Documentation of Ice

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Listing of script Ice

lims = [-0.1 360 -90 90];
tim = 101:1000;
ice = getflx('ico', lims, tim);
ice = squeeze(mean(ice));
[lat, lon, depth, lm] = getll('temp', lims);
figure(1); fo(1); clf;
spthes(1); FRAME = [0 360 40 90];
  mcont3(ice, 0.1, 'stereo', [90 270]);
  drawmap2(lm, 0.55, 1);
  gridm on;
  title('NH:  Sea Ice Concentration');
  xlabel('Contour Interval:  10%');
spthes(2); FRAME = [0 360 -90 -40];
  mcont3(ice, 0.1, 'stereo', [-90 270]);
  drawmap2(lm, 0.55, 1);
  gridm on;
  title('SH:  Sea Ice Concentration');
  xlabel('Contour Interval:  10%');
cd ~/Thesis/Clim