Documentation of ct_uzon_nmc

Global Index (short | long) | Local contents | Local Index (short | long)

Help text

  Note:  In producing plots on 20 OCT, 1998, I accidently
  subtracted temu(l,:,:) instead of clim(l,:,:).  This resulted
  in an error for the pattern printed.  However, the maximum
  amplitude of the error is only 0.1 m/s, and is centered in
  the stratosphere.  So, I don't think the error should matter.

Cross-Reference Information

This script calls

Listing of script ct_uzon_nmc

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/ccm/ccm3.6/data
load ct_gr.mat

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CCM/NMC_dat
load u_zonal_time.mat 
%load u_zonal_np_time.mat
%load u_zonal_eq_time.mat

cd /home/disk/tao/data/nmc.reanalysis/monthly

filin = '';
nc = netcdf(filin, 'nowrite');
  lat = nc{'lat'}(:);
  lon = nc{'lon'}(:);
  levs = nc{'level'}(:);
  add_offset = nc{'uwnd'}.add_offset(:);
  scale_factor = nc{'uwnd'}.scale_factor(:);
nc = close(nc);

u = u * scale_factor + add_offset;

[ntim, nlev, nlat] = size(u);

kp = sort([1:12:408 2:12:408 12:12:408]);
temu = u(kp,:,:);
[ntimw, nlev, nlat] = size(temu);

i = 0;
clear clim
for m = 1:3;
  i = i+1;
  clim(i,:,:) = mean(temu(m:3:ntimw,:,:));
x = zeros(ntimw,nlev,nlat);
for m = 1:ntimw;
  temu(m,:,:) = temu(m,:,:) - temu(l,:,:);

temct = ctstar(kp);
temct = (temct-mean(temct))/std(temct);
pat = reshape((temct' * reshape(temu, ntimw, nlev*nlat)/ntimw),nlev,nlat);
%[temu, clim] = annave(u);
%temct = -1*gr(kp);
%temct = (temct-mean(temct))/std(temct);
%pat = reshape((temct' * reshape(temu, ntimw, nlev*nlat)/ntimw),nlev,nlat);

     pncont(lat, -1*levs, squeeze(mean(clim([1 2 3],:,:))), [-50:5:50]);
     set(gca, 'XTick', [-80:20:80], 'YTickLabel', [1000:-100:0]);
     axis([-90 90 -1000 0])
     title('NMC DJF Zonal Wind (120E to 120W) climatology')
     xlabel('Contour Interval 5 m/s')
     pncont(lat, -1*levs, pat, [-10:.25:10])
     set(gca, 'XTick', [-80:20:80], 'YTickLabel', [1000:-100:0]);
     axis([-90 90 -1000 0])
     title('NMC DJF Zonal Wind (120E to 120W) regressed on DJF CT*')
     xlabel('Contour Interval 0.25 m/s')

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CCM/CT/CT_Plots

%  Compare with CCM

cd /home/disk/hayes2/dvimont/ccm/ccm3.6/run/sun/ct/data

range = [60 120 -90 90];

filin = '';
nc = netcdf(filin, 'nowrite');
  latct  = nc{'lat'}(:);
  lonct  = nc{'lon'}(:);

  [xk, yk] = keep_var(range, lonct, latct);

  uc   = nc{'U'}(1:3,:,yk,xk);
  psc  = nc{'PS'}(1:3,yk,xk);
  hybm = nc{'hybm'}(:);
  hyam = nc{'hyam'}(:);
  levsct = nc{'lev'}(:);
  P0   = nc{'P0'}(:);
nc = close(nc);

filin = '';
nc = netcdf(filin, 'nowrite');
  uw   = nc{'U'}(1:3,:,yk,xk);
  psw  = nc{'PS'}(1:3,yk,xk);
nc = close(nc);

uwm = atlev(squeeze(mean(uw)), flipud(levs), squeeze(mean(psw)), hyam, hybm, P0);
ucm = atlev(squeeze(mean(uc)), flipud(levs), squeeze(mean(psc)), hyam, hybm, P0);

uave = squeeze(mean2(shiftdim(ucm,2)+shiftdim(uwm,2)));
udif = squeeze(mean2(shiftdim(uwm,2)-shiftdim(ucm,2)));

     pncont(latct, -1*flipud(levs), uave/2, [-80:5:80]);
     set(gca, 'XTick', [-80:20:80], 'YTickLabel', [1000:-100:0]);
     axis([-90 90 -1000 0])
     title('CT run, DJF Zonal Wind climatology')
     xlabel('Contour Interval 5 m/s')
     pncont(latct, -1*flipud(levs), udif/(2*1.4), [-1:.05:1])
     set(gca, 'XTick', [-80:20:80], 'YTickLabel', [1000:-100:0]);
     axis([-90 90 -1000 0])
     title('CT run, DJF Zonal Wind difference (WARM - COLD) / (2*1.4)')
     xlabel('Contour Interval 0.5 m/s')

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/CCM/CT/CT_Plots

%  Try the same for different regions.