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Freud User Manual

APPENDIX A Freud/Tcl Syntax

Basic Commands
Display functions
frprint [ printer [ queue ] | file filename]
Page layout
frclear [instances] [sources][viewports]
Advanced commands
Source functions
frsource shandle file
frdelete shandle
Variable functions
frvar vhandle shandle name_expr
Generic instance functions
frinstance ihandle itype [ defaults ]
frdelete ihandle
frload ihandle vhandle
Page layout
frviewport handle [ getactive ] [ size { ll.x ll.y ur.x ur.y } ] [ fwidth width ]
frinfo instances
frinfo loaded instanceName
frinfo sources
frinfo vars sourceName
frinfo var sourceName varName
frhandle instance name
frhandle source sname [vname]
frlabel [label] [index 0..4] [type page|plot] [fontsize fontsize] [justification left|center|right] [location top|bottom][[ title on|off] [ pagetitle on|off]lbar on|off] [crange on|off] [refvec on|off] [date on|off]

Basic Commands


fropen datasetFile

Open dataset in file datasetFile. Returns number to be used when creating instantiations.


fropen testh.cdf


frmap [defaultsFile]

Create a map instantiation using the specified defaults file.

frxy [defaultsFile]

Create a xy background instantiation using the specified defaults file.

frcontour datasetNumber sliceExpression [defaultsFile]

Create a contour instantiation using the specified dataset number (returned from the fropen command) and using the variable specified by the sliceExpression. Optionally load defaultsFile.


frcontour 1 "Z(frtime=3,level=2)"
frvector datasetNumber1 sliceExpression1 datasetNumber2 sliceExpression2 [[defaultsFile]

Create a vector instantiation using the specified dataset numbers (returned from the fropen command) and using the variables specified by the sliceExpressions.


frvector 1 "u(time=2)" 1 "v(time=2)"

Display functions


Display the plot.

frprint [ printer [ queue ] | file filename]

Print or send the plot output to a file. If no arguments are given to frprint, the plot will be sent to the queue specified by the PRINTER environment variable.

frprint printer lp3
Print on printer lp3

frprint file test.ps
Send the plot output to file test.ps

Page layout

frpage [ orient orientation ] [ active num ]

Set the page orientation to orientation (either portrait or landscape), and/or set the active viewport to num.


frclear [instances] [sources][viewports]

Delete all instances and/or sources and/or viewports.

Advanced commands

Source functions

frsource shandle file

Set shandle to a source created by loading file (if file hasn't been loaded).

frsource s test.cdf

frdelete shandle

Delete source shandle.

Variable functions

frvar vhandle shandle name_expr

Create variable handle vhandle by evaluating variable name_expr in source handle shandle.

Syntax for name_expr:

name_expr : name

| name `=' name slice_expr

slice_expr :

| `(` dim_exprs `)'

dim_exprs : dim_expr

| dim_exprs `,' dim_expr

dim_expr : name `=' number

| name `=' number `:' number

frvar z_0 s "Z_new = Z(frtime=0, level=3)"
frvar z_0 s "Z_new = Z"
frvar z_0 s "Z_new = Z(frtime=0:2, level=3)"							

Generic instance functions

frinstance ihandle itype [ defaults ]

Create a new instance of an overlay of type itype and return a handle to it in ihandle. itype can be map, contour, xy, or vector. If defaults is specified, load the defaults file into the instance.

frinstance .mycountour contour

frdelete ihandle

Delete instance represented by ihandle.

frload ihandle vhandle

Load variable vhandle into instance ihandle.

Page layout

frviewport handle [ getactive ] [ size { ll.x ll.y ur.x ur.y } ] [ fwidth width ]

Create a new viewport or adjust the size of an existing viewport and return a handle to it in handle. Set the size of the viewport to the size specified in the list following the size keyword; this size is in inches, and specifies the lower left and upper right coordinates of the viewport. Set the plot frame width to the fraction (between 0 and 1) specified by the value following fwidth.

If getactive is specified, the currently active viewport is used. If this viewport contains a plot, an error will result if the size or fwidth keywords are used.

If getactive is not specified, a new viewport is created and becomes the active viewport.

The viewport can be deleting by means of the frdelete command.

frviewport v getactive size {4 4 6 6} 
Set the coordinates of the active viewport to be (4,4)"->(6,6)"

frviewport v size {0.25 0.25 8.25 4.25} fwidth 0.9
Create a new viewport with handle v that has a plot frame width of 0.9 and is bounded by the coordinates (0.25, 0.25)"->(8.25,4.25)"


frinfo instances

frinfo loaded instanceName

frinfo sources

frinfo vars sourceName

frinfo var sourceName varName

Return information about instances, sources, or variables
(see "Information commands" on page 71)

frhandle instance name

frhandle source sname [vname]

Return or create a handle for a named instance, source, or variable.

frhandle instance Contour-1
frhandle source test.cdf Z


frlabel [label] [index 0..4] [type page|plot] [fontsize fontsize] [justification left|center|right] [location top|bottom][[ title on|off] [ pagetitle on|off]lbar on|off] [crange on|off] [refvec on|off] [date on|off]

Control over plot labeling. index determines which of the five possible plot or page labels is affected. type determines whether the affected label is a page label or a plot label. The fontsize, justification, and location control the appearance and position of the label. title and pagetitle are global flags to turn on or off all plot or page labels, respectively. The remaining flags that switch on or off labelbars, contour range display, reference vector display, or date labeling.

Freud User Manual - 02 FEB 96
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