JISAO data

Asia Hydrology

Photosynthesis | Precipitation and surface winds


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration produces satellite-derived estimates of photosynthesis over land and sea. Photosynthetically-active regions are shaded green to red for the oceans and green to blue for land. The color scales are linked here as a GIF image | JPEG image. These images are called SeaWiFS for "sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor." NASA provides a teacher's resource WWW page this data. Images can be obtained for other seasons and variables from the SeaWiFS home page. These maps are "SeaWiFS CHL_BIOS."

September-October-November (SON) 1997 average

PostScript | JPEG for Asia | Global PNG
The global and Asia images are somewhat different. The data has been recalibrated from time to time as new data has come in, and the global maps are the more recent analyses.
Look at how the photosynthesis changes from one year to the next.

December-January-February (DJF) 1997-98 average

PostScript | JPEG for Asia | Global PNG

March-April-May (MAM) 1998 average

PostScript | JPEG for Asia | Global PNG

June-July-August (JJA) 1998 average

PostScript | JPEG for Asia | Global PNG

Topography maps
The PostScript file for these maps and for the photosynthesis plots produce plots of the same size.

Contours for 1.5 and 4 km elevations
PostScript | JPEG
Shading for land, elevations > 1.5 km, and elevations > 4 km.
PostScript | JPEG

Precipitation and surface winds

PostScript | JPEG
PostScript | JPEG
PostScript | JPEG
PostScript | JPEG
PostScript | JPEG
PostScript | JPEG
PostScript | JPEG
PostScript | JPEG
PostScript | JPEG

February 2001
Todd Mitchell (mitchell@atmos.washington.edu)
JISAO data