John M. Wallace
The 1999 Symons' Lecture to the Royal Meteorological Society
Published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2000, 126, 791-805.
The text and figures are available as: a PostScript file (~2.5 Mbytes) or as a PDF file (~0.6 Mbytes)
PostScript files of large versions of the figures are available: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3.
Figure 1. Replication of Walker's NAO
Correlation of DJF seasonal mean and Walker's NAO index. Top panel
from Walker and Bliss, and bottom panel from 1950-94 UKMO data.
A subset of these signatures:
The PostScript file linked here has the Walker and
Bliss figure on it.
Figure 2. SLP signatures of various NH extratropical modes.
PostScript file is linked here.
PostScript file is linked here.
Figure 3. Leading EOFs of global, monthly SLP anomalies
PostScript file is linked here.