Documentation of reg_stuff_onto_BPppcs

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  Load variables for regression

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Listing of script reg_stuff_onto_BPppcs

cd ~/Papers/mlcsiro/matlab/data
load SVD_curlt_slp_MIX_raw.mat

lims = [89 306 -79 90]

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/data
nc = netcdf('', 'nowrite');
  [lat, lon, yk, xk] = get_nclatlon2(lims, nc);
  slp = nc{'psl', 1}(31:330, 1:12, yk, xk);
nc = close(nc);
nc = netcdf('', 'nowrite');
  [lat, lon, yk, xk] = get_nclatlon2(lims, nc);
  tax = nc{'tax', 1}(31:330, 1:12, yk, xk);
nc = close(nc);
nc = netcdf('', 'nowrite');
  [lat, lon, yk, xk] = get_nclatlon2(lims, nc);
  tsu = nc{'tsu', 1}(31:330, 1:12, yk, xk);
nc = close(nc);

[nyr, nmo, nlat, nlon] = size(slp);
slp2 = NaN*ones(nyr*nmo, nlat, nlon);
tax2 = NaN*ones(nyr*nmo, nlat, nlon);
tsu2 = NaN*ones(nyr*nmo, nlat, nlon);
for i = 1:nyr;
  ind = 12*(i-1)+[1:12];
  slp2(ind,:,:) = slp(i,:,:,:);
  tax2(ind,:,:) = tax(i,:,:,:);
  tsu2(ind,:,:) = tsu(i,:,:,:);
clear slp tax tsu;

slp2 = annave(slp2);
tax2 = annave(tax2);
tsu2 = annave(tsu2);

slp2 = detrend(slp2); 
tax2 = detrend(tax2); 
tsu2 = detrend(tsu2); 

[ntim, nlat, nlon] = size(slp2);
[xk, yk] = keep_var(limslp, lon, lat);

lims2 = [lims(1:3) 80];
[xk2, yk2] = keep_var(lims2, lon, lat);

%  Reweight patterns by sqrt(cos...)
nlat1 = length(yk); nlon1 = length(xk);
tem = reshape(slpu', 10, nlat1, nlon1);
tem = cosweight(tem, lat(yk));
tem = reshape(tem, 10, nlat1*nlon1)';
use_tim = tem(:,1:10);

%  2-12 mo
[b, a] = butter(9, 2/12);

slp = slp2 - filtfilt(b, a, slp2);
tax = tax2 - filtfilt(b, a, tax2);
tsu = tsu2 - filtfilt(b, a, tsu2);

tim_hp = reshape(slp(:,yk,xk), ntim, nlat1*nlon1) * use_tim;

[pat1aa, c1aa] = regress_eof(slp, tim_hp);
[pat2aa, c2aa] = regress_eof(tax, tim_hp);
[pat3aa, c3aa] = regress_eof(tsu, tim_hp);

%  12-24 mo
[b2, a2] = butter(9, 2/12);
[b, a] = butter(9, 2/24);

slp = filtfilt(b2, a2, slp2) - filtfilt(b, a, slp2);
tax = filtfilt(b2, a2, tax2) - filtfilt(b, a, tax2);
tsu = filtfilt(b2, a2, tsu2) - filtfilt(b, a, tsu2);

tim_bp = reshape(slp(:,yk,xk), ntim, nlat1*nlon1) * use_tim;

[pat1bb, c1bb] = regress_eof(slp, tim_bp);
[pat2bb, c2bb] = regress_eof(tax, tim_bp);
[pat3bb, c3bb] = regress_eof(tsu, tim_bp);

%  24-Inf mo
[b, a] = butter(9, 2/24);

slp = filtfilt(b, a, slp2);
tax = filtfilt(b, a, tax2);
tsu = filtfilt(b, a, tsu2);

tim_lp = reshape(slp(:,yk,xk), ntim, nlat1*nlon1) * use_tim;

[pat1cc, c1cc] = regress_eof(slp, tim_lp);
[pat2cc, c2cc] = regress_eof(tax, tim_lp);
[pat3cc, c3cc] = regress_eof(tsu, tim_lp);

cd ~/Papers/mlcsiro/matlab/data
save MIX_hp_bp_lp_ppcs_regs.mat tim_hp tim_bp tim_lp ...
    pat1aa c1aa pat2aa c2aa pat3aa c3aa ...
    pat1bb c1bb pat2bb c2bb pat3bb c3bb ...
    pat1cc c1cc pat2cc c2cc pat3cc c3cc ...
    lims limslp xk yk lat lon 

