Documentation of look_3dceof_temp_flux

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  Get regressions of fluxes:

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Listing of script look_3dceof_temp_flux

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/matlab_data
load LPregmap_3deof_-67.5to60pac.mat
ctlim = FRAME;
get_global; default_global; FRAME = ctlim;
ntim = size(pcs, 1);
[nlev, nlat, nlon] = size(clim);
tim = [101:550];
cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/data
filin = [''];
nc = netcdf(filin, 'nowrite');
  lind = 1:10;
  depth = nc{'depth'}(lind);
nc = close(nc);

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/data
nc = netcdf('', 'nowrite');
  lat1 = nc{'latitude'}(:);
  lon1 = nc{'longitude'}(:);
  [xk, yk] = keep_var(FRAME, lon1, lat1);
  taux = nc{'smfzon'}(tim,yk,xk);
  mv = nc{'smfzon'}.missing_value(:);
nc = close(nc);
taux(find(taux == mv)) = NaN * ones(size(find(taux == mv)));
nc = netcdf('', 'nowrite');
  tauy = nc{'smfmer'}(tim,yk,xk);
  mv = nc{'smfmer'}.missing_value(:);
nc = close(nc);
tauy(find(tauy == mv)) = NaN * ones(size(find(tauy == mv)));
lat1 = lat1(yk); lon1 = lon1(xk);
nc = netcdf('', 'nowrite');
  lat2 = nc{'latitude'}(:);
  lon2 = nc{'longitude'}(:);
  [xk, yk] = keep_var(FRAME, lon2, lat2);
  hflx = nc{'stfht'}(tim,yk,xk);
  mv = nc{'stfht'}.missing_value(:);
nc = close(nc);
hflx(find(hflx == mv)) = NaN * ones(size(find(hflx == mv)));
lat2 = lat2(yk); lon2 = lon2(xk);
nc = netcdf('', 'nowrite');
  lat = nc{'latitude'}(:);
  lon = nc{'longitude'}(:);
  [xk, yk] = keep_var(FRAME, lon, lat);
  for i = 1:4;
    temp(:,i,:,:) = nc{'temp'}(tim,(3*(i-1)+1),yk,xk);
  mv = nc{'temp'}.missing_value(:);
nc = close(nc);
temp(find(temp == mv)) = NaN * ones(size(find(temp == mv)));
lat = lat(yk); lon = lon(xk);
depth = depth(1:3:10);

hflx2 = hflx;

hflx = hflx2 + (5.67e-8 * (squeeze(temp(:,1,:,:)+273.15).^4));

hflx = reshape(hflx, ntim, size(hflx,2)*size(hflx,3));
taux = reshape(taux, ntim, size(taux,2)*size(taux,3));
tauy = reshape(tauy, ntim, size(tauy,2)*size(tauy,3));

[hflx, clim] = remove_mean(hflx);
[taux, clim] = remove_mean(taux); kpx = find(~isnan(clim));
[tauy, clim] = remove_mean(tauy); kpy = find(~isnan(clim));
%taux = taux(:,kpx); tauy = tauy(:,kpy);

[b, a] = butter(6, 2/4.5);
hflx = filtfilt(b, a, hflx);
taux = filtfilt(b, a, taux);
tauy = filtfilt(b, a, tauy);

hflxr = pcs.' * hflx ./ ntim;
tauxr = pcs.' * taux ./ ntim;
tauyr = pcs.' * tauy ./ ntim;

hflxr = reshape(hflxr, 10, size(hflx, 2), size(hflx, 3));
tauxr = reshape(tauxr, 10, size(taux, 2), size(taux, 3));
tauyr = reshape(tauyr, 10, size(tauy, 2), size(tauy, 3));

%  Plot these in the following format:
%             Phase0 Phase45 Phase90 Phase135
%  level1
%  level4
%  level7
%  level10
%  taux,tauy
%  hflx

cint1 = [0.1 0.1 0.05 0.025 1.2 1.5];
for i = 1:6;
  fig1 = floor(i/2 - 1/2);
  if i < 5;
    [ntim, nlev, nlat, nlon] = size(temp);
    tem1 = reshape(squeeze(regmap(1,(3*(i-1)+1),:,:)), 1, nlat*nlon);
    tem2 = std(reshape(squeeze(temp(:,i,:,:)), ntim, nlat*nlon));
    cint = cint1(i); clev = [-1:cint:1];
    xlab = [num2str(cint) ' K (std)^-^1'];
    XAX = lon; YAX = lat;
    tit = ['Depth: ' num2str(depth(i)/100) ' m; '];
  elseif i == 5;
    tem1 = tauxr(1,:);
    tem2 = tauyr(1,:);
    cint = cint1(i);
    XAX = lon1; YAX = lat1;
    nlat = length(YAX); nlon = length(XAX);
    tit = ['Wind Stress, '];
  elseif i == 6;
    [ntim, nlat, nlon] = size(hflx);
    tem1 = -1*hflxr(1,:);
    tem2 = std(hflx);
    cint = cint1(i); clev = [-18:cint:18];
    xlab = [num2str(cint) ' W m^-^2 (std)^-^1'];
    XAX = lon2; YAX = lat2;
    nlat = length(YAX); nlon = length(XAX);
    tit = ['ATM Heat Flux (Pos. Up), '];
  dofx = ntim/4.5;

