Documentation of iduigco

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Function Synopsis

object = iduigco(figure)

Help text

IDUIGCO    Handle of current object.
   OBJECT = GCO returns the current object in
   the current figure.

   OBJECT = GCO(FIGURE) returns the current object
   in figure FIGURE.

   The current object for a given figure is the last
   object clicked on with the mouse.

Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by

Listing of function iduigco

function object = iduigco(figure)

%   Copyright (c) 1986-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 3.4 $

if isempty (get (0, 'Children')),
   object = [];

if(nargin == 0)
   figure = get(0,'CurrentFigure');

object = get( figure, 'CurrentObject');