Documentation of ct_spectrum

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  Look at power spectra of successive 1000 year chunks

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Listing of script ct_spectrum

cd ~/model/csiro
load tsu_10k_ann_anomCT.ts
ct = tsu_10k_ann_anomCT(:,2);
yr = tsu_10k_ann_anomCT(:,1);
[b, a] = butter(9, 2/9);
lpct = filtfilt(b, a, ct);
for i = 1:10;
  ind = 1000*(i-1)+[1:1000];
  h = plot(yr(ind), ct(ind), 'k', yr(ind), lpct(ind), 'k');
  set(h(2), 'linewidth', 2);
  axis([yr(ind(1)) yr(ind(1000)) -1.1 1.1])
  grid on;
  set(gca, 'fontsize', 8, 'YTick', -1:.5:1);
  t1 = title('10K CSIRO:  CT index');
  set(t1, 'fontsize', 10);
  xl = xlabel('Year');
  set(xl, 'fontsize', 10);
cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Longrun/Figs
print -dps2

%  AR1 Process

figure(1); fo(1); clf;

nfft = 128; noverlap = 3*nfft/4; n2 = nfft/2;
nx = 1000;
for i = 1:10;
  ind = 1000*(i-1)+[1:1000];
  [p, f] = spectrum(ct(ind), nfft, noverlap); 
  f2 = f/2;
  %  AR1 process 
  rho = 0.5*(corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1) + ...
	     sqrt(corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 2)));
%  rho = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1);
  rn = (1-rho^2) ./ (1-2*rho*cos((pi/n2)*(0:n2))+rho^2);
  rn = rn / mean(rn(3:(n2+1)));
  rn = rn * mean(p(3:(n2+1),1));
  maxrn(i) = find((f.*rn')==max(f.*rn'));

  %  AR2 process
  rho1 = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1);
  rho2 = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 2);
  phi1 = (rho1 - rho2*rho1)./(1-rho1.^2);
  phi2 = (rho2 - rho1.^2)./(1-rho1.^2);
  freq = (pi/n2)*(0:n2);
  rn2 = 1./(1+phi1.^2+phi2.^2-2*phi1*cos(freq)-...
  rn2 = rn2 / mean(rn2(3:(n2+1)));
  rn2 = rn2 * mean(p(3:(n2+1),1));
%  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;
  maxrn2(i) = find((f.*rn2')==max(f.*rn2'));
%  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;
  dofx = nx / n2;
  ind2 = 2:(n2+1);
%  New - f*p vs log(f)
    hh = plot(log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2), '-k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), 1.67*f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2), '--k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2)/1.67, '--k', ...
              log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2).*p(ind2,1), '-k');
    set(hh(4), 'linewidth', 2);
    axis([-log(140) log(0.55) -0.001 0.0376]);
    xtl = ['128'; ' 64'; ' 32'; ' 16'; ' 8 '; ' 4 '; ...
           ' 2 '; ' 1 '; '0.5'];
    set(gca, 'XTick', -log([128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0.5]), ...
            'XTickLabel', xtl, 'YTick', [0:.025:.15]);
    set(gca, 'YTick', 0:.0125:0.05, 'YTickLabel', ['']);
    grid on
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 8);
    t1 = title(['Years ' num2str(yr(ind(1))) '-' ...
		num2str(yr(ind(1000))) '; Efold = ' ...
	        num2str(round(100./(2*pi*f2(maxrn(i))))/100) ' yrs']);
    set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Longrun/Figs
print -dps2

%  AR2 Process

figure(1); fo(1); clf;

nfft = 128; noverlap = 3*nfft/4; n2 = nfft/2;
nx = 1000;
for i = 1:10;
  ind = 1000*(i-1)+[1:1000];
  [p, f] = spectrum(ct(ind), nfft, noverlap); 
  f2 = f/2;
  %  AR1 process 
  rho = 0.5*(corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1) + ...
	     sqrt(corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 2)));
%  rho = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1);
  rn = (1-rho^2) ./ (1-2*rho*cos((pi/n2)*(0:n2))+rho^2);
  rn = rn / mean(rn(3:(n2+1)));
  rn = rn * mean(p(3:(n2+1),1));
  maxrn(i) = find((f.*rn')==max(f.*rn'));