  if i ~= 5; % Perform regular t-test on correllation coefficient

    lag = 0; lg = lag*pi/180; 
    num = 1; nfrm = 6;
    for ind = 1:nfrm;
      fig2 = floor(ind/2 - 0.5);

      wgt = conj(exp(j * ((ind-1) * pi/nfrm + lg) ));
      tem = squeeze(real(wgt .* tem1));
      ccoef = tem./tem2;
      tstat = ccoef ./ (sqrt((1-ccoef.^2)/dofx));
      score = tscore(dofx, 2.5);

      tem = reshape(tem, nlat, nlon);
      tstat = reshape(tstat, nlat, nlon);

      figure(3*fig1 + fig2+1); figure_orient;
        gshade2(abs(tstat), score); hold on;
        gcont(tem, clev); hold off; 
        title([tit 'Phase = ' num2str((ind-1)*180/nfrm + lag)]);
        xlabel(['Cont. Int.:  ' xlab]);

    lag = 0; lg = lag*pi/180; 
    num = 1; nfrm = 6;
    for ind = 1:nfrm;
      fig2 = floor(ind/2 - 0.5);

      wgt = conj(exp(j * ((ind-1) * pi/nfrm + lg) ));
      tem3 = reshape(squeeze(real(wgt .* tem1)), nlat, nlon);
      tem4 = reshape(squeeze(real(wgt .* tem2)), nlat, nlon);

      figure(3*fig1 + fig2+1); figure_orient;
%      figure(2*fig1 + fig2+1); figure_orient;
%      subplot(2,2,(rem(ind-1,2)+1+2*rem(i-1,2)));

      [h, a, c] = gquiv(tem3, tem4, 1.2); dc;
      title([tit 'Phase = ' num2str((ind-1)*180/nfrm + lag)]);
      xlabel(['Max = ' num2str(round(c(2)*100)/100) ' dynes cm^-^1'])

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Plots4

%  Plot time series

figure(1);  figure_orient;
for m = 1:4
     tind = ((ntim/4)*(m-1)+[1:(ntim/4)]);
     plot((100+tind), real(pcs(tind, num)), '-k', ...
	  (100+tind), imag(pcs(tind, num)), '--k');
     axis([100+min(tind-1) 100+max(tind+1) -3 3]);
     set(gca, 'YTick', [-3:3], 'XTick', [100:10:(ntim+100)]);
     title(['LP\_PAC 3D TEMP (-67.5 to 60):  CPC', num2str(num), ...
	    ':  Dashed = IMAG, Solid = REAL']);

tim = 1:450;
v1 = real(pcs(tim,1)); v2 = imag(pcs(tim,1));
lab = ['Re(CPC1)'; 'Im(CPC1)'];
tind = -10:10;
a = zeros(length(tind),1);
for lag = tind;
  a(lag+max(tind)+1) = corr(v1, v2, lag);

    bar(tind, a);
    title(['LP:  < ' lab(1,:) ', ' lab(2,:) ' >'])
%    xlabel([lab(1,:) ' leads ' lab(2,:) '  |  ' lab(2,:) ' leads ' lab(1,:)])
    xlabel([lab(1,:) ' leads  |  ' lab(2,:) ' leads '])
    axis([min(tind-1) max(tind+1) -1 1])
    set(gca, 'XTick', min(tind):2:max(tind), 'YTick', -1:.25:1)
    grid on

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Plots4

%  Plot the phase of the time series vs. amplitude

ph = atan2(imag(pcs(:,1)), real(pcs(:,1)));
amp = sqrt(imag(pcs(:,1)).^2 + real(pcs(:,1)).^2);
wgt = (4 / (2*pi));

figure(1);  figure_orient;
for m = 1:4
     tind = ((ntim/4)*(m-1)+[1:(ntim/4)]);
     plot((100+tind), amp(tind), '-k', ...
	  (100+tind), wgt.*(ph(tind)+pi), '.k');
     axis([100+min(tind-1) 100+max(tind+1) 0 4]);
     set(gca, 'YTick', [0:4], 'XTick', [100:10:(ntim+100)]);
     set(gca, 'YTickLabel', [-180:90:180]);
     title(['LP\_PAC 3D TEMP (-67.5 to 60):  CPC', num2str(num), ...
	    ':  Solid = AMPLITUDE, Dots = PHASE']);

plot(real(pcs(:,1)), imag(pcs(:,1)), '.');
axis square; axis([-4 4 -4 4]);
grid on
xlabel('REAL(CPC1)'); ylabel('IMAG(CPC1)');

binnum = 24;
binind = [(-1*(pi-(pi/binnum))):(2*pi/binnum):(pi-(pi/binnum))];
hgram = hist(ph, binind);
bar((180/pi)*binind, hgram);
axis([-180 180 0 35])
xlabel('PHASE (deg)');

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Plots4