Documentation of framem2

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Function Synopsis

hndl = framem(varargin)

Help text

FRAMEM  Toggle and control the display of the map frame

  FRAMEM toggles the display of the map frame.  The map frame
  is drawn at the longitude and latitude limits specified
  by the frame properties in the map axes.

  FRAMEM ON turns the map frame on.  FRAMEM OFF turns it off.

  FRAMEM RESET will redraw the frame with the currently
  specified properties.  This differs from the ON and OFF
  which simply sets the visible property of the current frame.

  FRAMEM('LineSpec') uses any valid LineSpec string to define
  the frame edge.

  FRAMEM('MapAxesPropertyName',PropertyValue,...) uses the
  specified Map Axes properties to draw the frame.

  h = FRAMEM(...) returns the handle of the frame drawn.

  See also AXESM, SETM

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

Listing of function framem2

function hndl = framem(varargin)

%  Copyright 1996-2000 Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. and The MathWorks, Inc.
%  Written by:  E. Byrns, E. Brown
%   $Revision: 1.9 $    $Date: 2000/01/18 02:03:17 $

%  Initialize output if necessary

if nargout ~= 0;   hndl = [];   end

%  Test for map axes

[mstruct,msg] = gcm;
if ~isempty(msg);  error(msg);  end
h = handlem('Frame');

if nargin == 0
	if ~isempty(h)
	    if strcmp(get(h,'Visible'),'off')
			  mstruct.frame = 'on';  set(gca,'UserData',mstruct)
			  mstruct.frame = 'off';  set(gca,'UserData',mstruct)

elseif nargin == 1 & strcmp(lower(varargin{1}),'on')
    if ~isempty(h)                      %  Show existing frame.
 	      showm('Frame');                %  Else, draw new one
		  mstruct.frame = 'on';

elseif nargin == 1 & strcmp(lower(varargin{1}),'off')
    mstruct.frame = 'off';

elseif nargin == 1 & ~strcmp(lower(varargin{1}),'reset')
    [lstyle,lcolor,lmark,msg] = colstyle(varargin{1});
    if ~isempty(msg);   error(msg);   end

%  Build up a new property string vector for input to AXESM

    varargin(1) = [];
 	if ~isempty(lcolor)
	     varargin{length(varargin)+1} = 'FEdgeColor';
		 varargin{length(varargin)+1} = lcolor;

%  If a valid line style is found, then display the new grid, via AXESM

    if ~isempty(varargin)
	    [h,msg] = axesm(mstruct,'Frame','reset',varargin{:});
  	    if ~isempty(msg);  error(msg);   end
	    return        %  AXESM  recursively calls FRAMEM to display the frame

elseif rem(nargin,2) == 0
     [h,msg] = axesm(mstruct,'Frame','reset',varargin{:});
	 if ~isempty(msg);  error(msg);   end
	 return        %  AXESM  recursively calls FRAMEM to display the grid

elseif (nargin == 1 & ~strcmp(lower(varargin{1}),'reset') ) | ...
       (nargin > 1 & rem(nargin,2) ~= 0)
    error('Incorrect number of arguments')

%  Default operation is to draw the frame.  Action string = 'reset'

if ~isempty(h);    delete(h);   end       %  Clear existing frame

%  Retrieve frame data associated with the current map display

edgecolor  = mstruct.fedgecolor;   %  Frame style parameters
facecolor  = mstruct.ffacecolor;
linewidth  = mstruct.flinewidth;
fillpts    = mstruct.ffill;
origin     = mstruct.origin;

maplat    = mstruct.maplatlimit;
framelat  = mstruct.flatlimit;
framelon  = mstruct.flonlimit;
units     = mstruct.angleunits;

epsilon   = 1000*epsm('degrees');

if all(~isinf(framelat))           %  Then frame is not an azimuthal disk

        framelat = sort(angledim(framelat,units,'degrees'));   %  Convert input
        framelon = sort(angledim(framelon,units,'degrees'));   %  data to degrees

        framelat = framelat + [epsilon -epsilon];    %  Avoid clipping at edge of
        framelon = framelon + [epsilon -epsilon];    %  of map

		lats = linspace(min(framelat),max(framelat),fillpts)';       %  Fill vectors with
        lons = linspace(min(framelon),max(framelon),fillpts)';   %  frame limits

        latfrm = [lats;           framelat(2)*ones(size(lats));  %  Construct
	    	      flipud(lats);   framelat(1)*ones(size(lats))]; %  complete frame
        lonfrm = [framelon(1)*ones(size(lons));    lons;         %  vectors
		          framelon(2)*ones(size(lons));    flipud(lons);];

elseif  any(isinf(framelat))          %  Frame is an azimuthal disk

		if strcmp(mstruct.mapprojection,'vperspec') % vertical perspective requires special treatment
			P = mstruct.mapparallels/mstruct.geoid(1) + 1;
			% reset the frame
			trimlat = [-inf  min( [ acos(1/P)-5*epsm('radians')  max(framelat)  1.5533] ) ]; % 1.5533 rad = 89 degrees
			mstruct.flatlimit = rad2deg(trimlat);
			framelat  = mstruct.flatlimit;
        framelat = angledim(max(framelat),units,'degrees');   %  Convert disk radius

        framelat = 1.025*abs(diff(maplat)) + epsilon;      %  Avoid clipping at map edge

        az = [0 360];      %  Compute azimuthal points on frame

        [latfrm,lonfrm] = scircle1('gc',0,0,framelat,az,[],...
		                           'degrees',fillpts);   %  Compute frame vector

%  Reset the origin so that the frame is displayed relative to the
%  base projection (not a potentially skewed rotation)

mstruct.origin = [0 0 0];

%  Transform frame data to the map units

latfrm = angledim(latfrm,'degrees',units);
lonfrm = angledim(lonfrm,'degrees',units);

%  Display the frame as a patch below the minimum z altitude
%  This ensures that the patch is below everything which may
%  already be displayed on the map

framealt = min(get(gca,'zlim')) - 1;

h0 = patchm(latfrm,lonfrm,framealt,...

% Restack the frame to the bottom to avoid blocking access to
% other object's buttondownfcns

%  Reset the origin for subsequent plotting onto this map

mstruct.origin = origin;

%  Set the display flag to on

mstruct.frame = 'on';  set(gca,'UserData',mstruct)

%  Set the output argument if necessary

if nargout == 1;  hndl = h0;  end