The National Aeronautics and Space Administration produces
satellite-derived estimates of photosynthesis over land and sea.
Photosynthetically-active regions are shaded green to red for the
oceans and green to blue for land. The color scales are linked here as a
GIF image | JPEG
image. These images are called SeaWiFS for "sea-viewing wide field-of-view
sensor." NASA provides a teacher's
resource WWW page this data. Images can be obtained for other seasons and variables from the SeaWiFS home
page. These maps are "SeaWiFS CHL_BIOS."
December-January-February (DJF) 1997-98 average
PostScript | JPEG for Asia | Global PNG
March-April-May (MAM) 1998 average
PostScript | JPEG for Asia | Global PNG
June-July-August (JJA) 1998 average
PostScript | JPEG for Asia | Global PNG
Topography maps
Contours for 1.5 and 4 km elevations
PostScript | JPEG
Shading for land, elevations > 1.5 km, and elevations > 4 km.
PostScript | JPEG