal(pcs);
  dhcdt = regress_eof(dhcdt(timind,:,:), pcs(timind,:), nfrm);
  dhcdt = regress_ceof(dhcdt(timind,:,:), pcs(timind,:), nfrm);