Documentation of eof_20deg_isotherm

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tim = [551:1000];

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Listing of script eof_20deg_isotherm

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/data
filin = '';
tim = [101:550];
nc = netcdf(filin, 'nowrite');

  depth = nc{'depth'}(:);
  lat = nc{'latitude'}(:);
  lon = nc{'longitude'}(:);

  ctlim = [110 300 -60 60];
  [xk, yk] = keep_var(ctlim, lon, lat);

  temp = nc{'temp'}(tim,1,yk,xk);
  mv = nc{'temp'}.missing_value(:);

nc = close(nc);
[ntim, nlev, nlat, nlon] = size(temp);
temp(find(temp == mv)) = NaN * ones(size(find(temp == mv)));
lat1 = lat(yk); lon1 = lon(xk);
temp = reshape(temp, ntim, nlat*nlon);
get_global; default_global; FRAME = ctlim;

%  Look at location of 20degree isotherm
if 0;
[xk, yk] = keep_var([110 300 -6 6], lon, lat);
tim = [101:550];
tim = [551:1000];
tem = squeeze(mean(shiftdim(mean(temp(500:510,:,yk,xk)), 2)))';
contour(lon, -.01*depth, tem, [0:1:20], 'k') 
%  We'll start with using the 20degree isotherm
%  First, find min and max latitude of the 20deg isotherm

clim = squeeze(mean(temp(:,:,:,:)));

tiso = 20;
latind = [];
for i = 1:nlon;
  tem = [max(find(clim(1,:,i) >= tiso)) min(find(clim(1,:,i) >= tiso))];
  latind = [max([latind tem]) min([latind tem])];

if rem(length(latind(2):latind(1)), 2);
  latind(1) = latind(1)+1;
latind = latind(2):latind(1);

temp = temp(:,:,latind,:);
clim = clim(:,latind,:);
[ntim, nlev, nlat, nlon] = size(temp);

if 0;

temp = shiftdim(temp, 2);
clim = shiftdim(clim, 1);
temp2 = NaN * ones(ntim, nlev, nlat/2, nlon/2);
clim2 = NaN * ones(nlev, nlat/2, nlon/2);
for i = 1:nlat/2;
  indy = 2*(i-1)+[1:2];
  for j = 1:nlon/2;
    indx = 2*(j-1)+[1:2];
    temp2(:,:,i,j) = squeeze(mean2(mean2(temp(indy,indx,:,:))));
    clim2(:,i,j) = squeeze(mean2(mean2(clim(indy,indx,:))));
lat = lat(latind);
lat = mean([lat(1:2:nlat)' ; lat(2:2:nlat)']);
lon = mean([lon(1:2:nlon)' ; lon(2:2:nlon)']);


  temp2 = temp;
  clim2 = clim;


[ntim, nlev, nlat, nlon] = size(temp2);
kp20 = find(clim2(1,:) >= tiso);

clim2 = reshape(clim2, nlev, nlat*nlon);
temp2 = reshape(temp2, ntim, nlev, nlat*nlon);
clim2 = clim2(:,kp20);
temp2 = temp2(:,:,kp20);
[ntim, nlev, nkp] = size(temp2);

ind = [];
for j = 1:nkp;
  if isempty(find(diff(clim2(:,j)) > 0));
    ind = [ind j];

temp20 = NaN * ones(ntim, nkp);
for i = 1:ntim;
  for j = ind;
    temp20(i,j) = interp1(clim2(:,j), squeeze(temp2(i,:,j)), 20);

