Documentation of check_nh_sh_eq_corr

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Listing of script check_nh_sh_eq_corr

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/New_calcs/data
load heat_pcs_eq.mat
rpcs1 = rpcs; rlds1 = rlds; rper1 = rper; rlam1 = rlam;
hpcs1 = hpcs; hlds1 = hlds; hper1 = hper; hlam1 = hlam;
lpcs1 = lpcs; llds1 = llds; lper1 = lper; llam1 = llam;
load heat_pcs_shem.mat
for num = 1:10;
  c(num,:) = [corr(rpcs1(:,num), rpcs(:,num)) ...
	      corr(hpcs1(:,num), hpcs(:,num)) ...
	      corr(lpcs1(:,num), lpcs(:,num))];
c = [rper1(1:10); rper(1:10); hper1(1:10); ...
     hper(1:10); lper1(1:10); lper(1:10)];
c = [rlam1(1:10); rlam(1:10); hlam1(1:10); ...
     hlam(1:10); llam1(1:10); llam(1:10)];
ct = getct;
ct = detrend(ct);
[b1, a1] = butter(9, 2/10);
[b2, a2] = butter(9, 2/9);
hpct = ct - filtfilt(b1, a1, ct);
lpct = filtfilt(b2, a2, ct);
c = [corr(rpcs1(:,1), ct) corr(rpcs(:,1), ct); ...
     corr(hpcs1(:,1), hpct) corr(hpcs(:,1), hpct); ...
     corr(lpcs1(:,1), lpct) corr(lpcs(:,1), lpct)];

%EQ and total Pacific PC1's are correlated at ~0.97
%EQ and total Pacific mode 1 explain ~41-44 and 23-27 % variance

%EQ2 and NH1, EQ1 and NH2 correlated ~ 0.68, 0.65 (RAW)
%EQ1 and NH2 correlated 0.73 for LP9
%EQ2 and NH1 correlated 0.51 for LP9

%NH1 and NH2 explain 27, 21 % var (RAW)
%NH1 and NH2 explain 24, 17 % var (HP)
%NH1 and NH2 explain 31, 23 % var (LP)

%SH1 and EQ1 correlated ~0.47(RAW), 0.35(HP), 0.57(LP)
%No strong relationships for SH per's.  Mode1 probably EQ.