Documentation of makebars

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Function Synopsis

[msg,x,y,xx,yy,linetype,plottype,barwidth,arg8] = makebars(varargin)

Help text

MAKEBARS Make data for bar charts.
   returns X and Y, the original data values, XX and YY, the data
   values formatted to be plotted by one of the BARxx m-files (BAR,
   BARH, BAR3, BAR3H).
   LINETYPE returns the color desired for the plot.
   PLOTTYPE determines whether the plot will be grouped (PLOTTYPE=0),
   stacked (PLOTTYPE=1), or detached (PLOTTYPE=2--only for 3-D plots).
   BARWIDTH has the bar width (normalized to one).

   does the same as above, except for the final parameter.
   ZZ is the z-axis data for 3-D plots; used in BAR3 and BAR3H.

   [...] = MAKEBARS(X,Y,WIDTH) or MAKEBARS(Y,WIDTH) returns the
   specified width given in WIDTH.  The default is 0.8.
   [...] = MAKEBARS(...,'grouped') returns the data in the form
   so that the information will be plotted in groups.
   [...] = MAKEBARS(...,'detached') {3-D only} returns the data
   such that the information will be plotted detached.
   [...] = MAKEBARS(...,'stacked') returns the data such that the
   information will be plotted in stacked form.
   [...] = MAKEBARS(...,'hist') creates centered bars that touch.
   [...] = MAKEBARS(...,'histc') creates bars that touch edges.
   EQUAL is true if spacing of the data is equal; false otherwise.
   EQUAL is always true except for 'hist' plottypes.

   See also HIST, PLOT, BAR, BARH, BAR3, BAR3H.

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

Listing of function makebars

function [msg,x,y,xx,yy,linetype,plottype,barwidth,arg8] = makebars(varargin)

%   Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
%   $Revision: 1.15 $  $Date: 1998/05/19 21:38:04 $

% Initialize everything
x = []; y=[]; xx=[]; yy=[]; linetype=[]; plottype=[]; barwidth=[];
arg8 = [];

msg = nargchk(1,5,nargin);
if ~isempty(msg), return, end

barwidth = .8; % Normalized width of bar.
groupwidth = .8; % Normalized width of groups.
linetype = []; % Assume linetype is not specified
ishist = 0; % Assume this isn't a histogram

nin = nargin;

if isequal(varargin{nin},'3'), 
  threeD = 1; 
  nin = nin-1; 
  plottype = 2; % Detached plot default
  threeD = 0; 
  plottype = 0; % Grouped plot default

if isstr(varargin{nin}), % Try to parse this string as a color
  [ls,co,mark,msg] = colstyle(varargin{nin});
  if isempty(msg), linetype = co; nin = nin - 1; end

if isstr(varargin{nin}), % Process 'grouped','stacked' or
                         % 'detached' string.
  kind = [lower(varargin{nin}) 'g'];
  if kind(1)=='g', % grouped
    plottype = 0;
  elseif kind(1)=='s', % stacked
    plottype = 1;
  elseif threeD & kind(1)=='d', % detached
    plottype = 2;
  elseif kind(1)=='h', % histogram
    if strcmpi(varargin{nin},'histc')
      ishist = -1; barwidth = 1;
      ishist = 1; barwidth = 1;
    msg = sprintf('Unrecognized option "%s".',varargin{nin});
  nin = nin-1;

% Parse input arguments.
if (nin>1) & (length(varargin{nin})==1) & (length(varargin{nin-1})>1),
  % If last argument is a scalar and next to last isn't then last
  % argument must be the barwidth.
  barwidth = varargin{nin};
  [msg,x,y] = xychk(varargin{1:nin-1});
  [msg,x,y] = xychk(varargin{1:nin});

% Make sure x is monotonic
[x,ndx] = sort(x);
if min(size(y))==1, y = y(ndx); else y = y(ndx,:); end

if ~isempty(msg), return, end

% Expand x to be the same size as y.
if min(size(y))>1, x = x(:,ones(size(y,2),1)); end

% Make sure vector arguments are columns
if min(size(y))==1, x = x(:); y = y(:); end

[n,m] = size(y);

% Remove y values to 0 where y is NaN;
k = find(isnan(y));
if ~isempty(k), y(k) = 0; end

if threeD,
  z = y; % Make variables consistent with 3-D bar graph
  y = x;

  if m==1 | plottype~=0, 
    groupwidth = 1;
    groupwidth = min(groupwidth,m/(m+1.5));

  nn = 6*n; mm = 4*m;
  zz = zeros(nn,mm);
  yy = zz;
  xx = zeros(nn,4);

  % Define xx
  xx(:,3:4) = 1;
  if plottype==0,
    xx = (xx-0.5)*barwidth*groupwidth/m;
    xx = (xx-0.5)*barwidth*groupwidth;

