Documentation of keep_latlon

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Function Synopsis

[lat, lon] = keep_latlon(lim, y, x);

Help text

   [lat, lon] = keep_latlon(lim, x, y);

   where lim = [minx maxx miny maxy] to be kept.

   If x and y are not input, then they are assumed
   to be global variables under the names XAX and YAX.

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

Listing of function keep_latlon

function [lat, lon] = keep_latlon(lim, y, x);

if nargin == 1;
  global XAX YAX
  x = XAX;
  y = YAX;

if (lim(2) <= lim(1) | lim(4) <= lim(3))
  error(['lim must be input as [minx maxx miny maxy];  '...
         'try keep_var2'])

lon = x(find(x >= lim(1) & x <= lim(2)));
lat = y(find(y >= lim(3) & y <= lim(4)));