The following are selected analyses that may or may not
have made it into the report. Oftentimes the figure number is not the
same as in the report.
Figure xx (MSU D, C, and D minus C). Produced on Thursday 9 December.

MSU D is in red, C in orange, and D minus C is in gray.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Possible cover ?

In each row the left panel is UKMO surface
temperature trends and the right panel is MSU 2lt temperature trend.
This is Figure 6.2 shown in a satellite projection. The top row is
centered at 30N,110W and should be used on the front cover. The bottom
row is centered at 30S,70E.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Figure "minmax"

The minimum and maximum temperatures are drawn
as black and light gray lines, respectively. The difference, maximum
minus minimum, is drawn below as a slightly darker gray line.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Figure 2.1.

The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Rich Muller: ASCII file for the seasonal time
series and a PostScript file for the figure.
Figure 2.2.

December-January-February mean MSU 2LT for the indicated years.
Shading interval 1C, and the equator is drawn as a gray line.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
A PostScript file for the color table is
linked here.
Rich Muller: netCDF file with the means
for the 3 winters
Figure "radiosonde locations." Map of radiosonde locations.
"GOS" ---- there are 905 stations in this file.

There is a radiosonde at the South Pole.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
A simplified file comprising station numbers,
latitudes, and longitudes is linked here.
Figure 2.3

Same as Figure 2.4, but for global-averages. The ordinate tick interval is 0.25C.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked here.
Rich Muller:
ASCII file with data: MSU,
radiosonde, and surface temperatures are the order of the columns.
The PostScript file of the plotted data is here.
Ignore the Figure 3.1 annotation.
Figure 2.4

Tropical seasonal-mean MSU 2LT (red), radiosonde (green), and Jones
surface temperature (black) in deg. C. The first season is March-April-May
1979 and the last season is December1998-January1999-February1999.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked here.
Rich Muller:
ASCII file with data: MSU,
radiosonde, and surface temperatures are the order of the columns.
The PostScript file of the plotted data is here.
Figure 2.5

Global seasonal-mean surface temperature (Jones) in deg. C. The first season is March-April-May
1979 and the last season is December1998-January1999-February1999.
The y-intercept and trend (deg.C/yr) are 0.0029 and 0.0189, respectively.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Figure 6.1

The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Fig. 6.2

1979-98 surface (top) and MSU 2lt (bottom) trends, respectively. The
surface trends have been smoothed once along latitude circles with a
3-point running mean. This smoother also has the effect of
interpolating isolated and adjacent pairs of grid boxes for which no
trend was calculated. The filled grid boxes occur over parts of South
America, Africa, and at high latitudes. The remaining grid boxes for
which no trends were calculated are shaded gray (high latitudes of
each hemisphere).
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
A larger version of the figure is available: PostScript | JPEG
Figure 7.2

Reynolds SST (black), MSU C + orbital decay (aqua), and
MSU D (red). The values of both MSU series have been divided by 1.6,
consistent with Wentz and Schabel (1999).
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Figure 7.3a

NCDC (purple), UKMO (black), GISS (aqua). The NCDC and GISS best-fit
straight line are essentially the same.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Figure 7.3b

NCDC (purple), UKMO (black), GISS (aqua). The NCDC and GISS best-fit
straight line are essentially the same.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Figure 7.4

Location of surface temperature observations. The map is a
composite of all of the Global Historical Climatology Network mean
stations (large dots) and the ship-based observations from a single
week used
the production of the Reynolds and Smith (1994) sea surface
temperature dataset
(small dots).
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Figure 9.1

Global-averages of MSU 2LT at all-gridpoints (red) and only at
radiosonde grid boxes ("subsampled") (light red). "Subsampled" minus
all-gridpoints is plotted below.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Figure 9.2.

Global-averages of MSU 2LT at radiosonde grid boxes (light red) and
radiosonde measurements themselves (green). MSU minus radiosonde
plotted at the bottom.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked
Figure 9.2.5

Radiosonde (green) and subsampled MSU (light red). The difference MSU
minus radiosonde is plotted below.
The PostScript file for this figure is linked