%  Plot data
default_global; FRAME = [95 300 -45 75];
[tem, tem, tem, lm] = getll('temp', lims);
figure(1); fl(1); clf;
clim = 0.25;
  gcont(pat1aa, 0.5);
  dc2(lm, 0.5, -1000);
  color_shade(squeeze(c1aa.^2), clim, 0.7*[1 1 1]);
  t1 = title('< ML\_SLP, SLP >  0.5 mb std^-^1');
  y1 = ylabel('2-12 Mo.'); set(y1, 'fontsize', 9);
  set(gca, 'fontsize', 8); set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);
%  h = drawbox(limslp, 'k'); set(h, 'linewidth', 2);
  gcont(pat2aa, 0.01, 1);
  dc2(lm, 0.5, 1000);
  color_shade(squeeze(c2aa.^2), clim, 0.7*[1 1 1]);
  t1 = title('< ML\_SLP, \tau x >  0.1 dyne m^-^2 std^-^1');
  set(gca, 'fontsize', 8); set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);
  gcont(pat3aa, 0.01);
  dc2(lm, 0.5, 1000);
  color_shade(squeeze(c3aa.^2), clim, 0.7*[1 1 1]);
  t1 = title('< ML\_SLP, SST >  0.01 K std^-^1');
  set(gca, 'fontsize', 8); set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);

  gcont(pat1bb, 0.25);
  dc2(lm, 0.5, -1000);
  color_shade(squeeze(c1bb.^2), clim, 0.7*[1 1 1]);
  t1 = title('< ML\_SLP, SLP >  0.25 mb std^-^1');
  y1 = ylabel('12-24 Mo.'); set(y1, 'fontsize', 9);
  set(gca, 'fontsize', 8); set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);
  gcont(pat2bb, 0.0025, 1);
  dc2(lm, 0.5, 1000);
  color_shade(squeeze(c2bb.^2), clim, 0.7*[1 1 1]);
  t1 = title('< ML\_SLP, \tau x >  0.025 dyne m^-^2 std^-^1');
  set(gca, 'fontsize', 8); set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);
  gcont(pat3bb, 0.05);
  dc2(lm, 0.5, 1000);
  color_shade(squeeze(c3bb.^2), clim, 0.7*[1 1 1]);
  t1 = title('< ML\_SLP, SST >  0.05 K std^-^1');
  set(gca, 'fontsize', 8); set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);

  gcont(pat1cc, 0.25);
  dc2(lm, 0.5, -1000);
  color_shade(squeeze(c1cc.^2), clim, 0.7*[1 1 1]);
  t1 = title('< ML\_SLP, SLP >  0.25 mb std^-^1');
  y1 = ylabel('24-Inf Mo.'); set(y1, 'fontsize', 9);
  set(gca, 'fontsize', 8); set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);
  gcont(pat2cc, 0.0025, 1);
  dc2(lm, 0.5, 1000);
  color_shade(squeeze(c2cc.^2), clim, 0.7*[1 1 1]);
  t1 = title('< ML\_SLP, \tau x >  0.025 dyne m^-^2 std^-^1');
  set(gca, 'fontsize', 8); set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);
  gcont(pat3cc, 0.1);
  dc2(lm, 0.5, 1000);
  color_shade(squeeze(c3cc.^2), clim, 0.7*[1 1 1]);
  t1 = title('< ML\_SLP, SST >  0.1 K std^-^1');
  set(gca, 'fontsize', 8); set(t1, 'fontsize', 9);

cd ~/Papers/mlcsiro/matlab/model/Figs
print -dps2
nfft = 64*12; nover = 7*nfft/8;
[p, f] = spectrum(slp_tim, nfft, nover);
f2 = f*6;
n2 = nfft/2;

rho = (corr(slp_tim, slp_tim, 1)+sqrt(corr(slp_tim,slp_tim,2)))/2;
  rn = (1-rho^2) ./ (1-2*rho*cos((pi/n2)*(0:n2))+rho^2);
  rn = rn / mean(rn);
  rn = rn * mean(p(:,1));
  rner1 = rn * 2.05; rner5 = rn * 1.68;

ind = [1:n2]+1;
figure(4); fl(1);
plot(log(f2(ind)), f2(ind).*p(ind,1), '-k', ...
     log(f2(ind)), f2(ind).*rn(ind)', '--k');
plot(f2, p(:,1), 'k', f2, rn, '--k');

%  Determine equal variances
n2 = 4096;
rho = (corr(slp_tim, slp_tim, 1)+sqrt(corr(slp_tim,slp_tim,2)))/2;
  rn = (1-rho^2) ./ (1-2*rho*cos((pi/n2)*(0:n2))+rho^2);
  rn = rn / mean(rn);
  rn = rn * mean(p(:,1));

ftem = 6*[0:(1/n2):1];