  % Define heights
  zz(2:6:nn,2:4:mm) = z;
  zz(2:6:nn,3:4:mm) = z;
  zz(3:6:nn,2:4:mm) = z;
  zz(3:6:nn,3:4:mm) = z;
  if plottype==1 & m>1, % Stacked
    z = cumsum(z.').';
    zz = zz + [zeros(nn,4) z(ones(6,1)*(1:n),ones(4,1)*(1:m-1))];
  if length(y)==1 | max(diff(y))==0,
    equal = []; % Special case
    equal = max(abs(diff(diff(y)))) <= max(max(abs(y)))*sqrt(eps);
  % Determine beginning of bars (t) and bar spacing (delta)
  if isempty(equal), % Scalar case and special case
    delta = ones(size(y));
    t = y - 0.5*delta;
    x = 1;
  elseif equal
    if plottype~=0, % Stacked or detached
      delta = ones(n,1) * (max(y) - min(y)) * groupwidth / (n-1);
      t = y - 0.5*delta;
    else % grouped
      delta = ones(n,1) * (max(y) - min(y)) * groupwidth / (n-1) / m ;
      t = y - 0.5*delta*m + (ones(n,1)*(0:m-1)).*delta;
    if plottype==2, x = 1:m; else x = ones(1,m); end
  else % Spacing is unequal.
    if ishist==1 % Width of bin is average of difference between points.
      dy = diff(y); dy = (dy([1 1:end],:)+dy([1:end end],:))/2;
      t = [(y(1:end-1,:)+y(2:end,:))/2;y(end,:)+(y(end,:)-y(end-1,:))/2]-dy/2;
    elseif ishist==-1 % Width of bin is difference between edges
      dy = [diff(y,1);zeros(1,size(y,2))];
      t = y + dy*groupwidth/2;
    else % Width of bin is minimum of difference between points.
      dy = ones(n,1)*min(diff(y));
      t = y;
    if plottype~=0, % Stacked or detached
       delta = dy * groupwidth;
       t = t - delta/2;
       x = ones(1,m);
    else % Grouped
       delta = dy * groupwidth / m ;
       t = t - delta/2*m + (ones(n,1)*(0:m-1)).*delta;
       x = 1:m;
    if plottype==2, x = 1:m; else x = ones(1,m); end
  t = t(:,ones(4,1)*(1:m));
  delta = delta(:,ones(4,1)*(1:m));
  yy(1:6:nn,:) = t + (1-barwidth)/2.*delta;
  yy(2:6:nn,:) = t + (1-barwidth)/2.*delta;
  yy(3:6:nn,:) = t + (1+barwidth)/2.*delta;
  yy(4:6:nn,:) = t + (1+barwidth)/2.*delta;
  yy(5:6:nn,:) = t + (1-barwidth)/2.*delta;
  % Insert NaN's so distinct bars are drawn
  ii1 = [(1:6:nn) (4:6:nn) (5:6:nn) (6:6:nn)];
  ii2 = 6:6:nn;
  xx(ii1,[1 4]) = nan;
  xx(ii2,[2 3]) = nan;
  yy(ii1,[(1:4:mm) (4:4:mm)]) = nan;
  yy(ii2,[(2:4:mm) (3:4:mm)]) = nan;
  zz(ii1,[(1:4:mm) (4:4:mm)]) = nan;
  zz(ii2,[(2:4:mm) (3:4:mm)]) = nan;
  arg8 = zz;

  nn = 5*n;
  yy = zeros(nn+1,m);
  xx = yy;
  if plottype & (m>1)
       yc = cumsum(y')';
       ys = [zeros(n,1),yc(:,1:end-1)];     

       yy(2:5:nn,:) = ys;
       yy(3:5:nn,:) = yc;
       yy(4:5:nn,:) = yc;
       yy(5:5:nn,:) = ys;
       yy(3:5:nn,:) = y;
       yy(4:5:nn,:) = y;

  if m==1 | plottype, 
    groupwidth = 1;
    groupwidth = min(groupwidth,m/(m+1.5));

  equal = max(abs(diff(diff(x)))) <= max(max(abs(x)))*sqrt(eps);
  if length(x)==1 | max(diff(x))==0, equal=[]; end % Special case 

  % Determine beginning of bars (t) and bar spacing (delta)
  if isempty(equal), % Scalar case and special case
    delta = 1;
    t = x - 0.5*delta;
  elseif equal
    if plottype,
      delta = ones(n,1) * (max(x) - min(x)) * groupwidth / (n-1);
      t = x - 0.5*delta;
      delta = ones(n,1) * (max(x) - min(x)) * groupwidth / (n-1) / m ;
      t = x - 0.5*delta*m + (ones(n,1)*(0:m-1)).*delta;
  else % Spacing is unequal.
    if ishist==1, % Width of bin is average of difference between points.
      dx = diff(x); dx = (dx([1 1:end],:)+dx([1:end end],:))/2;
      t = [(x(1:end-1,:)+x(2:end,:))/2;x(end,:)+(x(end,:)-x(end-1,:))/2]-dx/2;
    elseif ishist==-1, % Width of bin is difference between edges
      dx = [diff(x,1);zeros(1,size(x,2))];
      t = x + dx*groupwidth/2;
    else % Width of bin is minimum of difference between points.
      dx = ones(n,1)*min(diff(x));
      t = x;
    if plottype,
      delta = dx * groupwidth;
      t = t - delta/2;
      delta = dx * groupwidth / m ;
      t = t - delta/2*m + (ones(n,1)*(0:m-1)).*delta;

  xx(1:5:nn,:) = t;
  xx(2:5:nn,:) = t + (1-barwidth)/2.*delta;
  xx(3:5:nn,:) = t + (1-barwidth)/2.*delta;
  xx(4:5:nn,:) = t + (1+barwidth)/2.*delta;
  xx(5:5:nn,:) = t + (1+barwidth)/2.*delta;
  xx(nn+1,:) = xx(nn,:);

  z = [];
  if ishist~=1, equal = 1; end
  arg8 = equal;