%  cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/matlab_data
%  save 20degiso_yr551-1000_temp_noave.mat temp20 kp20 lat lon tim

biff = 3;
ind = 1;
cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/matlab_data
if ind == 1;
  load 20degiso_yr101-550_temp.mat
  lag = -60;
  ttit = ['101 - 550'];
elseif ind == 2;
  load 20degiso_yr551-1000_temp_noave.mat
  lag = 90;
  ttit = ['551 - 1000'];
ctlim = [110 300 -75 65];
ntim = length(tim); nlat = length(lat); nlon = length(lon);

temp3 = NaN * ones(ntim, nlat*nlon);
temp3(:,kp20) = temp20;
temp3 = detrend(temp3);
temp3 = cosweight(temp3, lat);
kp = find(~isnan(mean(temp3)));
temp3 = temp3(:,kp);

%   [lam1, per1, lds1, pcs1] = eof_dan(temp3);
%   [lam2, per2, lds2, pcs2] = eof_dan(temp3);

if biff == 1;
  yr1 = 10; yr2 = 10; tit = ['HP ( < 10 yr ) '];
elseif biff == 2;
  yr1 = 20; yr2 = 20; tit = ['HP ( < 20 yr ) ']; 
elseif biff == 3; 
  yr1 = 10; yr2 = 60; tit = ['LP ( > 10 yr ) '];
elseif biff == 4;
  yr1 = 20; yr2 = 60; tit = ['LP ( > 20 yr ) '];
elseif biff == 5;
  yr1 = 5; yr2 = 20; tit = ['HP ( 8 yr ) '];
elseif biff == 6;
  yr1 = 10; yr2 = 50; tit = ['BP ( 10-50 yr ) '];
elseif biff == 7;
  tit = ['Unfiltered Data '];

[b1, a1] = butter(6, 2/yr1); [b2, a2] = butter(6, 2/yr2);
if biff < 3 | biff == 5;
  temp3 = temp3 - filtfilt(b1, a1, temp3); disp('HP Filtered');
elseif biff > 2 & biff < 5;
  temp3 = filtfilt(b1, a1, temp3); disp('LP Filtered');
elseif biff ~= 7
  temp3 = filtfilt(b1, a1, temp3) - filtfilt(b2, a2, temp3); disp('BP Filtered');

%  Do complex eof:

[lam, lds, pcs, per] = complex_eof(temp3);
j = sqrt(-1);

npt  = length(kp);
pcs = sqrt(2)*pcs ./ (ones(ntim,1) * std(pcs));

%  Look at different phases    11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

temp3 = NaN * ones(ntim, nlat*nlon);
temp3(:,kp20) = temp20;
%temp2 = temp; XAX = lon1; YAX = lat1;
temp2 = temp3; XAX = lon; YAX = lat;
%temp2 = -1*hflx; XAX = lon2; YAX = lat2;
nlat = length(YAX); nlon = length(XAX);
temp2 = detrend(temp2);
if biff < 3 | biff == 5;
  temp2 = temp2 - filtfilt(b1, a1, temp2);% - filtfilt(b2, a2, temp2);
elseif biff > 3 & biff < 5;
  temp2 = filtfilt(b1, a1, temp2);
elseif biff == 6;
  temp2 = filtfilt(b1, a1, temp2) - filtfilt(b2, a2, temp2);
stdtemp = std(temp2);
dofx = floor(ntim/10 - 3);

FRAME = [ctlim(1:2) floor(min(YAX)) ceil(max(YAX))];

figure(3); clf; figure_orient;
lag = 0; lg = lag*pi/180; lg2 = 1;
num = 1; lind = 1;
nfrm = 6;

cint = 0.05; clev = [-9:cint:9];
for i = 1:nfrm;

  wgt = conj(exp(j * ((i-1) * pi/(lg2*nfrm) + lg) ));
  temtim = squeeze(real(wgt .* pcs(:,num)));
  tem = temtim' * temp2 ./ ntim;
%  ccoef = tem./stdtemp;
%  tstat = ccoef ./ (sqrt((1-ccoef.^2)/dofx));
%  score = tscore(dofx, 0.5);
  tem = reshape(tem, nlat, nlon);
%  tstat = reshape(tstat, nlat, nlon);

