Documentation of theor_coup_amp

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Listing of script theor_coup_amp


c = 289;
T = 750*24*3600;
dd = 100e5;
Lx = 180*dd/2;
Ly = 102*dd;
rearth = RADUS*100;

x = [0:dd/10:(2*Lx)]-Lx;
y = [0:dd/10:Ly]'-Ly/2;

xlim1a = [0 Lx];
xlim1b = [-50 50]*(pi/180)*rearth;
ylim = [-6*pi*rearth/180 6*pi*rearth/180];

%  Non-dimensionalize

beta = 2*OMEGA/rearth;
Ldim = sqrt(c/beta);
Tdim = 1./sqrt(c*beta);

lam = Tdim/T;
x2 = x./Ldim;
y2 = y./Ldim;
xlim2a = xlim1a./Ldim;
xlim2b = xlim1b./Ldim;
ylim2 = ylim./Ldim;

%  Define windstress

wsx = zeros(1, length(x2));
wsy = zeros(length(y2), 1);
xkp = find(x >= xlim1b(1) & x <= xlim1b(2));
wsx(xkp) = cos(pi*x(xkp)/(100*(pi/180)*rearth));
wsy = exp(-1*beta*(y.^2)/4000.);

taux = wsy*wsx;

%subplot(3,1,1);  plot(x, wsx);
%subplot(3,1,2);  plot(y, wsy);
%subplot(3,2,5);  contour(x(1:20:1801), y(1:20:1021), taux(1:20:1021, 1:20:1801));

%  Start with locally forced Kelvin wave

expfun = exp(-0.5*y2.^2);

n = 0;
c0 = c;
pcfun = expfun.*hermite(y2, n);
pcfun = pcfun./sqrt(pcfun'*pcfun);

yk = find(y2 >= ylim2(1) & y2 <= ylim2(2));
kscale = sum(pcfun(yk))./sum(pcfun);

xk2 = find(x > xlim1a(1) & x < xlim1a(2));
xk1 = 2:(xk2(1)-1);

D1 = T*c0/Lx * exp(x(xk1)/(c0*T))*(1-exp(-1*Lx/(c0*T)));
D2 = T*c0./(Lx-x(xk2)) .* (1-exp((x(xk2)-Lx)/(c0*T)));

projk = pcfun'*taux;

q0l = kscale*(sum(D1.*projk(xk1))+sum(D2.*projk(xk2)));

%  Reflected Rossby waves

n = 1;
c0 = c;
c2 = c./(2*n+1);

pcfun = expfun.*hermite(y2, n+1);
pcfun = pcfun./sqrt(pcfun'*pcfun);
r2scale = sum(pcfun(yk))./sum(pcfun);

Re1 = sqrt(n/(n+1));

D3 = c2*T/Lx * exp((x-Lx)/(c0*T))*(1-exp(-1*Lx/(c2*T)));

q2e = r2scale*Re1*sum(D3([xk1 xk2]).*projk([xk1 xk2]))

n = 3;
c0 = c;
c4 = c./(2*n+1);

pcfun = expfun.*hermite(y2, n+1);
pcfun = pcfun./sqrt(pcfun'*pcfun);
r4scale = sum(pcfun(yk))./sum(pcfun);

Re3 = Re1*sqrt(n/(n+1));

D3 = c4*T/Lx * exp((x-Lx)/(c0*T))*(1-exp(-1*Lx/(c4*T)));

q4e = r4scale*Re3*sum(D3([xk1 xk2]).*projk([xk1 xk2]))

n = 5;
c0 = c;
c6 = c./(2*n+1);

pcfun = expfun.*hermite(y2, n+1);
pcfun = pcfun./sqrt(pcfun'*pcfun);
r6scale = sum(pcfun(yk))./sum(pcfun);

Re5 = Re3*sqrt(n/(n+1));

D3 = c6*T/Lx * exp((x-Lx)/(c0*T))*(1-exp(-1*Lx/(c6*T)));

q6e = r6scale*Re3*sum(D3([xk1 xk2]).*projk([xk1 xk2]))

%  Turns out that q4l and q6l add an insignificant amount to the solution.