  %  AR2 process
  rho1 = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1);
  rho2 = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 2);
  phi1 = (rho1 - rho2*rho1)./(1-rho1.^2);
  phi2 = (rho2 - rho1.^2)./(1-rho1.^2);
  freq = (pi/n2)*(0:n2);
  rn2 = 1./(1+phi1.^2+phi2.^2-2*phi1*cos(freq)-...
  rn2 = rn2 / mean(rn2(3:(n2+1)));
  rn2 = rn2 * mean(p(3:(n2+1),1));
%  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;
  maxrn2(i) = find((f.*rn2')==max(f.*rn2'));
%  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;
  dofx = nx / n2;
  ind2 = 2:(n2+1);
%  New - f*p vs log(f)
    hh = plot(log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2), '-k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), 1.67*f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2), '--k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2)/1.67, '--k', ...
              log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2).*p(ind2,1), '-k');
    set(hh(4), 'linewidth', 2);
    axis([-log(140) log(0.55) -0.001 0.0376]);
    xtl = ['128'; ' 64'; ' 32'; ' 16'; ' 8 '; ' 4 '; ...
           ' 2 '; ' 1 '; '0.5'];
    set(gca, 'XTick', -log([128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0.5]), ...
            'XTickLabel', xtl, 'YTick', [0:.025:.15]);
    set(gca, 'YTick', 0:.0125:0.05, 'YTickLabel', ['']);
    grid on
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 8);
    t1 = title(['Years ' num2str(yr(ind(1))) '--' ...
		num2str(yr(ind(1000))) '; Period = ' ...
	        num2str(round(100./(f2(maxrn2(i))))/100) ' yrs']);
    set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Longrun/Figs
print -dps2

%  Both, for first and second half of data set

figure(1); fo(1); clf;

nfft = 256; noverlap = 3*nfft/4; n2 = nfft/2;
for i = 1:1;
if 0;
  if i == 1; ind = 1:2000; lev = 1.67;
  elseif i == 2; ind = 2001:4000; lev = 1.67;
  elseif i == 3; ind = 4001:10000; lev = 1.36;
  elseif i == 4; ind = 1:5000; lev = 1.39;
  elseif i == 5; ind = 5001:10000; lev = 1.39;
else; ct = tem2; ind = 1:100000; end
  nx = length(ind);
  [p, f] = spectrum(ct(ind), nfft, noverlap); 
  f2 = f/2;
  %  AR1 process 
%  rho = 0.5*(corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1) + ...
%	     sqrt(corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 2)));
  rho = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1);
  rn = (1-rho^2) ./ (1-2*rho*cos((pi/n2)*(0:n2))+rho^2);
  rn = rn / mean(rn(3:(n2+1)));
  rn = rn * mean(p(3:(n2+1),1));
  maxrn(i) = find((f.*rn')==max(f.*rn'));

  %  AR2 process
  rho1 = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1);
  rho2 = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 2);
  phi1 = (rho1 - rho2*rho1)./(1-rho1.^2);
  phi2 = (rho2 - rho1.^2)./(1-rho1.^2);
  freq = (pi/n2)*(0:n2);
  rn2 = 1./(1+phi1.^2+phi2.^2-2*phi1*cos(freq)-...
  rn2 = rn2 / mean(rn2(3:(n2+1)));
  rn2 = rn2 * mean(p(3:(n2+1),1));
%  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;
  maxrn2(i) = find((f.*rn2')==max(f.*rn2'));
%  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;
  dofx = nx / n2;
  ind2 = 2:(n2+1);

%  New - f*p vs log(f)
    hh = plot(log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2), '-k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), 1.67*f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2), '--k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2)/1.67, '--k', ...
              log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2).*p(ind2,1), '-k');
    set(hh(4), 'linewidth', 2);
    axis([-log(140) log(0.55) -0.001 0.0376]);
    xtl = ['128'; ' 64'; ' 32'; ' 16'; ' 8 '; ' 4 '; ...
           ' 2 '; ' 1 '; '0.5'];
    set(gca, 'XTick', -log([128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0.5]), ...
            'XTickLabel', xtl, 'YTick', [0:.025:.15]);
    set(gca, 'YTick', 0:.0125:0.05, 'YTickLabel', ['']);
    grid on
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 8);
    t1 = title(['Years ' num2str(yr(min(ind))) '--' ...
		num2str(yr(max(ind))) '; Efold = ' ...
	        num2str(round(100./(2*pi*f2(maxrn(i))))/100) ' yrs']);
    set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);