%       gshade2(abs(tstat), score); hold on;
       gcont(tem, clev); hold off;
       axis([ctlim(1:2) -60 60]);
       title(['Phase = ' num2str(((i-1)*180)/(lg2*nfrm)+lag)]);
       xlabel(['Contour Interval:  ' num2str(cint) ' K std^-^1'])

ylabel([tit ':  < Surface Temp, CPC1 of 20 deg. T''>; Years ' ttit]);
ylabel([tit ':  < 20 deg. T'', CPC1 of 20 deg. T'' >;  Years ' ttit]);

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Plots5/yr101-550
tit1 = tit;
% print -dps2

%  Plot the CPC's     2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

if ind == 1; tim = 101:550; else; tim = 551:1000; end;

figure(2);  figure_orient;
for m = 1:3
     tind = ((ntim/3)*(m-1)+[1:(ntim/3)]);
     plot(tim(tind), real(pcs(tind, num)), '-k', ...
	  tim(tind), imag(pcs(tind, num)), '--k');
     axis([min(tim(tind)-1) max(tim(tind)+1) -3 3]);
     set(gca, 'YTick', [-3:3.5], 'XTick', [(tim(1)-1):10:max(tim)]);
     title([tit ': CPC1 20 DEG ISOTHERM:  ' num2str(round(per(1)))...
                '% Variance Explained']);
     ylabel(['Solid = REAL, Dashed = IMAG']);

if 1;
plot(real(pcs(:,1)), imag(pcs(:,1)), '.k');
axis square
axis([-4 4 -4 4]); grid on
xlabel('Re(CPC1)'); ylabel('Im(CPC1)');

binnum = 24;
binind = [(-1*(pi-(pi/binnum))):(2*pi/binnum):(pi-(pi/binnum))];
ph = atan2(imag(pcs(:,1)), real(pcs(:,1)));
hgram = hist(ph, binind);
bar((180/pi)*binind, hgram);
axis([-180 180 0 30])
set(gca, 'XTick', -180:90:180);
grid on
xlabel('PHASE (deg)');

subplot(4,2,8); nind = 1;
tim = 1:450;
v1 = real(pcs(tim,1)); v2 = imag(pcs(tim,1));
lab = ['Re(CPC1)'; 'Im(CPC1)'];
tind = (-8*nind):nind:(8*nind);
a = zeros(length(tind),1);
for lag = tind;
  a((1/nind)*(lag+max(tind))+1) = corr(v1, v2, lag);

    bar(tind, a);
    title(['< ' lab(1,:) ', ' lab(2,:) ' >'])
%    xlabel([lab(1,:) ' leads ' lab(2,:) '  |  ' lab(2,:) ' leads ' lab(1,:)])
    xlabel([lab(1,:) ' leads  |  ' lab(2,:) ' leads '])
    axis([min(tind-1) max(tind+1) -1.1 1.1])
    set(gca, 'XTick', min(tind):2*nind:max(tind), 'YTick', -1:.25:1)
    grid on

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Plots5

%  Look at real and imaginary components

FRAME = [ctlim(1:2) floor(min(lat)) ceil(max(lat))];

figure(2); figure_orient;
num = 1;

  tem = NaN * ones(1, nlat*nlon);
  tem(kp) = real(lds(:,num));
  tem = reshape(tem, nlat, nlon);
  cint = 0.1; clev = [-1:cint:1];
  gcont(tem, clev); dc;

  tem = NaN * ones(1, nlat*nlon);
  tem(kp) = imag(lds(:,num));
  tem = reshape(tem, nlat, nlon);
  cint = 0.1; clev = [-1:cint:1];
  gcont(tem, clev); dc;

  tind = 1:ntim/2;
  plot(tim(tind), real(pcs(tind,num)), '-k', ...
       tim(tind), imag(pcs(tind,num)), '--k')
  axis([min(tim(tind)-1) max(tim(tind)+1) -3 3]);
  grid on;
  set(gca, 'XTick', [(tim(min(tind))-1):25:(tim(max(tind)))]);

  tind = [1:ntim/2] + ntim/2;
  plot(tim(tind), real(pcs(tind,num)), '-k', ...
       tim(tind), imag(pcs(tind,num)), '--k')
  axis([min(tim(tind)-1) max(tim(tind)+1) -3 3]);
  grid on;
  set(gca, 'XTick', [(tim(min(tind))-1):25:(tim(max(tind)))]);

