Documentation of hoffmoeller_plot

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cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Thesis/Data
load LP9_detrend_L1-7_EOF_yr101-1000.mat; pcs = -1*pcs;

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Listing of script hoffmoeller_plot


ct = getnc('temp', [180 270 -6 6], 1, 101:1000);
ct = squeeze(mean(mean(ct, 2), 3));
pcs = detrend(ct) ./ std(detrend(ct));

lev = 5:10;
tim = 101:1000;

lims1 = [150 180 -35 35];
hc1 = getheat(lims1, lev, tim);
hc1 = squeeze(mean2(shiftdim(hc1, 2)));
[lat1, lon1, depth] = getll('temp', lims1);

lims2 = [100 290 -3 3];
hc2 = getnc('temp', lims2, 1, tim);
hc2 = shiftdim(squeeze(mean2(shiftdim(hc2, 1))), 1);
[lat2, lon2] = getll('temp', lims2);
[tem, tem, depth2] = getll('wl', lims2);

hc1 = detrend(hc1);
hc2 = detrend(hc2);

[b1, a1] = butter(9, 2/19);
[b2, a2] = butter(9, 2/61);

hc1f = filtfilt(b2, a2, hc1);
hc2f = filtfilt(b2, a2, hc2);
ct = filtfilt(b2, a2, ct);

hc1f = hc1 - filtfilt(b2, a2, hc1);
hc2f = hc2 - filtfilt(b2, a2, hc2);
ct = ct - filtfilt(b2, a2, ct);

hc1f = filtfilt(b1, a1, hc1) - filtfilt(b2, a2, hc1);
hc2f = filtfilt(b1, a1, hc2) - filtfilt(b2, a2, hc2);
ct = filtfilt(b1, a1, ct) - filtfilt(b2, a2, ct);

lags = -60:60;

[reg1, c1] = regress_eof(hc1f, pcs, lags);
[reg2, c2] = regress_eof(hc2f, pcs, lags);

figure(4); figure_landscape(1);
contourf(lags, lat1, 1e-8*reg1', [-2:.02:2]);
shading flat
caxis(1e-8*[-1*max(max(abs(reg1))) max(max(abs(reg1)))])
hold on;
pncont(lags, lat1, 1e-8*reg1', [-2:.05:2], 0, 'k');
%hold off;
hold on
hline([-3 3], '--k', [-60 60])
hold off
set(gca, 'YTick', -60:15:60, 'XTick', -60:10:60)
box on
axis([-60 60 -30 30]);
xlabel('Contour Interval 2x10^6 J m^-^2 std^-^1')
ylabel('150E to 180');
title(['117-620m Heat Content Regressed on 60 year LP filtered CT index']);

contourf(lags, lon2, reg2', [-.02:.0025:.02]);
shading flat
hold on
pncont(lags, lon2, reg2', [-.02:.0025:.02], 0, 'k');
hold off
hold on
hline([150 180], '--k', [-60 60])
hold off
caxis([-1*max(max(abs(reg2))) max(max(abs(reg2)))])
set(gca, 'YTick', [120:30:270], 'XTick', -60:10:60);
axis([-60 60 115 270.1])
xlabel('Contour Interval 0.0025 K std^-^1')
ylabel('3S to 3N')
title(['SST Regressed on 60 year LP filtered CT index']);

%  Look at WBC regression

lims3 = [100 180 -3 60];
hc3 = getheat(lims3, lev, tim);
[ntim, ny, nx] = size(hc3);
wb = NaN*ones(ny,1);
for i = 1:ny;
  land = find(isnan(squeeze(hc3(1,i,:))));
  if length(land) < nx-2;
    wb(i) = max(land)+1;
    wb(i) = NaN;
hc3new = zeros(ntim, ny, 2);
for i = 1:ny;
  hc3new(:,i,:) = hc3(:,i,(wb(i)+[0:1]));

hc3 = squeeze(mean2(shiftdim(hc3new, 2)));
[lat3, lon3] = getll('temp', lims3);

hc3 = filtfilt(b, a, hc3);
[reg3, c3] = regress_eof(detrend(hc3), pcs, lags);

contourf(lags, lat3, 1e-8*reg3', [-2:.05:2]);
shading flat
caxis(1e-8*[-1*max(max(abs(reg3))) max(max(abs(reg3)))])
hold on;
pncont(lags, lat3, 1e-8*reg3', [-2:.2:2], 0, 'k');
hold off;
hold on
hline([-3 3], '--k', [-30 30])
hold off
axis([-30 30 -4 61])
set(gca, 'YTick', 0:15:60, 'XTick', -30:5:30)
xlabel('Contour Interval 0.2 K std^-^1')
ylabel('Western Boundary');
box on

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/IUGG_talk/Plots