Documentation of tcline

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Listing of script tcline

lims = [100 300 -3 3];
tim = 101:1000;
[temp, u, v, w] = getnc('temp', 'u', 'v', lims, 1:10, tim);
w = getnc('wl', lims, 1:9, tim);
temp = squeeze(mean(temp));
u = squeeze(mean(u)); 
v = squeeze(mean(v));
w = squeeze(mean(w));
temp = squeeze(mean2(shiftdim(temp, 1)))';
w = squeeze(mean2(shiftdim(w, 1)))';
w = [zeros(1, size(w, 2)); w];
[lat, lon, depth] = getll('temp', lims);
[lat2, lon2, depth2] = getll('u', lims);
[lat3, lon3, depth3] = getll('wl', lims);
depth3 = [0; depth3];
figure(1); clf; fo(1);
xtl = ['120E'; '150E'; '180 '; '150W'; '120W'; '90W '];
  pos = get(gca, 'Position');
  pos(1) = pos(1) + 0.1; pos(3) = pos(3) - 0.2;
  set(gca, 'Position', pos);
  [h, c] = contour(lon, -depth, temp, [0:35], '-k');
  clabel(h, c, 'manual');
  axis([115 275 -550 0]);
  set(gca, 'XTick', 120:30:270, 'XTickLabel', xtl, ...
      'YTick', -500:125:0, 'YTickLabel', 500:-125:0);
  title('Equatorial Temperature');
  xlabel('Contour Interval:  1 K');
  pos = get(gca, 'Position');
  pos(1) = pos(1) + 0.1; pos(3) = pos(3) - 0.2;
  set(gca, 'Position', pos);
  pncont(lon2, -depth2, u, [-40:2:10], 1, 'k');
  axis([115 275 -550 0]);
  set(gca, 'XTick', 120:30:270, 'XTickLabel', xtl, ...
      'YTick', -500:125:0, 'YTickLabel', 500:-125:0);
  title('Equatorial Zonal Velocity');
  xlabel('Contour Interval:  2 cm s^-^1');
  pos = get(gca, 'Position');
  pos(1) = pos(1) + 0.1; pos(3) = pos(3) - 0.2;
  set(gca, 'Position', pos);
  pncont(lon3, -depth3, w, [-1:1:10], 1, 'k');
  axis([115 275 -550 0]);
  set(gca, 'XTick', 120:30:270, 'XTickLabel', xtl, ...
      'YTick', -500:125:0, 'YTickLabel', 500:-125:0);
  title('Equatorial Vertical Velocity');
  xlabel('Contour Interval:  1 \times 10^-^4 cm s^-^1');
h = get(gcf, 'Children');
  pos = get(h(1), 'Position');
  pos(2) = pos(2) + 0.05;
  set(h(1), 'Position', pos);
  pos = get(h(3), 'Position');
  pos(2) = pos(2) + 0.025;
  set(h(3), 'Position', pos);
for i = 1:3;
  set(h(i), 'box', 'on');
cd ~/Thesis/Clim

figure(2); fo(1);