JISAO data

Wallace and Hobbs second edition figures and tables

I don't have a clue about figure and table numbers, so I am going to number the figures at T1, T2, ...
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24

T1: Annual precipitaion
T2: Seasonal surface temperature range
T3: Winter and summer precipitation and surface wind
T4: Annual mean sea-level pressure and surface wind
T5: Annual mean sea surface temperature
T6: Winter and summer sea surface temperature
T7: Annular mode and PNA temperature, precipitation, ... patterns
T8: ENSO sea surface temperatures
T9: ENSO sea-level pressures
T10: ENSO time series: CTI and Darwin
T11: Warm and cold ENSO sea surface temperatures, winds, precipitation
T12: Kansas daily-mean maximum temperatures
T13: Winter and summer sea-level pressure and winds
T14: Hurricane locations
T15: Great Salt Lake level and precipitation
T16: Annual mean surface heat flux
T17: January latent and sensible heat flux
T18: Annular mode and Pacific/North American pattern time series
T19: Mercator basemap centered on the Indian Ocean
T20: Cylindrical basemap centered on the Pacific Ocean
T21: 1982-83 and 1997-98 ENSO precipitation and tropospherice temperature anomalies
T22: Tables: Climatological temperature and precipitation for selected stations., and Darwin sea-level pressure and cold tongue index
T23: Monthly precipitation climatology maps
T24: More basemaps

Figure T1
Global domain.  See caption.
Annual totals of precipitation. There may be a scaling to play down the tropical values. Some weighting funchtion that is a function of latitude.

Figure T2
Global domain.  See caption.
July minus Januarysurface temperatures. Data Legates and Willmott.

Figure T3
Global domain.  See caption.
New versions: monotonic white for wet ("a.ps")PostScript | PDF
monotonic blue for wet ("b.ps") PostScript | PDF
December-January-February and June-July-August precipitation and 10-m wind.

Figure T4
Global domain.  See caption.
PS | big GIF | PDF
Annual mean sea-level pressure and surface wind.

Figure T5: Figure 2.11
Global domain.  See caption.
PS | big GIF | PDF
Annual mean sea-surface temperature (HadISST SST 1950-79) plotted as zonal departures (shading) and contours (2-degree C interval, 0, 10, 20C thickened).
A labelled version: big GIF | PDF

OLD: Kept for reference only.
Global domain.  See caption.
big GIF | PDF

Figure T6:Supplementary figures for Chapter 10
Global domain.  See caption.
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DJF and JJA sea-surface temperature (HadISST SST 1950-79).

Figure T7: Fig. 10.15 (NAM) and Fig. 10.16 (PNA)
November through April typical climate anomalies for 1979-97

Northern Annular Mode (NAM)

Sea-level pressure (SLP) correlations
SLP correlations (contours)
Small: PS | PDF
Small: PS | PDF
Small: PS | PDF
Small: PS | PDF
Small: PS | PDF
Pacific North American (PNA) pattern

One-month lag temperature
Sea-level pressure (SLP) correlations
SLP correlations (contours)
Small: PS | PDF
Small: PS | PDF
Small: PS | PDF
Small: PS | PDF
Small: PS | PDF
Small: PS | PDF
500mb geopotential height (z500) correlations
z500 (contours)
Small: PS | PDF
Small: PS | PDF

Figure T8: Fig. 10.19
Global domain.  See caption.
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Typical El Niño / Southern Oscillation sea surface temperature anomalies (C). All calendar months, 1950-2000.

Figure T9: Fig. 10.20
Global domain.  See caption.
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Typical El Niño / Southern Oscillation sea-level pressure anomalies (mb). All calendar months, 1950-2000.

Figure T10: Fig. 10.21
Global domain.  See caption.
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Updated through 2004:
Global domain.  See caption.
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Cold tongue index (C) and Darwin sea-level pressure (mb) for 1950-2001 or updated through 2004. Unsmoothed monthly values.

Figure T11: Fig. 10.22
The numbering gets tricky for this figure. There are two figures consisting of a total of 4 panels. Mike will decide later if he wants panels pared by variable (as they are now) or by time. Originally, the figures were SST-wind and SLP-wind, but now, to my understanding, they are SST-wind and precipitation-wind.
Global domain.  See caption.
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Sea-surface temperature and surface winds in warm (1997-98) and cold (1998-99) ENSOs. November through April averages. SST (HadISST) and winds (ERS-2). All fields are 1-degree latitude-longitude resolution.

Global domain.  See caption.
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Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) precipitation and ERS-2 winds for warm and cold ENSO years (as above). The GPCP values are the averages of the 1-degree latitude-longitude daily values over the prescribed months.

