JISAO Wallace

"North Atlantic Oscillation / Annular Mode: Two paradigms - One Phenomenon"

John M. Wallace

The 1999 Symons' Lecture to the Royal Meteorological Society

Published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2000, 126, 791-805.

The text and figures are available as: a PostScript file (~2.5 Mbytes) or as a PDF file (~0.6 Mbytes)

PostScript files of large versions of the figures are available: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3.

Figure 1. Replication of Walker's NAO

Correlation of DJF seasonal mean and Walker's NAO index. Top panel from Walker and Bliss, and bottom panel from 1950-94 UKMO data.

The PostScript file linked here has the Walker and Bliss figure on it.

Figure 2. SLP signatures of various NH extratropical modes.

PostScript file is linked here.

A subset of these signatures:

PostScript file is linked here.

Figure 3. Leading EOFs of global, monthly SLP anomalies

PostScript file is linked here.

October 1999
Todd Mitchell (mitchell@atmos.washington.edu)
JISAO data