Documentation of laplacian

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Function Synopsis

lap = laplacian(y, x, order, wrap);

Help text

  lap = laplacian(y, x, order, wrap);

  y is a vector containing the y-coordinate (column) values.
  If the Laplacian for a uniform grid is desired, just input
  y and x as ones (or appropriately scaled) vectors.

  x follows the same convention as y, except refers to the 
  x-coordinate (row) values.

  order is not yet supported.  I'll try and figure a way
  so that order refers to the order of accuracy for the 
  second derivatives in the Laplacian.

Listing of function laplacian

function lap = laplacian(y, x, order, wrap);

if nargin == 2;
  order = 2;
  wrap = ['f'];
if nargin == 3;
  if issrt(order); wrap = order; order = 2;
  else; wrap = ['f'];

if rem(order, 2) ~= 0;
  error('order must be an even number');

[m,n] = size(y);
if (m ~= 1 | n ~= 1);
  error('y must be a vector');
[m,n] = size(x); 
if (m ~= 1 | n ~= 1);
  error('x must be a vector');
[m, n] = [length(y), length(x)];

%  Determine coefficients for 'order'th order finite difference
%  equation for the second derivative.

n = order;     %  For simplicity of writing

lin_eq = zeros(n+1);
for i = 1:(n+1);
  for j = 1:(n+1);
    lin_eq(i,j) = (i-(n/2)).^(i-1) /