%  New - f*p vs log(f)
    hh = plot(log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2), '-k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), 1.67*f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2), '--k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2)/1.67, '--k', ...
              log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2).*p(ind2,1), '-k');
    set(hh(4), 'linewidth', 2);
    axis([-log(140) log(0.55) -0.001 0.0376]);
    xtl = ['128'; ' 64'; ' 32'; ' 16'; ' 8 '; ' 4 '; ...
           ' 2 '; ' 1 '; '0.5'];
    set(gca, 'XTick', -log([128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0.5]), ...
            'XTickLabel', xtl, 'YTick', [0:.025:.15]);
    set(gca, 'YTick', 0:.0125:0.05, 'YTickLabel', ['']);
    grid on
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 8);
    t1 = title(['Years ' num2str(yr(min(ind))) '--' ...
		num2str(yr(max(ind))) '; Period = ' ...
	        num2str(round(100./(f2(maxrn2(i))))/100) ' yrs']);
    set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Longrun/Figs
print -dps2

%  Look at random AR1 process:
tem = randn(1, 100000);
tem2 = zeros(1, 100000);
for i = 2:100000;
  tem2(i) = 0.6*tem2(i-1)+.8*tem(i);

%  AR2 - entire record
%  AR2 Process

figure(1); fo(1); clf;

nfft = 256; noverlap = 3*nfft/4; n2 = nfft/2;
nx = 5000;
for j = 1:2;
for i = 1:2;
  ind = nx*(i-1)+[1:nx];
  [p, f] = spectrum(ct(ind), nfft, noverlap); 
  f2 = f/2;
  %  AR1 process 
  rho = 0.5*(corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1) + ...
	     sqrt(corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 2)));
%  rho = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1);
  rn = (1-rho^2) ./ (1-2*rho*cos((pi/n2)*(0:n2))+rho^2);
  rn = rn / mean(rn(3:(n2+1)));
  rn = rn * mean(p(3:(n2+1),1));
  maxrn(i) = find((f.*rn')==max(f.*rn'));

  %  AR2 process
  rho1 = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1);
  rho2 = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 2);
  phi1 = (rho1 - rho2*rho1)./(1-rho1.^2);
  phi2 = (rho2 - rho1.^2)./(1-rho1.^2);
  freq = (pi/n2)*(0:n2);
  rn2 = 1./(1+phi1.^2+phi2.^2-2*phi1*cos(freq)-...
  rn2 = rn2 / mean(rn2(3:(n2+1)));
  rn2 = rn2 * mean(p(3:(n2+1),1));
%  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;
  maxrn2(i) = find((f.*rn2')==max(f.*rn2'));
%  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;
  dofx = nx / n2;
  ind2 = 2:(n2+1);
%  New - f*p vs log(f)
    if j == 1;
        hh = plot(log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2), '-k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), 1.39*f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2), '--k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2)/1.39, '--k', ...
              log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2).*p(ind2,1), '-k');
    t1 = title(['Years ' num2str(yr(min(ind))) '--' ...
		num2str(yr(max(ind))) '; Period = ' ...
	        num2str(round(100./(f2(maxrn(i))))/100) ' yrs']);
	hh = plot(log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2), '-k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), 1.39*f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2), '--k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2)/1.39, '--k', ...
              log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2).*p(ind2,1), '-k');
    t1 = title(['Years ' num2str(yr(min(ind))) '--' ...
		num2str(yr(max(ind))) '; Period = ' ...
	        num2str(round(100./(f2(maxrn2(i))))/100) ' yrs']);
    set(hh(4), 'linewidth', 2);
    axis([-log(140) log(0.55) -0.001 0.0376]);
    xtl = ['128'; ' 64'; ' 32'; ' 16'; ' 8 '; ' 4 '; ...
           ' 2 '; ' 1 '; '0.5'];
    set(gca, 'XTick', -log([128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0.5]), ...
            'XTickLabel', xtl, 'YTick', [0:.025:.15]);
    set(gca, 'YTick', 0:.0125:0.05, 'YTickLabel', ['']);
    grid on
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 8);
    set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);