Figure T12: Fig. 10.26
Global domain.  See caption.
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Kansas-mean daily summertime maximum temperatures for 1930-69. Values for 1934, 1935, and 1936 are plotted as red, green, and blue, respectively. Data from the global daily climatology network (GDCN) from NOAA NCDC. The Kansas-mean is based on 14 stations in 1934-36 and 10-14 stations in the other years.

Figure T13
Global domain.  See caption.
big GIF | PDF | PNG | PS
DJF and JJA means of NCEP - NCAR reanalysis SLP (5mb contours) and surface vector winds.
There are two additional PostScript files:
  • PS file of contours at 2.5mb intervals for adding additional contours in the tropics.
  • PS file of labeled contours at 5mb intervals

    Figure T14
    Tropical domain, dots for climatological hurricane positions.
    big GIF | PDF | PNG | PS
    Figure T15
    Time series of Great Salt Lake lake level and local rainfall
    big GIF | PDF | PNG | PS
    Seasonal mean rainfall time series for a station near the Great Salt Lake (cm/month) (bars, left ordinate), and monthly Great Salt Lake lake depth (m) (line, right ordinate) for 1950-2003.
    Figure T16
    Time series of Great Salt Lake lake level and local rainfall
    PS | EPS | big GIF | PDF | PNG
    Annual mean surface heat flux (W m-2, positive values for upwards flux) (sensible + latent + shortwave + longwave) derived from the ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis for 1958-2001.
    Figure T17
    Time series of Great Salt Lake lake level and local rainfall
    PS | EPS | big GIF | PDF | PNG
    January climatological latent plus sensible heat flux (shading, W m-2, positive values for upwards flux), 925mb vector winds (vectors, max length 15ms-1), and sea surface temperature (2C contours, 18C thick). Fluxes and winds from the ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis and sea surface temperature from the UK Meteorological Office HadISST for 1958-2001.
    Figure T18
    Time series of Great Salt Lake lake level and local rainfall
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    Northern Annular Mode (NAM), Pacific North American pattern (PNA), and Southern Annular Mode (SAM) monthly time series for 1950-2004 (SAM 1979-2004). Series standardized for 1979-2004, and only November through March values plotted for NAM and PNA. The PNA pattern in this decomposition is dominated by the north Pacific center of action (click here to see it).
    Figure T19
    Time series of Great Salt Lake lake level and local rainfall
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    Mercator basemap centered on the Indian Ocean. Latitudes at 60N, 30N, Eq., 30S, and 60S; and longitudes at 90W, 60W, 30W, GM, 30E, ..., 120W.
    Figure T20
    Time series of Great Salt Lake lake level and local rainfall
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    Cylindrical basemap centered on the Pacific Ocean. Latitudes at 60N, 30N, Eq., 30S, and 60S; and longitudes at 30E, 60E, ..., GM.
    Figure T21
    Time series of Great Salt Lake lake level and local rainfall
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    Anomalies with respect to 1979-2002.
    1) Temperature climatology (degrees Celsius) for 474 stations in several formats.
    Source: World Monthly Surface Station Climatology obtained from the National Center for Atmospheric Research
    format 1 elevation in m, blank if missing
    format 2
    format 3 metadata | digital values Each row is the latitude (-90 to 90), longitude (-180 to 180), elevation (m, NaN if missing), monthly climatology and annual mean (C) for a station.

    2) Precipitation climatology (0.1 mm) for 460 stations in several formats.
    Source: World Monthly Surface Station Climatology obtained from the National Center for Atmospheric Research
    format 1 elevation in m, blank if missing
    format 2
    format 3 metadata | digital values Each row is the latitude (-90 to 90), longitude (-180 to 180), elevations (m, NaN if missing), monthly climatology and annual total (0.1 mm) for a station.

    3) Darwin sea-level pressure and cold tongue sea surface temperature index values.
    Format 1 (year-month tables): Darwin sea-level pressure | Cold Tongue Index
    Format 2 (4-column table): year, calendar month, Darwin (hPa), CTI (C)
    Annualized values: Twelve month averages taken from April of year to March of the following year, and ascribed to the year of the April.
    PDF of plot
    Format 1 (decade-year tables): Darwin sea-level pressure | Cold Tongue Index
    Format 2 (4-column table): year, calendar month, Darwin (hPa), CTI (C)

    T23: Monthly precipitation climatologies

    Figures T24: More basemaps
    North America basemap
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    North America basemap
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    North America basemap
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    North America basemap
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    March 2006
    Todd Mitchell ( mitchell@atmos.washington.edu )
    JISAO data publications