Documentation of draw_landmap2

Global Index (short | long) | Local contents | Local Index (short | long)

Function Synopsis

hh = drawmapm(colr)

Help text


  This function draws a map on the current map axis. 
  It gets the current frame and plots a map within
  the limits of the current map axis.

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls

Listing of function draw_landmap2

function hh = drawmapm(colr)

next_ax = get(gca, 'NextPlot');
set(gca, 'NextPlot', 'add');

if ~ismap(gca);
  error('The current axes is not a map');

if (nargin<1); colr = 0*[1 1 1]; end;

global FRAME
frme = FRAME;
s = worldhi(frme(3:4), frme(1:2)); 
y_coasts = NaN;
x_coasts = NaN;

%  For coastlines only
for i = 1:length(s);
  y_coasts = [y_coasts; getfield(s(i), 'lat')];
  x_coasts = [x_coasts; getfield(s(i), 'long')];
y_coasts = [y_coasts; NaN];
x_coasts = [x_coasts; NaN];

%  For USA states only
%load usahi;  [tem1, tem2] = extractm(stateline);
%y_coasts = [y_coasts; tem1; NaN];
%x_coasts = [x_coasts; tem2; NaN];

ylim = getm(gca, 'maplatlimit');
xlim = getm(gca, 'maplonlimit');

if ~isempty(find(xlim > 180));
  xlim(find(xlim > 180)) = xlim(find(xlim > 180)) - 360;
  keep = find(((x_coasts >= xlim(1)) | (x_coasts <= xlim(2))) & ...
            ((y_coasts >= ylim(1)) & (y_coasts <= ylim(2))));
  keep = find(((x_coasts >= xlim(1)) & (x_coasts <= xlim(2))) & ...
            ((y_coasts >= ylim(1)) & (y_coasts <= ylim(2))));

xcnew = NaN*ones(size(x_coasts));
ycnew = NaN*ones(size(y_coasts));

xcnew(keep) = x_coasts(keep);
ycnew(keep) = y_coasts(keep);
zcnew = ycnew;
zcnew(~isnan(zcnew)) = 1;

[b] = plot3m(ycnew,xcnew,zcnew,'-k');
set(b,'linewidth',0.5, 'color', colr);

set(gca, 'NextPlot', next_ax);

if nargout
    hh = b;