Documentation of getzp

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Function Synopsis

[z,p,zsd,psd] = getzp(zepo,ku,ky)

Help text

GETZP  Extracts the zeros and the poles from the ZEPO-format created by TH2ZP.%        [Z,P] = GETZP(ZEPO,KU,KY)

   Z : The zeros
   P : The poles
   ZEPO: The matrix of zeros and poles, resulting from th2zp
   KU : The input number (default 1). Noise source #ju is represented as
        input number -ju.

   KY : The output number (default 1).

   If several entries in ZEPO correspond to the same input-output
   relation, then Z and P will contain one column for each model.
   Z and P will be stripped from spurious 'inf':s and zeros as far
   as possible.

   [Z,P,Zsd,Psd] = GETZP(ZEPO,KU,KY) gives access to the standard
   deviations of the zeros and poles, respectively.

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

Listing of function getzp

function [z,p,zsd,psd] = getzp(zepo,ku,ky)

%   L. Ljung 20-8-90,26-9-93
%   Copyright (c) 1986-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
%   $Revision: 2.3 $  $Date: 1997/12/02 03:43:36 $

if nargin < 1
   disp('Usage: [ZEROS, POLES] = GETZP(ZEPO)')
   disp('       [ZEROS, POLES, SDzeros, SDpoles] = GETZP(ZEPO,INPUT,OUTPUT)')

if nargin<3, ky=[];end
if nargin<2, ku=[];end
if isempty(ky), ky=1;end
if isempty(ku), ku=1;end
if ku==0,ku=-1;end
if ku<0, ku=500+abs(ku);end
if rzepo==1,Z=[];P=[];Zsd=[];Psd=[];return,end
zind = find(abs(zepo(1,:))==(ky-1)*1000+ku);
zindsd = find(abs(zepo(1,:))==(ky-1)*1000+ku+60);
if isempty(zindsd),nozsd=1;else nozsd=0;end
pind = find(abs(zepo(1,:))==(ky-1)*1000+ku+20);
pindsd = find(abs(zepo(1,:))==(ky-1)*1000+ku+80);
if isempty(pindsd),nopsd=1;else nopsd=0;end
if isempty(zind),disp('No zeros corresponding to this input/output pair found'),else
zer = zepo(:,zind);  zersd = zepo(:,zindsd);

[zr,zc]=size(zer); disc=zer(1,1)>0;
zer=zer(2:zr,:);if ~nozsd,zersd=zersd(2:zr,:);end
z=[]; zsd=[];
for kc=1:zc
z1 = zer(find(zer(:,kc)~=inf),kc);
if ~nozsd,z1sd = zersd(find(zersd(:,kc)~=inf),kc);end
if disc, if ~isempty(z1),z1 = zer(find(zer(:,kc)~=inf),kc);
if ~nozsd,z1sd = z1sd(find(z1sd~=0));end,end, end %corr 930424
z = [[z;ones(mr-zzr,zzc)+inf],[z1;ones(mr-l1,1)+inf]];
if ~nozsd,zsd = [[zsd;ones(mr-zzr,zzc)+inf],[z1sd;ones(mr-l1,1)+inf]];end
if isempty(pind),disp('No poles corresponding to this input/output pair found'),else
pol = zepo(:,pind); polsd= zepo(:,pindsd);
[zr,zc]=size(pol); disc=pol(1,1)>0;
pol=pol(2:zr,:);if ~nopsd,polsd=polsd(2:zr,:);end
for kc=1:zc
z1 = pol(find(pol(:,kc)~=inf),kc);
if ~nopsd,z1sd=polsd(find(polsd(:,kc)~=inf),kc);end
if disc, if ~isempty(z1),z1 = z1(find(z1~=0)); end,end
p = [[p;ones(mr-zzr,zzc)+inf],[z1;ones(mr-l1,1)+inf]];
if ~nopsd,psd = [[psd;ones(mr-zzr,zzc)+inf],[z1sd;ones(mr-l1,1)+inf]];end