%  For fun, a movie.

figure(1); clf;

ph = atan2(imag(pcs(:,1)), real(pcs(:,1)));
ph2 = interp(ph(18:29), 3);

ph2 = 0:pi/12:2*pi;
nmovie = length(ph2);
M = moviein(nmovie);
for i = 1:nmovie;
  wgt = conj(exp(j * ((i-1) * 2 * pi/nmovie + lg) ));
  temtim = squeeze(real(wgt .* pcs(:,num)));
  temtim = (temtim - mean(temtim)) ./ std(temtim);
  tem = temtim' * temp3 ./ ntim;
  tem = reshape(tem, nlat, nlon);
  surf(XAX,YAX,tem);% dc;
  axis([110 300 -40 40 -.4 .4]);
  view([217.5 40])

  M(:,i) = getframe;

movie(M, 4, 8)

%  Look at EOF

[lam, per, lds, pcs] = eof_dan(temp3);

FRAME = [ctlim(1:2) floor(min(lat)) ceil(max(lat))];

figure(1); figure_orient;
num = 1;

  tem = NaN * ones(1, nlat*nlon);
  tem(kp) = real(lds(:,num));
  tem = reshape(tem, nlat, nlon);
  cint = 0.1; clev = [-1:cint:1];
  gcont(tem, clev); dc;
  title(['EOF1 of T'' along Clim. 20 deg. Isotherm;  ' ...
          num2str(round(per(1))) '% Variance Explained;  yr ' ttit]);
  xlabel(['Contour Interval:  ' num2str(cint) ' K std^-^1']);

  plot(tim, pcs(:,1), 'k');
  grid on;
  axis([min(tim-1) max(tim+1) -3 3]);

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Plots5

%  Look at heat flux

FRAME = [110 300 floor(min(lat)) ceil(max(lat))];

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/data
nc = netcdf('', 'nowrite');
  lat = nc{'latitude'}(:);
  lon = nc{'longitude'}(:);
  [xk, yk] = keep_var(FRAME, lon, lat);

  temp3 = nc{'stfht'}(tim, yk, xk);
  mv = nc{'stfht'}.missing_value(:);
nc = close(nc);
lon = lon(xk); lat = lat(yk);
temp3(find(temp3 == mv)) = NaN * ones(size(find(temp3 == mv)));

[ntim, nlat, nlon] = size(temp3);
temp3 = reshape(temp3, ntim, nlat*nlon);
temp3 = detrend(temp3);

%  Try the eof on the entire data set

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/matlab_data
  load 20degiso_yr101-550_temp_noave.mat
  load 20degiso_yr551-1000_temp_noave.mat

ntim = length(tim); nlat = length(lat); nlon = length(lon);

temp3 = NaN * ones(ntim, nlat*nlon);
temp3(:,kp20) = temp20;
temp3 = detrend(temp3);
temp3 = cosweight(temp3, lat);
kp = find(~isnan(mean(temp3)));
temp3 = temp3(:,kp);

temp1 = temp3; kp1 = kp;
   [lam1, per1, lds1, pcs1] = eof_dan(temp1);

temp2 = temp3; kp2 = kp;
   [lam2, per2, lds2, pcs2] = eof_dan(temp2);

kp = kp1(find(ismember(kp1, kp2)));
temp3 = [temp1(:, find(ismember(kp1, kp2))); temp2(:, find(ismember(kp2, kp1)))];
   [lam3, per3, lds3, pcs3] = eof_dan(temp3);