Documentation of model_ekman_upwelling

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  First, find where the thermocline is

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Listing of script model_ekman_upwelling


tim = [101:550];
cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/data
nc = netcdf('', 'nowrite');
  lat = nc{'latitude'}(:);
  lon = nc{'longitude'}(:);
  depth = nc{'depth'}(:);
  ctlim = [-.01 360 -90 90];
  [xk, yk] = keep_var(ctlim, lon, lat);

  temp = nc{'temp'}(tim, :, yk, xk);
  mv = nc{'temp'}.missing_value(:);
nc = close(nc);

[ntim, nlev, nlat, nlon] = size(temp);
temp(find(temp == mv)) = NaN * ones(size(find(temp == mv)));
depth = depth / 100;
lat = lat(yk); lon = lon(xk);

%  Find maximum of mean vertical temperature gradient.
if 0;
temp = reshape(temp, ntim, nlev*nlat*nlon);
[temp, clim] = remove_mean(temp);
clim = reshape(clim, nlev, nlat*nlon);
dtdz = diff(clim) ./ (-1 * diff(depth) * ones(1, nlat*nlon));
dtdz = rave(dtdz, 3);%,3),3);
depth2 = depth(1:nlev-1) + diff(depth)/2;

tcdepth = NaN * ones(1, nlat*nlon);
for i = 1:nlat*nlon;
  if ~isnan(max(dtdz(:,i)));
    ind = find(dtdz(:,i) == max(dtdz(:,i)));
    if ind < 2; ind = 2; elseif ind > 8; ind = 8; end;
%    tcdepth(i) = depth2(ind);
    tcdepth(i) = ind;

%  Calculate heat content above mean thermocline

temp = reshape(temp, ntim, nlev, nlat*nlon);
middepth = [0; (depth(1:9)+depth(2:10)) / 2];
wgt = diff(middepth);

temp2 = NaN*ones(ntim, nlat*nlon);
for i = 1:ntim;
  for j = 1:nlat*nlon;
    if ~isnan(tcdepth(j));
      temp2(i,j) = squeeze(temp(i,(1:tcdepth(j)),j)) * wgt(1:tcdepth(j));

%  Do the same thing as above, but for the instantaneous thermocline depth

temp = reshape(temp, ntim, nlev, nlat*nlon);
clim = squeeze(mean(mean(temp)));
kp = find(~isnan(clim)); nkp = length(kp);
temp = temp(:,:,kp);

temp = reshape(shiftdim(temp, 1), nlev, nkp*ntim);
depthdiff = -1 * diff(depth);
depth2 = depth(1:nlev-1) + diff(depth)/2;
middepth = [0; (depth(1:9)+depth(2:10)) / 2];
wgt = diff(middepth);

tcdepth = NaN * ones(1, nkp*ntim);
dtdz = rave((diff(temp)./ (depthdiff*ones(1,nkp*ntim))), 3);
[tem, tcdepth] = max(dtdz, [], 1);
tcdepth(find(tcdepth < 2)) = 2*ones(size(find(tcdepth < 2)));
tcdepth(find(tcdepth > 8)) = 8*ones(size(find(tcdepth > 8)));

heat = NaN * ones(1, nkp*ntim);
for i = 1:nkp*ntim;
  heat(i) = wgt(1:tcdepth(i))' * temp((1:tcdepth(i)),i);

tc450 = tcdepth;
heat450 = heat;
cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/matlab_data
%save heat_tc_yr101-550.mat heat450 tc450 kp lat lon depth depth2 tim

% Load new data

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/matlab_data
load heat_tc_yr101-550.mat
ntim = length(tim); nlat = length(lat); nlon = length(lon);
heat = NaN * ones(ntim, nlat*nlon);
heat(:,kp) = shiftdim(reshape(heat450, length(kp), ntim), 1);
heat = reshape(heat, ntim, nlat, nlon);

ctlim = [110 300 -30 30];
[xk, yk] = keep_var(ctlim, lon, lat);
lat = lat(yk); lon = lon(xk);
heat = heat(:,yk,xk);

tcdepth = NaN * ones(ntim, nlat*nlon);
tcdepth(:,kp) = shiftdim(reshape(tc450, length(kp), ntim), 1);
tcdepth = reshape(tcdepth, ntim, nlat, nlon);
tcdepth = tcdepth(:, yk, xk);
for i = 1:ntim;
  for j = 1:length(yk);
    for k = 1:length(xk);
      if ~isnan(tcdepth(i,j,k));
        tcdepth(i,j,k) = depth2(tcdepth(i,j,k));

%  Try some stuff (like eofs) here

[ntim, nlat, nlon] = size(heat);

heat2 = NaN * ones(ntim, nlat/2, nlon/2);
lat2 = NaN * ones(1, nlat/2); lon2 = NaN * ones(1, nlon/2);
for i = 1:(nlat/2);
  yind = 2*(i-1) + [1:2];
  for j = 1:(nlon/2);
    xind = 2*(j-1) + [1:2];
    heat2(:,i,j) = squeeze(mean(mean(shiftdim(tcdepth(:,yind,xind),1))));
    lon2(j) = mean(lon(xind));
  lat2(i) = mean(lat(yind));
[ntim, nlat, nlon] = size(heat2);

heat2 = reshape(heat2, ntim, nlat*nlon);
clim = mean(heat2);
kp = find(~isnan(clim));
heat2 = detrend(heat2);
heat3 = heat2 ./ (ones(ntim, 1) * std(heat2));
heat3 = reshape(heat3, ntim, nlat, nlon);
  heat3 = cosweight(heat3, lat2);
heat3 = reshape(heat3, ntim, nlat*nlon);
heat3 = heat3(:, kp);

[lam, per, lds, pcs] = eof_dan(heat3);

lat = lat2; lon = lon2;
get_global; default_global; FRAME = ctlim;

num = 1
tem = NaN * ones(1, nlat*nlon);
tem(kp) = lds(:,num);
tem = reshape(tem, nlat, nlon);
cint = .1; clev = [-1:cint:1];
  gcont(tem, clev); dc;

tem = reshape(tcdepth, nlat, nlon);
figure(1); figure_orient; clf;
     gcont(tem, depth2)

     for i = 1:nlat
     for j = 1:nlon
     text(XAX(j), YAX(i), num2str(find(depth2 == tem(i,j))))

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Plots

figure(2); figure_orient;
for i = 2:8
  ind = find(tcdepth == depth2(i));
%  pat = mean2(shiftdim(clim(:,ind), 1))';
  pat = clim(:,ind);
    plot(pat, -1*depth, 'k'); hold on;
    plot([5 30], -1*[depth2(i) depth2(i)], '-r'); hold off;
    set(gca, 'YTick', [-550:100:-50], 'YTickLabel', [550:-100:50])
    axis([5 30 -550 0])
    grid on
  title(['TC Depth = ' num2str(depth2(i))])