Documentation of pac_atl_3dCEOF_look

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  Look at lagged regressions

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This script calls

Listing of script pac_atl_3dCEOF_look

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/matlab_data    
load 6yrLP_PAC_NATL_CEOF.mat
cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/data
clear temp depth
filin = [''];
tim = [101:550];
nc = netcdf(filin, 'nowrite');
  ind = 1:10;
  lind = ind; % 2*(ind-1) + 1;
  depth = nc{'depth'}(lind);
  lat = nc{'latitude'}(:);
  lon = nc{'longitude'}(:);
  ctlim = [110 300 -30 30];
  ctlim = [-0.1 17.5 47.5 80];
  ctlim = [300 360 47.5 80];
  temp = nc{'temp'}(tim,lind,:,:);
  mv = nc{'temp'}.missing_value(:);
nc = close(nc);
temp(find(temp == mv)) = NaN * ones(size(find(temp == mv)));
[ntim, nlev, nlat, nlon] = size(temp);
weight1 = std(real(pcs));
weight2 = std(imag(pcs));
pcs = real(pcs).*(ones(ntim, 1)*(1./weight1)) + ...
      j*imag(pcs).*(ones(ntim, 1)*(1./weight2));
temp = reshape(temp, ntim, nlev*nlat*nlon);
regmap = pcs.' * temp ./ ntim;
regmap = reshape(regmap, 10, nlev, nlat, nlon);
get_global; default_global;
num = 1; lind = 5; clev = [-.3:.05:.3];
     tem = squeeze(real(regmap(num,lind,:,:)));
     contourf(XAX, YAX, tem, clev); dc;
     tem = squeeze(imag(regmap(num,lind,:,:)));
     contourf(XAX, YAX, tem, clev); dc;


cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CSIRO/Data
load butter_4.5_ctstar.mat

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/csiro/data
filin = [''];
tim = [101:550];
nc = netcdf(filin, 'nowrite');

  ind = 1:10;
  lind = ind; % 2*(ind-1) + 1;
  depth = nc{'depth'}(lind);
  lat = nc{'latitude'}(:);
  lon = nc{'longitude'}(:);

  ctlim = [110 300 -30 30];
  ctlim = [-0.1 17.5 47.5 80];
  ctlim = [300 360 47.5 80];

  temp = nc{'temp'}(tim,lind,:,:);

  mv = nc{'temp'}.missing_value(:);

nc = close(nc);

temp(find(temp == mv)) = NaN * ones(size(find(temp == mv)));

[ntim, nlev, nlat, nlon] = size(temp);
temp = reshape(temp, ntim, nlev*nlat*nlon);
clim = mean(temp);
kp = find(~isnan(clim));
temp = temp(:,kp);

yr = 6;
temp = filtfilt(b, a, temp);
ct = filtfilt(b, a, ctstar(tim));
temp = detrend(temp);
yr = 50;
temp = temp - filtfilt(b, a, temp);
ct = ct - filtfilt(b, a, ctstar(tim));

get_global; default_global;

for i = 1:2;
fnum = 2*(i-7);
l = fnum - 2;
if l >= 0;
  temtime = ct(1:(ntim-l));
  tem1 = temtime' * temp((1+l):ntim,:,:) / (ntim-l);
  xlab = [' leads by ' num2str(abs(l)) ' years'];
  ptit = ['lead' num2str(l)];
  temtime = ct((1-l):ntim);
  tem1 = temtime' * temp(1:(ntim+l),:,:) / (ntim+l);
  xlab = [' lags by ' num2str(abs(l)) ' years'];
  ptit = ['lag' num2str(abs(l))];

tem = NaN * ones(1, nlev*nlat*nlon);
tem(kp) = tem1;
tem = reshape(tem, nlev, nlat, nlon);

lind = 5;
     gcont(squeeze(tem(lind,:,:)), [-1:.01:1]); dc;