
Annular Modes in the Extratropical Circulation
Part II: Trends

David W.J. Thompson, John M. Wallace and Gabriele C. Hegerl

Submitted to Journal of Climate January 1999
Accepted June 1999


We exploit the remarkable similarity between recent climate trends and the structure of the "annular modes" in the month-to-month variability (as described in the companion paper Thompson and Wallace (1999)) to partition the trends into components linearly congruent with and linearly independent of the annular-modes.

The index of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) annular mode, referred to as the Arctic Oscillation (AO), has exhibited a trend towards the high index polarity over the past few decades. The largest and most significant trends are observed during the "active season" for stratospheric planetary-wave-mean flow interaction, January-March (JFM), when fluctuations in the AO amplify with height into the lower stratosphere. From 1968-97, virtually all of the JFM geopotential height falls over the polar cap region and the strengthening of the subpolar westerlies from the surface to the lower stratosphere, ~50% of the JFM warming over the Eurasian continent, ~30% of the JFM warming over the NH as a whole, ~40% of the JFM stratospheric cooling over the polar cap region, and ~40% of the March total column ozone losses poleward of 4 N are linearly congruent with month-to-month variations in the AO- index. Summertime sea-level pressure falls over the Arctic basin are suggestive of a year-round drift toward the positive polarity of the AO, but the evidence is less conclusive. Owing to the photochemical memory inherent in the ozone distribution, roughly half the ozone depletion during the NH summer months is linearly dependent on AO-related ozone losses incurred during the previous active season.

Lower tropospheric geopotential height falls over the Antarctic polar cap region are indicative of a drift towards the high index polarity of the Southern Hemisphere (SH) annular mode with no apparent seasonality. In contrast, the trend toward a cooling and strengthening of the SH stratospheric polar vortex peaks sharply during the stratosphere's relatively short active season centered in November. The most pronounced SH ozone losses have occurred in September/October, one or two months prior to this active season. In both hemispheres, positive feedbacks involving ozone destruction, cooling, and a weakening of the wave-driven meridional circulation may be contributing to a delayed breakdown of the polar vortex and enhanced ozone losses during spring.

Postscript file containing the manuscript and figures

PDF file containing the manuscript and figures

Corresponding author: Dave Thompson (davet@atmos.washington.edu)