%  Now, look at reflections from western boundaries.

n = 1;

pcfun = expfun.*hermite(y, n+1);
pcfun = pcfun./sqrt(pcfun'*pcfun);

pcfun_p1 = hermite(y, n+1);
pcfun_p1 = 2^(-(n+1)/2)*pcfun_p1.*expfun;
pcfun_p1 = pcfun_p1./sqrt(pcfun_p1'*pcfun_p1);
pcfun_m1 = hermite(y, n-1);
pcfun_m1 = 2^(-(n-1)/2)*pcfun_m1.*expfun;
pcfun_m1 = pcfun_m1./sqrt(pcfun_m1'*pcfun_m1);

projr0 = (1/(2*n+1))*(n*pcfun_p1-sqrt(n*(n+1))*pcfun_m1)'*taux;

D4 = (c0*T/Lx)*exp(-1*((Lx+x)/(c2*T) + Lx/(c0*T)))*...

rw2 = 1/sqrt(2);

q2r = rw2*sum(D4([xk1 xk2]).*projr0([xk1 xk2]));

n = 3;

pcfun = expfun.*hermite(y, n+1);
pcfun = pcfun./sqrt(pcfun'*pcfun);

pcfun_p1 = hermite(y, n+1);
pcfun_p1 = 2^(-(n+1)/2)*pcfun_p1.*expfun;
pcfun_p1 = pcfun_p1./sqrt(pcfun_p1'*pcfun_p1);
pcfun_m1 = hermite(y, n-1);
pcfun_m1 = 2^(-(n-1)/2)*pcfun_m1.*expfun;
pcfun_m1 = pcfun_m1./sqrt(pcfun_m1'*pcfun_m1);

projr2 = (1/(2*n+1))*(n*pcfun_p1-sqrt(n*(n+1))*pcfun_m1)'*taux;

D4 = (c0*T/Lx)*exp(-1*((Lx+x)/(c4*T) + Lx/(c0*T)))*...

rw4 = (sqrt(fact(2*(n-1)))/(2^(n-1)*fact(n-1)))/sqrt((n+1)*n);

q4r = rw4*sum(D4([xk1 xk2]).*projr2([xk1 xk2]));

n = 5;

pcfun = expfun.*hermite(y, n+1);
pcfun = pcfun./sqrt(pcfun'*pcfun);

pcfun_p1 = hermite(y, n+1);
pcfun_p1 = 2^(-(n+1)/2)*pcfun_p1.*expfun;
pcfun_p1 = pcfun_p1./sqrt(pcfun_p1'*pcfun_p1);
pcfun_m1 = hermite(y, n-1);
pcfun_m1 = 2^(-(n-1)/2)*pcfun_m1.*expfun;
pcfun_m1 = pcfun_m1./sqrt(pcfun_m1'*pcfun_m1);

projr4 = (1/(2*n+1))*(n*pcfun_p1-sqrt(n*(n+1))*pcfun_m1)'*taux;

D4 = (c0*T/Lx)*exp(-1*((Lx+x)/(c6*T) + Lx/(c0*T)))*...

rw6 = (sqrt(fact(2*(n-1)))/(2^(n-1)*fact(n-1)))/sqrt((n+1)*n);

q6r = rw6*sum(D4([xk1 xk2]).*projr2([xk1 xk2]));

%  Locally forced Rossby waves


pcfun = expfun.*hermite(y, n+1);
pcfun = pcfun./sqrt(pcfun'*pcfun);

D5 = (c2*T./x).*(1-exp(-1*x/(c2*T)));
q2l = sum(D5([xk2]).*projr0([xk2]))*r2scale;


pcfun = expfun.*hermite(y, n+1);
pcfun = pcfun./sqrt(pcfun'*pcfun);

D5 = (c4*T./x).*(1-exp(-1*x/(c4*T)));
q4l = sum(D5([xk2]).*projr2([xk2]))*r4scale;


pcfun = expfun.*hermite(y, n+1);
pcfun = pcfun./sqrt(pcfun'*pcfun);

D5 = (c6*T./x).*(1-exp(-1*x/(c6*T)));
q6l = sum(D5([xk2]).*projr4([xk2]))*r6scale;

[c T Lx]
[[sum([q0l q2l q4l q6l q2e q4e q6e q2r q4r q6r]) ...
 sum([q0l q2l q4l q6l q2e q4e q6e]) ...
 sum([q2r q4r q6r])]/1000 ...
 sum([q2r q4r q6r])/sum([q0l q2l q4l q6l q2e q4e q6e])]

         300    25920000   900000000
    7.1024    7.5128   -0.4104   -0.0183

             289    64800000   900000000 --> 40m/s ATM speed
    7.1002    7.7188   -0.6186   -0.08something
    6.7392    7.4590   -0.7199   -0.0965 --> 20m/s ATM speed