Documentation of mapfill

Global Index (short | long) | Local contents | Local Index (short | long)

Function Synopsis

hh = dcm2 ( lev , colr ) ;

Help text

  hh = dcm2 ( lev , colr ) ;

  This function shades the continents within the existing
  map frame.  Set lev below (above) the minimum (maximum) 
  height of the existing contour map for shaded continents 
  below (above) the existing contour map.  Setting lev larger
  than the highest existing contour will mask out the land.

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

Listing of function mapfill

function hh = dcm2 ( lev , colr ) ;

%  Get global variables used to control graphics
%  global x_coasts y_coasts
  load coast;

%  fill in the bottom of Antartica
  tem = find(isnan(long)); 
  tem = tem(1);

%  OK, this is a major hack, but it works when you shrink the
%  data to every fifth point (on line 59)

  nskip = 5;

  long2 = [NaN; ...
           long(1)*ones(5,1); long(1:(tem-1)); 180*ones(15,1); ...
           [180:-1:long(1)]'; ...
  lat2 = [NaN; ...
          [-89.9:(6.07/5):(lat(1)-6.07/5)]'; ...
          lat(1:(tem-1)); lat(tem-1)*ones(5,1); ...
          [(lat(1)-6.07/5):-(6.07/5):-89.9]'; -89.9*ones(366,1); ...

  if nargin < 2; colr = 0.3; end;

  x_coasts = [long2']; y_coasts = [lat2'];

  if nargin < 2; colr = 0.3; end;
  if nargin < 1; lev = 1; end;
  if isstr(lev);
    child = get(gca, 'Children');
    plotlev = [0 0];
    for i = 1:length(child);
      zd = get(child(i), 'ZData');
      plotlev(1) = max([plotlev(1); zd(:)]);
      plotlev(2) = min([plotlev(2); zd(:)]);
    if strcmp(lev(1), 'o');
      lev = plotlev(1)+1;
    elseif strcmp(lev(1), 'u');
      lev = plotlev(2)-1;
      error('lev must be over, under, or a number');

  nans = find(isnan(x_coasts));
  xc2 = [];
  yc2 = [];
  for i = 2:length(nans);
    ind = (nans(i-1)+1):nskip:(nans(i)-1);
    if length(ind) > 2;
      xc2 = [xc2 NaN x_coasts(ind)];
      yc2 = [yc2 NaN y_coasts(ind)];

%  Require the plot held - though with patchm, it shouldn't matter
  holdstate = ishold;
  hold on;

%  Get existing lon and lat limits
  xl=getm(gca,'maplonlimit'); yl=getm(gca,'maplatlimit');
  x0=xl(1); x1=xl(2); y0=yl(1); y1=yl(2);

%  Redefine x and y, the outlines of the continents
  x = []; y = [];
  nt1 = floor((x0+180)/360); nt2 = floor((x1+180-1.e-9)/360);
  for it = nt1:nt2;
    xtmp=xc2+it*360; ytmp=yc2;
    [tem1, tem2] = maptrimp2(ytmp, xtmp, yl, xl);
    x = [ x; nan; tem2 ]; y = [ y; nan; tem1 ];
    nans = find(isnan(x));
    ind = nans(find(diff(nans)==1)+1);
    lx = 1:length(x);
    x = x(~ismember(lx, ind)); y = y(~ismember(lx, ind));

%  Set level 

y = [y; NaN]; x = [x; NaN]; 
%  Make patches
  h=patchm(y,x,lev,0.15*[1 1 1]);

%  Set edges to white -- I can't quite figure out how to get rid of the 
%  nasty lines on the screen if you sent the edgecolor to black.
%  Any suggestions?
  set(h, 'EdgeColor', colr*[1 1 1], 'FaceColor', colr*[1 1 1]);

%  Get rid of hold, if needed
  if ~ishold;
    hold off;

%  Set output argument
  if nargout==1; hh=h; end