%  Average over frequency bands

figure(1); fo(1); clf;

for i = 1:5;
if 1;
  if i == 1; ind = 1:2000; lev = 1.67;
  elseif i == 2; ind = 2001:4000; lev = 1.67;
  elseif i == 3; ind = 4001:10000; lev = 1.36;
  elseif i == 4; ind = 1:5000; lev = 1.39;
  elseif i == 5; ind = 5001:10000; lev = 1.39;
else; ct = tem2; ind = 1:100000; end
  nx = length(ind); nfft = nx; noverlap = 3*nfft/4; n2 = nfft/2;
  [p, f] = spectrum(ct(ind), nfft, noverlap); 
  f2 = f/2;
  %  AR1 process 
%  rho = 0.5*(corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1) + ...
%	     sqrt(corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 2)));
  rho = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1);
  rn = (1-rho^2) ./ (1-2*rho*cos((pi/n2)*(0:n2))+rho^2);
  rn = rn / mean(rn(3:(n2+1)));
  rn = rn * mean(p(3:(n2+1),1));
  maxrn(i) = find((f.*rn')==max(f.*rn'));

  %  AR2 process
  rho1 = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 1);
  rho2 = corr(ct(ind), ct(ind), 2);
  phi1 = (rho1 - rho2*rho1)./(1-rho1.^2);
  phi2 = (rho2 - rho1.^2)./(1-rho1.^2);
  freq = (pi/n2)*(0:n2);
  rn2 = 1./(1+phi1.^2+phi2.^2-2*phi1*cos(freq)-...
  rn2 = rn2 / mean(rn2(3:(n2+1)));
  rn2 = rn2 * mean(p(3:(n2+1),1));
%  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;
  maxrn2(i) = find((f.*rn2')==max(f.*rn2'));
%  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;
  dofx = nx / n2;
  ind2 = 2:(n2+1);

%  New - f*p vs log(f)
    hh = plot(log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2), '-k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), 1.67*f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2), '--k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn(ind2)/1.67, '--k', ...
              log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2).*rave(p(ind2,1), nfft/100), '-k');
    set(hh(4), 'linewidth', 2);
    axis([-log(140) log(0.55) -0.001 0.0376]);
    xtl = ['128'; ' 64'; ' 32'; ' 16'; ' 8 '; ' 4 '; ...
           ' 2 '; ' 1 '; '0.5'];
    set(gca, 'XTick', -log([128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0.5]), ...
            'XTickLabel', xtl, 'YTick', [0:.025:.15]);
    set(gca, 'YTick', 0:.0125:0.05, 'YTickLabel', ['']);
    grid on
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 8);
    t1 = title(['Years ' num2str(yr(min(ind))) '--' ...
		num2str(yr(max(ind))) '; Efold = ' ...
	        num2str(round(100./(2*pi*f2(maxrn(i))))/100) ' yrs']);
    set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);

%  New - f*p vs log(f)
    hh = plot(log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2), '-k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), 1.67*f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2), '--k', ...
	      log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2)'.*rn2(ind2)/1.67, '--k', ...
              log(f2(ind2)), f2(ind2).*rave(p(ind2,1), nfft/200), '-k');
    set(hh(4), 'linewidth', 2);
    axis([-log(140) log(0.55) -0.001 0.0376]);
    xtl = ['128'; ' 64'; ' 32'; ' 16'; ' 8 '; ' 4 '; ...
           ' 2 '; ' 1 '; '0.5'];
    set(gca, 'XTick', -log([128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0.5]), ...
            'XTickLabel', xtl, 'YTick', [0:.025:.15]);
    set(gca, 'YTick', 0:.0125:0.05, 'YTickLabel', ['']);
    grid on
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 8);
    t1 = title(['Years ' num2str(yr(min(ind))) '--' ...
		num2str(yr(max(ind))) '; Period = ' ...
	        num2str(round(100./(f2(maxrn2(i))))/200) ' yrs']);
    set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);